
 Friday night 
After work most people have a Prosecco now.
A takeaway. 
A scented bubble bath with avocado candles 
A Netflix binge with exotic beers and parsnip crisps 
Sex in front of the fire
Korean noodles
Hot sugary tea
An Indian head massage 

What do I do ?

A lie down with no socks 
And a well trained bulldog licking every inch of my feet

Bloody lovely

Ps this blissful scene was turned on it’s head minutes before bed as when I moved all the dogs to get off the couch the resulting growls of upset caused a fight between Mary and Dorothy
Resulting in the damage of the above tv……..



  1. Yin and Yang. One minute up, the next.......oh shit!

  2. I absolutely love a foot massage although I've never had my feet licked :) I can imagine it being so relaxing for you after a long day at work though. So I would have to make do with collapsing on the couch with a cuppa and a book to read.

    Sorry the tv was damaged. The dogs are just like children.

  3. You could hire Dorothy out for foot nibbling purposes - a bit like the craze for those little fish!
    I hope the TV damage isn't too severe and the shifts aren't too arduous. xx

  4. Anonymous8:04 am

    Oh dear. Bloody kids. I hope it still works.

  5. Parsnip crisps? Surely turnip crisps? - Ed

  6. Foot licking sounds OK to me....shame about the TV though! Of the other options I would only really like the head massage.
    (I used to have a Yorkie who liked to lick)

  7. The buggers - Dogs ! who'd have them x

    1. Anonymous3:51 pm

      Buggers? They're dogs flis, not men.

  8. You have been on your feet too long at work? She does love looking after your feet!!
    Hope the TV still works

  9. I don't do any of the things on your Friday night list! I just eat my dinner and fall asleep watching the 10 o' clock news! I hope your TV is working after all the mayhem.

    1. Simone I have sent you an e mail via your blog (hope this is OK John ).

  10. Had to be something to shatter the scene, didn't there?

  11. Well dang, no good deed goes unpunished. I agree with Raybeard, yin and yang. Dogs and their drama, oye.

  12. Is that really what most people do Friday night after work? If so, I'm really glad I'm not working.

  13. The Wheel of Fortune, always turning!

  14. Kids will be kids

  15. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Well feet will be feet and dogs will be dogs - that'sall I can think of to say x

  16. I am all about the quiet bliss, minus the dogs and the damage.

  17. Sex in front of the fire can result in burnt buttocks and heat blisters. Safer to have a cup of tea and a "Hob Nob".

  18. Barbara Anne1:58 pm

    As Roseanne Roseannadanna's father used to say, "It's always something!". Sorry about the TV. Hope it's fixable.
    Wishing you well as those shifts continue.


  19. Anonymous2:10 pm

    I don't do any of those things on a Friday night and didn't when I was working. A cup of tea and a book is my evenings. It sounds like Friday evenings have got very expensive!
    A handy hint for moving dogs off the sofa - before moving your legs or anything else proclaim loudly "Come on, off now dogs" this works better than just moving them without warning.

    1. Anonymous11:48 pm

      My hubby gives them three gentle taps with a finger to tell them he's getting up. I just don't move until they do, unless my bladder is bursting. :D Tina in west oz.

  20. Will you need a new TV? Sorry to hear.

  21. Anonymous2:55 pm

    I love a good foot rub, 3 dogs that do the job!

  22. One minute everything is love and bliss and the next a fight to end the night. Add to that a damaged TV. What is getting in to the fur kids?

  23. Bummer on the TV getting damaged. Hope it's not a complete bust.

    1. Just the sky leads ripped out and need replacing

  24. My mum had a Yorkshire terrier that did this, it could get right between the toes, excruciating!!

  25. Those dogs lead you a merry chase, don't they? On the flip side, they are particularly devoted to the leader of the pack. (That be you...)

  26. Anonymous5:48 am

    The thought of a dog licking my feet is very repulsive to me, but whatever floats your boat!

  27. Blimey John, you've removed my previous post on this thread? Baffled! Ho hum...

    1. By accident I assure you fat fingers and small moderation buttons next to delete button xx

  28. I vote for the tea, but I will pass on the sugar.

  29. Now I realize how boring my friday nights are. Supper, wash a small child, read him books and get him to bed. Then hubby and I usually watch one show of whatever series we're watching and then he goes off to bed. No sex, no hot bath, no alcohol, just me and a book, or the computer. WTF. At least you got your feet licked:)


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