
 Three blogs in one day ! 
I’ve just got home and heard the sadness of the death of Betty Boothroyd 
She was a bloody one off 

For those that don’t know she was the speaker of the House of Commons, MP , a Yorkshire woman and former tiller girl. That one sentence sums her up nicely .
A class act


  1. Anonymous11:35 pm

    Three in one ?

  2. Anonymous11:50 pm

    She was a real trouper, a woman beyond her years and upbringing , I loved her as the speaker

    No nonsense and oh so funny
    Thank you john for memorialising her
    A hero

    Karen in Margate

  3. Anonymous12:27 am

    How good to see trouper correctly used - so many people use trooper …

  4. I had to google tiller girl. Very interesting.


  5. Very impressive woman. She really knew how to take command.

  6. Wasn't she wonderful x

  7. Not one to suffer fools gladly.. thankfully.
    We need more like her!!

  8. She put to shame those that followed her in that office, especially one J Bercow. I fear we will not see her like again any time soon given the current crop of useless wastes of space filling most seats in parliament.

  9. She was great! Definitely a class act.

  10. I remember hearing once that many MP's loved and respected her because she reminded them of their nanny or school matron. Those were the public schoolboys, of course! She certainly was a one-off. xx

  11. Remarkable lady. (Is one allowed to say 'lady' these days?). She was the main reason why I started to dutifully watch PMQs on Weds, which I even now still do. Sorry to see her go but she certainly left her mark.

  12. Yorkshire Liz9:17 am

    A wonderful Yorkshire lass and a complete one-off. Could be fierce, was always funny, with a real twinkle in her eye and a contagious laugh. A charismatic human being as well as politician; very much an endangered species!

  13. Betty was fantastic.

  14. weaver11:06 am

    I too was a great admirer. A Yorkshire woman through and through - as my farmer would say - not afraid to call a spade a shovel.

  15. Betty was a wonderful woman, standing up for the underdog, controlling a chamber full of baying idiots without breaking sweat, accomplishing everything she set out to do, being a tiller girl (it was my childhood dream job), and showing us northerners in a wonderful light.
    And.....she had fabulous hair!


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