Snowed In

Snow bored already
It was supposed to have cleared overnight but this morning it was over a foot deep in places.
Roger and Dorothy played in the snow until Dorothy’s nipples went blue 
Mary like the sensible matriarch she has retired to bed for the duration .
Albert  just pissed on the bathroom floor. 
Just checked on provisions …fully stocked with dog and cat food, half a loaf of bread, three eggs, one haggis and two cans of gin 
I’m fine


  1. Yorkshire Liz9:40 am

    Great photos, John. Snowed in here (West Yorkshire) as well. Was shovelling snow at 5am after 26 hours continual snow, just to get out front and back doors. Snow was above the dog's tummies; we struggled up to the main the time we got there my ankles were killing me; then we got wet through by a lorry passing along the main road and covering us with slush. So we decided discretion was the better part of valour and retreated home. So have just been out and shovelled snow front and back again, and wondering if people without dogs or cats have the same worries about small people reluctant to go outside and do stuff? Stay warm, all of you. And ready to resurface!

    1. Dogs love peeing on yellow snow
      Old cats refuse to even venture out…he’s now using an old towel on the bathroom floor

  2. You had a LOT more than us. We had about 2" overnight but across the field where I've just walked it was deeper and tiring to walk through. Worth it for the photos though.

  3. Stay safe and cosy. It's snowing again here but not settling. The shed roof has been blown off and the doors are wide open so we're battling March winds more than snow.

    1. Poor Albert is limping a great deal today , the cold is affec5ing his deformed leg

  4. Anonymous10:11 am

    Yep - snowed in here in Hillsborough too. No public transport even. Even your former garden looks picturesque (something it's never looked since the day you left).

  5. Mary D.10:16 am

    Hi John,lovely pictures of your location!
    It snowed here in our part of Scotland,last night with a bit of sleet mixed in.Looks lovely outside this morning with the sun shining!
    But not so good to walk on so we will be staying in. Hope the sunshine melts it all by the afternoon.

  6. So lovely when you don't have to go out!

  7. Beautiful photos John.

    Well you can have toast for breakfast, scrambled eggs on toast for lunch and haggis butties for dinner ... once it's washed down with the gin for supper you won't really care what you have left for tomorrow.

  8. Snow overnight here, but almost all gone now. You have your provisions and so all is well. Hope Dorothy's nipples have thawed. Makes my eyes water thinking about that! xx

    1. She looked rather down after the snow had hit home and I noticed she lay prone on my new duvet afterwards with a smile on her face

  9. Hunker down, stay warm, it will melt off soon.

  10. It's not advisable to go out here - Dogs in 2 days have churned up the grass - As the snow is now thawing - pools of water have appeared - The rubber matting is swimming - Indoors my hovel - cheeky ones ripping sheets,cardboard,toy box and lively tug of war needs to be iinvigilated - and way too much mud x ❄ 🌨

  11. CANS of gin? What the hell are you drinking over there?! :)

    I laughed at the image of Dorothy's blue nipples.

  12. Anonymous1:52 pm

    Gee. Last week we got the same amount here in Quebec , only thing our's doesn't melt the next day , it is here till at least April. Get out there and build yourself a snowman John

  13. The lane covered in snow screams serene. but if it screams 'serene' is it really serene??

    1. No it’s bloody wet and cold and damp and awful

  14. It's lovely to look at in photos, tho! :)
    We had very little here - just a dusting on the grass.
    Stay warm and stay safe, John. xx

  15. Looks pretty though.

  16. You honestly didn't expect all that snow to be gone by today, did you? We didn't have much and ours has all gone now and the sun is shining. I'm not bragging just saying how it is. Our weather is either like this or lashing it down with rain and windy.

    1. Usually the road snow goes quickly here Joan

  17. You are living in a true winter wonderland. It has to be most unusual for your area. Let's hope for rising temperatures and melting snow.

    1. I want to walk around Rome on a warm day

  18. These are great photos....Thank you.

    1. And the award for the best name of commentator goes to u

  19. weaver3:09 pm

    Love the photos John. We have had a lot here too but now the sun is shining.

    1. Yes, the cottage lies in a dip which freezes over

  20. This is actually super pretty!
    We are having a dusting of snow today. After DAYS of 40-50 degree weather. It's crazy here.

    1. I felt for the neighbours who had a funeral to go to

  21. The photos are great, and the good news is you have haggis and two cans of gin, you should be just fine. :)

  22. Jackie M4:52 pm

    Gin in cans ? Yeah, I'm from the states.
    Trying to imagine what that looks like.

    1. They were a gift from an old friend who left them on the kitchen wall

  23. Anonymous5:14 pm

    John, beautiful photos....a terrific excuse to stay at your warm and cozy home with your pooches. A quiet time to read something wonderful, listen to music, or just have a nap or two. Enoy your time. Hugs, from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine.

    1. I made lists at the kitchen table
      Ate haggis and toast with eggs ( lovely)
      Watched Roger awe himself sick sniffing snow

  24. Barbara Anne5:27 pm

    Two of the most exciting words in the English language:"Snow day!!"
    Beautiful photos and a cozy, welcoming cottage! Good for you!


    1. and not a wasted day off after all! :)

    2. I’ve got a bit of TCA jobs done, updated the websites and set in motion the sponsor a glass pane initiative

  25. Welcome to our world, John. Here in Brighton, Michigan, we hit the jackpot last week with 10 inches. Son out in the country west of town got 11 and daughter about 30 minutes north got over 12. Of course, we are well equipped to deal with it. My guy, who does my lawn and snow care, had me plowed and shoveled out by midnight, and being almost 82 years old I figured I should stay put until things settled down a bit. This snow was 10 days after we had an ice storm which caused 700,000 people in Michigan to be without electric power, some for 4-5 days and some who never got it back before our ten inch very heavy snow caused limbs to fall and wires to break still again and this time about 230,000 people had no lights or heat. You see, even though most people have natural gas furnaces, the pilot light which starts the furnace and the motor which runs the fan is electric and so the furnace does not work. Still, I would choose to live no where else, because all my friends and family are here and having lived in the Southern US for a couple of years, I would never go backt to the warmer climate because of the terrible bugs and their political climate.

    1. We can’t cope here in the uk because we don’t have the yearly problem you yanks have . You and the Canadians are old hands at snow…we Brits are just babies …

  26. Anne Brew5:58 pm

    BBC Weather showed three main areas of snow for yesterday - Dublin, North Wales and South Yorkshire.
    Due to an unfortunate mishap I spent most of yesterday sitting with a mate in Northern General A & E. Now that was a people watching exercise - the man in handcuffs with his two policeman made the best of it with giggling visits to the coffee machine.

    1. My friends in Sheffield have sent similar “ trapped” stories lol Nuala was going up to Sheffield today to see old friends , she had to cancel

  27. The photos are so beautiful though. I feel for you even though it looks amazing. Glad you have some supplies. Stay warm and cozy and wait for it to pass.

    1. The road was clear by later afternoon but will ice over badly tonight. I’m back at work tomorrow when conditions are safe

  28. Canned gin. Now I've heard everything (well, probably not),

  29. Anonymous8:48 pm

    You are a bit wet, it’s only snow

  30. If this snow had fallen on London there'd be a media frenzy with documentaries and 24 hour live coverage of the crisis. Sunak would be speaking about if from the steps of 10 Downing Street wearing a Russian bearskin hat.

  31. Haggis with a splash (or two) of whisky is excellent, so I do suggest you try it with a splash (or three) of gin. Up here in mid-Perthshire we have had no snow this time at all despite plenty north or us and south of us. Anyway. yours should melt fast from Monday, apparently.

  32. Wow John, that's quite the snowstorm. Is this normal for March in Wales? We didn't get any snow at all here in Virginia this year, and we usually get at least a six inch snowstorm.

  33. You're allowed to talk about it, cold is miserable.
    Its forecast to be 33 degrees in Sydney today. I'm not happy

  34. Very nice pictures, thanks for those. The front door picture is just so fluffy and lovely looking.

  35. When they said 'Heavy Snow for North Wales', I thought 'John's dogs will love it; John won't'.

  36. Gorgeous photos of the dogs enjoying the snow and I love the ones across the churchyard and along the lane. Snow is so magical! At the beginning. But then it just feels like its causing problems as it goes on longer. Hope you can get out and about today.

  37. Looks very picturesque! I used to love the snow when I was a kid... until I got wet hands... then it wasn't such fun.
    Dogs look a bit nonplussed with it all. Hope you kept warm with the furbabies.

    Jo in Auckland


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