It’s all go …….again

 I’m making a huge chilli for the above night do. It’s our chance to publish the TCA’s work to the villagers that don’t know what’s happening.

It’s Auntie Glad’s funeral on Tuesday . I heard the male voice choir will be singing at the Church which will be an emotional moment for all , I’m sure. It’s sad that her own Church is closed but fitting the service will take place in the bigger Church of Llanasa, the village she lived in before she was married

Bucket of coffee time is curtailed today , I’m doing overtime at work later


  1. So sad to say goodbye to dear Auntie Glad, for all of the villagers. Lots of emotion, hugs and memories exchanged at the church

    1. Many of her peers have died before her, but I’m sure the church will be full

  2. Big things are happening! Nice that the Men's Choir will sing at Auntie Glad's funeral.

    1. She looked after them all with food and drink for many years and her husband Bob railway sang in the choir

  3. I hope both events are well attended and create a good buzz. Auntie Glad's funeral, from all you've said about her, will be well attended. A celebration of a well loved and respected lady. xx

    1. Her funeral tea will be in the hall…which is so fitting .she will be buried with her husband and daughter in the churchyard here

  4. That is going to be so emotional for both those hearing the male voice choir singing and for the singers themselves. A sad day for all for sure.

    I hope the launching of the Memorial Hall goes well, it sounds like it should be a busy but very fun day for everyone in the village. Hopefully it will garner even more support for the hall and the committee too.

    1. Yes we need everyone to pull together to make it a success

  5. Tricyclic antidepressants? The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement? Tayside Council on Alcohol? The Cyclists' Alliance?

    It will be so moving when the male voice choir sing their farewell to Gladys.

  6. Anonymous2:12 pm

    My Aunt and Uncle (Gwyn and Wally Peach) lived in the little cottage by the church in Llanasa. It was a village shop but eventually they closed it as they couldn’t compete with the supermarket prices in Rhyl.
    My Uncle built a fireplace in the cottage using a pile of tombstones that had been put aside as various details had been carved out wrongly.

    1. I remember the shop and post office well as a boy. My sister Janet stabled her horse at the howatson farm

  7. The event is such a great idea!! I'm surprised a little though that its only two hours long. On a Saturday i would think maybe a 10 - 4 would be the time frame.. Or something like that anyway.. The larger venue for Auntie Glad might be best in the long run..

    1. We are holding two events on the same day, the afternoon the kids and parents can come as well as some of the older people , there will be noticeboards with every initiative the TCA has done during last two years , and a chance for people to volunteer.
      The evening do , is a chance to the adults to have a drink and for them to enjoy the music and read the same info

  8. Barbara Anne2:37 pm

    What a wonderful even for the kids, then the adults and I hope lots of folks attend both.
    The world is a bit pooer without Auntie Glad.
    Overtime? Bless your heart!


  9. Engaging the community is important and the launch parties look great. I'll think of you on Tuesday, RIP Auntie Glad.

    1. No doubt I will tell you all about it

  10. It's good to celebrate Auntie Glad and her wonderful life!
    Lots of excitement in your life with the Hall opening and your course beginning. Best of luck to you with both endeavors, John! xx

  11. Yorkshire Liz4:06 pm

    I am pretty certain the larger church will be needed to accommodate all the mourners for such a marvellous lady. And I am sure all three events will be a great success. Your chilli sounds mouthwatering! A hearty meal and always popular. Good luck with everything!

  12. Undoubtedly lots of people will be there to celebrate a life well lived. She sounds like a very lovely lady! Remember not to make your chilli too hot (yes I've made that mistake when making for parties rather than just us who like a bit of spice). I sincerely hope the events go well!

  13. Yes, at least Auntie Glad had a connection with the town where the service will be held. Tell us how it goes.

    1. I will , she will be buried in her own church here in Trelawnyd with her husband and daughter . The filelds outside the church were ones she used to keep sheep in

  14. countrygal7:50 pm

    Well done about your village events and your attendance; I hope that Glad's funeral is well attended, I am sure it will be. I had to comment and laugh with your 'it's all go again', went to see my gynaecologist - a charming German surgeon who 'whipped my womb out' in a trice and now apparently I have to go back for a double oophrectomey - the point is as I told him, soon I will be hollow but alive, which is the main thing, I have had appendix, tonsils, adenoids removed. To finish, my lovely surgeon told me in his very good English but German accent, 'I put you to sleep, I look at what I remove, I wake you up and we take the vote!' He is just lovely, sympathetic and so funny.

    1. Funny, the German accent can sound so funny when speaking English

    2. countrygal9:18 pm

      It was the 'wake you up and then we take the vote' comment by my surgeon that really made me laugh

  15. Good to hear that the hall events are coming always brings people in and this is an important cause for the village.
    Auntie Glad will be going home...that should be a good celebration and sharing day

  16. Anonymous9:45 pm

    I didn't realise Auntie Glad had passed away - it must have saddened you - you have been good pals for years - but I think she must be a ripe old age/ x

    1. She was 103 and it saddened me greatly

  17. How nice that the men's choir will be singing.


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