Xmas Eve

 For the first year ever, I’ve not strung Christmas Cards around the front room. Due to the postal strikes and the cost of stamps I have received noticeably fewer cards than usual .Trendy Carol ( presently sporting a nice anorak with fur trim) noticed and has already commented that she had noticed their absence .
“I always liked seeing them “ she said 
No chance of getting any cards now , the strike is on again….no message from the postie on Facebook this week….hummmm
Yesterday I popped my gifts around for the neighbours . Some ham and satsumas for Animal Helper Pat.
A bottle of Châteauneuf du Pape for Sailor John and Mandy and a food hamper for Trendy Carol and her hubby. Mrs Trellis was out when I called around with her gift. I’ll pop it in later today, 
Apart from stopping off at Tesco on the way home after nights I have little planned for today.
I’ve got a zoom meeting with friends Ruth in Scotland and Ben in Korea and a few drinks earmarked with villager Della at 2 pm. I’m not a lover a drinking in the day.
It makes me sleep.
Then it’s light the fire, walk the dogs until they flag ( or at least loose some labido ) and mooch in front of Christmas tv with a gin and tonic and my phone and lots of texting
Pretty Bog Standard really.. I guess.
I will leave you with Omaha Cat Lady being……well kind
It’s very Christmas 


  1. Anonymous2:59 am

    The Stalker
    Good wishes for the Christmas Season and kisses and hugs for the 4 legged part of the family♥️🎄

  2. I love the Omaha Cat Lady! She is so sincere in her delight and admiration about the Christmas croissants!

  3. Merry Christmas, John. I hope that you got enough cards to make you smile.

    1. I did …thank you debby xxhappy Christmas

  4. Merry Christmas John x

  5. Loved the video. Who is she?

  6. Anonymous7:10 am

    Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a New Year full of good health, peace and happiness. Buon Natale e buon anno nuovo John. Thank you for your blog posts throughout the year, they really are amazing. Hugs ~ Ro (N.W.Italy).

    1. Thank you for reading
      buon Natale e sereno anno nuovo

  7. Anonymous8:08 am

    Have a wonderful day at your sisters. Love your blogs, look forward to them each day. Hi to the randy and not so randy doggies and a gentle hug for Albert

  8. Wishing you and all the animals a very happy Christmas and hoping 2023 brings good things (and no little furry surprises from Roger and Dorothy!) Hugs, John. Thanks for just being you! xx

    1. Thank you for that lovely validation xx

  9. If you are mooching on your phone on Christmas Eve, a good place to glance at is Twitter with the #duvetknowitschristmas. People post photos of where they have been bedded down at relatives houses for Christmas. Often these are spare bedrooms that are crammed full of exercise machines, crafting projects, home office equipment or noisy freezers. Or maybe single beds with their childhood bedding, or sleeping bags on the kitchen floor.
    My favourite photos of recent years are a sofa bed in an annexe that was made into wedding hat hire showroom and last year it was inflatable bed alongside 2 'unexplained' mini bus seats, but the dog had already burst the bed. There is a charitable element too as the originator of this, Rhodri Morgan usually puts up a Just Giving page for Shelter, last year he raised over £25,000

    1. It's Rhodri Marsden, not Morgan, sorry!

    2. I’ve seen the spare room thing..great fun x

  10. And again I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.

    1. And again I wish u a good one right back xx

  11. Merry Christmas John, thank you for putting a bit of domestic delight into our days <3

  12. Anonymous8:59 am

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas, to you John and yours. Here's to a fabulous 2023! Louise X

  13. All is quiet here the only thing left to do is cook my Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners. And I know at least one card you'll be getting.. now what year that makes it to England is another story! I wish you happy Yuletide John.

    1. Dear maddie, you are the queen of blogland

  14. Anonymous9:38 am

    Happy Holidays, Dearheart!


  15. saaflis9:45 am

    Happy Christmas John and to your furry ones -You are a very special man and bring joy into my life - Thankyou xx

  16. John, reading you each morning is like watching a wonderful daily television show called Going Gently in my mind. It is my favorite program and is the best start to my day. This is my first year to wish you a Merry Christmas and the best of New Year's. I look forward to many more.

    1. What a lovely thing to say . Thank u

  17. Happy Christmas to you John and your furry family! x

  18. Does that woman have a covert camera in her neighbour's house?

  19. Anonymous1:08 pm

    John a very happy Christmas and May you have much happiness in 2023 . I have had to call a halt to all Xmas preparations as recovering from a car crash . Just very sore and counting my blessings that I am alive . Can’t help hoping the plonker who ran a red light is having more pain than I am !!! Also suffering typical Nurses guilt as my team must have struggled last week . As you say @Hey Ho! X Pal Care Bernie

    1. I know there’s always a drama, so far here has been quiet x

  20. Anonymous1:11 pm

    Happy Christmas John from me and Tom xx
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. Love and best wishes to you Wendy and Tom xxx

  21. Anonymous1:17 pm

    One Xmas Eve when I was a district nurse I visited an old lady and when I looked at her mantle piece there was the same card that I had seen the year before ! So lonely it brought tears to my eyes . . It made me more mindful of people spending Xmas alone xx Bernie

  22. Best wishes for now and the new year, Thank you for you funny, informative and very unique take on life. x

  23. This year I'm finding that the few cards that I have received somehow seem more special. Any that come after the festivities will be saved for next year's displaying.
    I love the Omaha Cat Lady, but once again I have deleted TikTok from my phone, gosh I can waste time on that if I'm not careful.

    Merry Christmas John to you and all the furry family. xx

    1. Keep watching her , she’s worth it, happy Christmas dear Sue ,love to Alan x

  24. Merry Christmas! Stay warm

  25. Merry Christmas, John! Best wishes for a year filled with peace and Joy! xx

  26. Merry Christmas, John. I hope you have the coziest Christmas cuddled up with your furry family.

    1. I’m home now after a brief pint at the pub. Much nicer to be here with the fire on and the dogs relaxing

  27. Oh, John. Thank you for an introduction to the Omaha Cat Lady. She is so soothing and lovely.
    And thank you for allowing us into your heart and hearth for another year. I wish you could give everyone of your village beloveds a Merry Christmas from me. With a special one for you.

    1. DeArheart , your gentle blog keeps me reading about your life and loves..thank you

  28. Damselfly3:30 pm

    Merry, Merry Christmas!
    Thank you for sharing your humor, heart & hearth with us. You are indeed a very, very special man.

  29. Happy Christmas John. The Christmas croissants filled with chocolate look very tasty and festive. Being the outstanding cook that you are, I could actually see you making them to perfection. Me...not so much.

    1. Lol, I just love the way she quietly affirms him

  30. Anonymous4:08 pm

    Merry Christmas John & to your critterkids! Best wishes for a healthy and Happy New Year!

  31. Merry Christmas John to you, your family, critters and otherwise, your village and your followers and a very Happy New Year xx

  32. That video was kind of suspenseful.

  33. Merry Christmas, John.

  34. I too wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas; may your 2023 be a good one for you.

  35. Anonymous5:38 pm

    Merry Christmas John and family, and I hope 2023 treats you and yours kindly. Arohanui Jan

  36. Barbara Anne5:43 pm

    It sounds like a lovely day and evening are on the slate for you. How perfect is that?!
    You do find the most interesting and varied videos to post. Methinks you're a wizard.
    Have sent you a holiday email due to that annoying postal strike in the UK.
    Merry Christmas!

    Holly hugs!

    1. I will go and check shortly babs thank you

  37. Shelly Williams5:47 pm

    Merry Christmas John , have a lovely time at your sisters tomorrow. Love and best wishes Shelly xx

  38. Sorry to hear about the strike. We get fewer Christmas cards mostly because of the internet -- instead we get e-cards and facebook and instagrams messages. Not the same in my book. Anyhoo ... Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you on Albion's shores. (Uh, oh, does Albion include Wales?)

  39. Wishing you a happy Christmas, John! I'm going to picture you and the pets snuggled up around the wood burner enjoying the peace of the winter season. Thank you for letting live a slice of Welsh life with you. Cheers, Elizabeth

    1. Not as restful Dorothy and Mary are on the couch feeding off Roger like the women ditto the men in the titanic lifeboats

  40. John, wish I could magically transport myself to visit your little ones and you sometime. Sounds so lovely w/ the fire burning to keep you all nice and warm. Wishing you a lovely Christmas and, of course, a marvelous New Year, 2023! You've come so very far and it will be interesting following your adventures and achievements next year. Hugs from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine.

    1. Regina,
      Thank you for keep coming back xxx

  41. Happy Christmas John x

  42. Merry Christmas, to you and the fur children!

    So far I have received 8 cards.....one from a family I do not know, lol.

    1. I can’t complain but I always do , happy Christmas dear lizzy

    2. Thank you John.

      Hurricane winds here yesterday, oh and the wind chill is -3F/ -20C--your frozen pipe experience is haunting me.

    3. I’m shutting my mouth

  43. Anonymous7:12 pm

    Merry Christmas John! Jackie in Georgia USA

  44. Happy Christmas to you and your fur babies. We love reading your blog every night.

  45. Merry Christmas, John!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes