Nothing Changes

 The Last of Us starts tonight on sky Atlantic 
A tv series based on a video game is about the zombie apocalypse…quelle surprise!
Nothing much changes.
I shall be watching.

I see Carrie Bradshaw is dating good old Aiden In Sex and City’s And Just Like That…. Prince Harry is still banging on in Spare about how bad his lot is..
I’m still reading it , and am now rather bored…can’t you tell?

Days off now. A cinema trip to see Empire Of Light , college, The Lesbian and Gay book club, supper at Gorgeous Dave’s. It’s a full week, before night shift again on Saturday
Nothing much changes. 

I made a chick pea and coconut curry yesterday from scratch, it was nice.
I had extra door keys cut for Trendy Carol and I sent the Beatrix Potter book to my great nephew.
The weather is cold and damp

And I long for some sun


  1. I heard a bit about him complaining that he and Meghan only had Ikea furniture. I imagine that was a slap in the face to Ikea. Their home looked very cozy from what I saw.

  2. Barbara Anne5:20 am

    Nice to have enjoyable plans for the coming week and a cozy home to enjoy when not out and about.
    I have no interest in reading 'Spare' or seeeing any interviews due to lack of interst on my part.Remember: There is no bad weather, only insufficient clothing!'


  3. I don't think I will read it as I think it would depress me - there's enough negativity around x

  4. I feel like that too at the moment. It's hard work keeping going and finding something positive. Also waiting for the sun to return and heal body and spirit.

    1. Nice to hear someone else feels the same x

  5. It's that time of year when winter seems to be dragging on forever. At least the days are s-l-o-w-l-y getting longer, even if the weather is still crap. As for Harry, the sooner he shuts up about how bad his life is, the better. Yes, he may have had some bad things happen in his life, but so have millions of others, without the money and other privileges he has. That curry looks good, and you have some fun things lined up. There will soon be buds appearing on the trees and bulbs popping up - please!! xx

    1. The darkness and my nights have saddened me , I cannot believe I actually survived doing 8 months nights in lockdown

  6. I think there are many other books I'd gain more useful insights from - Spare sounds depressing and whining. You've more profitable ways of filling in your time John - like studying, or meeting a friend for coffee! Your curry looks delicious - cooking some freezable meals for when you're working would do too!

    I think I'll give Spare a miss.

    1. I felt I need to read it before I comment on his words

  7. Anonymous8:16 am

    Morning, John. Sunshine....sigh....What are your plans for this year? Any places you want to visit or are planning on doing so? Louise X

    1. I need to look at finances but Rome is number one x

    2. Anonymous7:00 am

      Ooh yes! Watched the Joanna Lumley repeat the other night. Beautiful! Croatia for us. Louise X

  8. That curry looks good. Sunshine on a plate.

    1. It tasted good and made 4 meals …I’m farting like a walrus

  9. Yorkshire Liz9:14 am

    That sounds like a busy week - a great kick back to the dullest and most depressing time of the year.
    And Horrible Harry does not help matters. Having had a sister in law who resented her brother being born both male and older than her for all her life, he has clearly been carrying this burden of his own psyche all his life too. I think the family did well protecting him from himself for so long. And much amused to see today's headline that the so called feud between the brothers started with William getting more and better breakfast sausages. How sad and unnecessary this all is. As comedian Frankie Howerd used to say - "snigger ye not."

  10. Chickpeas and anything make me happy.

  11. Curious to know what books you are reading for your Lesbian and Gay group.
    I read 'On the Red Hill' that you recommended and loved it.

  12. Please let us know how to make that curry - sounds delicious.

    1. Easy pat
      Fry onion
      Add spices , curry powder, turmeric, garlic, ginger,
      Cook off
      Add passata
      Chick peas x3 cans
      Veg stock ( guess all this …by eye )
      Coconut milk ( I use half fat)
      Masala powder
      Reduce and liquidise a quarter of the chickpeas
      Add coriander
      And blob of yogurt

    2. poot poot poot x

  13. "The Last of Us" was filmed entirely in Alberta and many of the urban scenes were shot here in my city of Edmonton. I hope you enjoy the series!

    1. Oohhh let’s compare notes deArheart x

  14. Nothing is ever black and white and so, I have mixed feelings about Harry and all of the royals. Growing up under a microscope and having your future mapped out must be very difficult to live with. And losing his mother...I can't even imagine.
    But sibling rivalry is not uncommon and doesn't need to be aired in public. Some of the jabs he has taken at William seem mean spirited. It is also hard to gather much sympathy when most people are worried about the price of eggs and gas.

    1. Perfectly put Linda. I echo everything you have said. He will most likely look back at his book and interview and cringe when he is more mature.

    2. I feel sorry for him , I also want to shake him when I see photographs of his lovely home and lifestyle

  15. Ow 'eck thought those 'Walking Dead' had gone!!! Yippee!! Now looks like they are back shape-shifting into this new lot ' The Last of Us '. Let us hope it really is this time Tess x

  16. I see some new t-shirts appearing in your wardrobe over the next few months. The Walking Dead will be a thing of the past. ;-)

  17. I plan to watch 'The Last of Us' tonight. Thank you so much for reminding me about it. I need a new post-apocalyptic series in my life. It might help pull me through another long Canadian winter.

  18. When the sun breaks through the clouds, take a minute to let it shine on your face

  19. Aw, you would be so happy here today. The sky is unbelievably blue and clear.

    1. That’s what I need some time in the garden with blue skies above

  20. my husband says they aren't zombies , they are the infected. haha, says the man who bought a Sony Playstation 4 just so he could play that game.🙂( it was exclusive to Sony)

  21. That series was filmed in Alberta. I'll have to take a look at it, just for that.

  22. It's that time of year where we are tired of Winter but it is too early for Spring. Hang in there, John! :)

    1. Yes, I was suddenly low today then ok after the movie…..nights arnt good for the balance of the soul

  23. I heard about that show, but I don't want to have to resubscribe to NOW TV to see it. If it turns up somewhere else to stream I might watch it.

    1. No doubt I will be banging on about it x

  24. I'm gonna be watching The Last of Us. Love me some post-apocalyptic shenanigans.
    And zombies.



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