Web Page


I’ve not had much free time over the weekend but I’ve knuckled down and made more than a start on the Community Association web page, which I’m pleased about.


That’s one less thing to get done. I have yet to expand the page suggesting the hall is an ideal venture for a “ do it yourself “ wedding. We’ve had a few of those over the years and they have proved to be quite delightful.

There is nothing I want to see at the cinema this week. 
Spielberg’s homage to cinema and his family is on next week but this week’s offering of Babylon has left me somewhat cold.
My book club book arrived Three Hours By Rosamund Lupton 
I will give that a go


  1. I just clicked on that link. Impressive. You know how to put a web site together.

  2. More power to your elbow, John. I hope all you hard work pays off and the TCA and Memorial Hall continues for many years. xx

  3. I am impressed by your village page. It only takes the actions of few leader types to build a good community.

  4. well impressed with the web site! Lovely photo's too. A good time was had by all.

  5. Perfect John - I love it x 🌄

  6. You have done a good job there, John. It's well laid out, with lots of useful information, and easy to navigate.

  7. Traveller11:12 am

    Website looks good. You have restricted comments to those who are commenting with a Google account - not everyone has one of those.

  8. I had a good look at the village website and you have done a good job there. As a former English teacher, I am instinctively able to spot spelling and grammatical errors from a mile away and the standard here was good - very little to cause even a simpering of alarm. Well done John!

  9. Damselfly12:22 pm

    Well done, John dear!

  10. You've done a really good job of the page John ... and all your links work too. :-)

    Make sure that you get hold of some photos that are taken during the first few wedding receptions etc and that will give other people ideas. I've only ever been to one wedding reception that was held in a village hall and that was fantastic.

  11. I guess my first comment went to Spam.

  12. Your web page looks fantastic. Your use of photos is superb. A photo makes everything relatable and it draws people in. Well done. Web page designer could be a side, lucrative fee for service, business if you chose.

  13. That's a lot of work, John, and it turned out well. Good luck!

  14. Nice job on the Association's page, you Webmaster you.

  15. Well done, stay busy

  16. Anonymous2:53 pm

    Am off to look at that web page

  17. Barbara Anne6:14 pm

    What a wonderful web page and well chosen pictures. Which of your dogs is in the photo?


    1. Roger..I thought he could be our mascot

    2. Anonymous11:45 pm

      Haven't any of the other villagers got dogs? Or is it a John Gray website? I thought it was a community thing.

  18. Anonymous2:32 am

    What a nice web page. It is so inviting!
    Linda from Alabama

  19. Anne Brew9:25 pm

    Thats a very attractive web page.
    Filmwise I can recommend The Banshees of Inisherin - mind you I could watch Brendan Gleeson reading the telephone directory.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes