New Year Review

No matter how old we are, we all are works in progress.
I’ve been changing the pages in my filofax and I’m very aware of how yin and yang this last year has been.
Covid restrictions being lifted should have meant everything in the garden was rosy but travel chaos, flight cancellations and rail bollocks has put paid to my trips to Rome and Barcelona and London whilst the recession, fuel crisis and financial crash has sobered us all up from our post-covid frivolities 

And so, let me get 2022 into some perspective 
Let’s look at the positives

I’m on the tentative journey towards a new career.
Not bad at 61  I think.
My family met up for a delightful and oh so necessary reunion in Sitges where we sat together into the small wee hours talking and talking and talking about family shit. 
Sadly my nephew divorced but we bonded more over something sad in common.

My love affair with London and with theatre blossomed again, not only, with my touchstone meets with Nu continuing but with catch ups with friends Alex and Jon and Janet of course, and visits to my “ second “ home of the Z hotel, which is tucked carefully behind Covent Garden. 
To Kill a Mocking Bird, Cabaret, The Corn Is Green, Six, The Royal Ballet and the dearest of them all Come From Away it’s been a fabulous year for theatre in London and at home.
London eventually meant meeting nephew Leo too whose absence has broken my heart a little more than I ever realised it would .
Zoom meets have dissolved into real meets , Jane in Manchester, Ruth in the wonderfully bizarre and welcoming Findhorn , The Northern Belle with Nu and in Sheffield with Mike and John and Katherine very soon

Dim witted but sweet Roger arrived chasing autumn leaves like a loon and with the thanks of a cheerful and tone deaf builder my new bathroom arrived with a wall mounted heated towel rail to go weak at the knees for . ( I had 232 comments on that blog when I finally unveiled the splendour) 

Blogging has provided a mini life line as it has always done and in 2022 I’ve had over 2.5 million hits on Going Gently  alone….go figure that one….contrary to some, I must be doing something right.
On a personal note , I will ask for an armistice on troll comments .seriously they do nothing but poison the air that we breathe and after all of the hard few years we’ve had  I really don’t need the bother……

Helping with the TCA Trelawnyd Community Association has given me some more direction and purpose and sense of community again and my part time status at work has given me more space for college and home. Both have been incredibly welcome .

It’s all still a work in progress, especially with some health problems lurking in the shadows. Shadows that can’t always be shaken with positivism and humour and which are always sadly there when you live alone. 
In the new fanatical crisis we have all found ourselves in, I , like everyone else need to reevaluate things but I’m lucky I have a family that loves me, friends that do the same and I live in a village that cares for me.
Thank you to them and to Trendy Carol and Ewan,…..without them I could never have kept my dogs. 
Their support will never be forgotten.

The news that my ex husband is getting married again slapped me across the face much harder than I expected it too but bra straps have to be hoisted  and I have to get on with things.
It was one of the last hurdles to face , come to think…
I find life lonely at times and I will not apologise for saying so.
“We feel what we feel “so says Carl Rogers 

But like all of us it’s one foot in front of another and don’t beat ourselves up when we get things a little Wrong.

Thank you dear readers , readers who keep coming again for snippets of everyday life of a sentimental gay bloke living in a Welsh Village. Your kindness, occasional sycophancy , good humour , and friendship means a great deal, especially when the shadows gather in an often unkind world

I’m rushing now, I’m covering a late shift at work and it’s already 1 pm 
I’m working tomorrow too but have just been invited to the luscious Velvent voiced Linda ( and Nick’s) for drinks later tonight, so that will be a first in decades
Going out New Year’s Eve…….
Bloody hell
Look at me ?


  1. Anonymous1:41 pm

    I’ve never left a comment on your blog (or any other) but I’d just like to say that I really enjoy reading about your life and thoughts and have done so for many years. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Happy New Year John, love Jan x

  2. Here's wishing you a peaceful 2023 darling x

  3. Anonymous1:48 pm

    Happy New Year. Love the blog x

  4. Happy New Year to you and your furry friends. Wishing you first of all good health and always lots of happiness

  5. Happy New Year John, I hope it's going to be a good one for you. x

  6. Going out on New Year's Eve, you wild man, you! Have fun! May 2023 be a better year for everyone -- onwards and upwards, as they say.

  7. Happy New Year. Here's to health and contentment at the very least x

  8. Have a happy new years eve lovely John - and whatever happens on the eve can stay secret xx

  9. I echo Grandma Sandy above. And I must add that I always appreciate the honesty with which you write. Some days are just hard and lonely. But let's make today a good one. Happy New Year's! (My New Year celebration is reading in bed, with my dogs. And that counts as a good one.)

  10. Happy New Year John. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for your blog. Yours is the first one I go to every day and I really appreciate it.

  11. Anonymous2:33 pm

    How lovely the comment from Grandma Sandy.
    A Very Happy New Year John x
    Alison in Wales x

  12. Happy New Year John, and let's say a good goodbye to the old one. We've both learnt a lot, done a lot and moved forwards in so many ways. Onwards and upwards and all that. Thank you for your blog and for your friendship. You mean so much to so many ... many more than you even think of.

    Take care and enjoy your first social event of 2023 ... hopefully you're starting as you mean to go on. xx

  13. Happy new year John x

  14. It has definitely been a year of peaks and troughs for you. I wish you a Happy New Year of many peaks! Enjoy seeing in 2023 with your friends and thank you for sharing so much of your life on here. x

  15. Another year of reading about your everyday life. That’s something I’m certainly grateful for. Enjoy New Year’s Eve. May you make it past midnight (we often don’t).

  16. Happy New Year, John! Wishing you peace, joy, good health, and fun adventures in 2023! xx

  17. I would echo what Grandma Sandy had to say. Happy New Year John.

  18. A VERY happy 2023 to you - as well as the 'family' - JayGee. Wishing you plenty of goodies all through it with, most of all, healthiness most 'rude'.

  19. Anonymous2:54 pm

    Happy New Year dear John x
    Wendy & Tom (Wales)

  20. Happy New Year to you, John. I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog. You've made me laugh, cry and think, and my world is certainly a better place for having found you. I hope 2023 holds many good things in store. xx

  21. As Grandma Sandy said your posts mean a great deal to me. I wish you and your family a very happy new year.

  22. We shall forge ahead, my friend. Cheers to a interesting life.

  23. You may be sentimental and teary-eyed at times but when all is said and done you are a tough guy with a positive "can do" spirit and I admire you for that. Happy 2023 John!

  24. I enjoy looking at the world through your eyes. Thank you for being unapologetically yourself.

  25. Wishing you all the very best in the New Year John. X

  26. Happy New Year, great adventures will come your way.

  27. Totally agree with Grandma Sandy. Keep on keeping on and all the very best for the New Year. Jan xx

  28. Anonymous3:36 pm

    Wishing you a Happy New Year and thank you for all that you write! Wendyx

  29. Wishing you a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year John. Thank you for sharing your little world with us.

  30. Barbara3:54 pm

    Greetings from across the pond Thank you for your lovely blog. I always enjoy reading it every morning.

  31. Wishing you all the best for 2023! 🎉 x

  32. Have a great time tonight, and may the New Year bring you whatever you wish for!
    See you in 2023! X

  33. Happy New Year, John! Let's connect again on a future trip to London (or if I ever get over to Wales).

  34. Anonymous4:02 pm

    You’re a gem! Happy New Year, my “Welsh friend!”

  35. Happy New Year, John! Glad you will be with friends this evening.

  36. More, please, for 2023. You keep us sane! Cro x

  37. Happy New Year John

  38. Anne Brew4:50 pm

    I started reading your blog a few years ago when a photo of Sheffield’s Peace Gardens water feature caught my eye. It didn’t take long to realise your posts were informative and honest - and funny! I tune in most days now.
    A Happy New Year to a fellow Sheffield fan. All the best for 2023. x

  39. "In the new fanatical crisis we have all found ourselves in". Fanatical? Which fanatics? (I can think of at least three groups, maybe four).

  40. Anonymous4:55 pm

    Happy New Year.Missing living in Wales sooooo much.We are thinking of buying a static caravan in Pantymwyn.Barbarax

  41. Damselfly5:06 pm

    Wishing you & yours peace, joy, laughter, love, good health, and prosperity in the coming year. Thank you for all the wonderful blog posts, for sharing your heart, humor, and hearth with us. You mean a great deal to a great many.

  42. Let us hoick it all upwards and look forward to hopefully a calmer year, 'cos this current one has been quite turbulant both at home and abroad. l don't think l know of anyone who has had a year without some drama or other. Or maybe it is always like this!. Happy New Year John, may you still find the time to keep us all up to date with life Going Gently Onwards. Much love Tess x

  43. Have fun tonight John! Happy New Year to you!

  44. I hope you can enjoy the year to come and all it brings, in good health (you and 4-legged ones). Happy New Year.

  45. Happy new year John, your family, two and four legged and your readers. Thank you for your blog which is the first I read each morning and have done for many years. Wishing a happy and healthy 2023 for all.

  46. Anonymous5:34 pm

    Happy new year and may 2023 bring all the good and happy things for you, noreen

  47. Anonymous5:43 pm

    Happy New Year, John. Jackie in Georgia USA

  48. Happy New Year's Eve 😊🎉🍷
    Looking forward to visiting you throughput the New Year!
    I hope you can get Roger housebroken this new year!

  49. Hope you have an enjoyable Hogmanay and a very happy and prosperous New Year John

  50. Anonymous5:59 pm

    Wishing you and the furred a fabulous 2023, John!! Looking forward to standing on that West beach again next year. Have a great night. Louise x

  51. Anonymous5:59 pm


  52. You bring many smiles, tears and interest to my !life. Here's to more of the same in 2023! 😊

  53. First time commenting on any blog...

    I have read your blog for some time. You are such an eloquent writer. I enjoy your posts so much. I wish you a wonderful new year. Lin

  54. Anonymous6:07 pm

    Thank you John for your wonderful blog
    Siobhan x

  55. Barbara Anne6:08 pm

    Adding up your plusses and minuses, it seems to me you've had a wonderful yerat ... mostly.
    Thanks for sharing it all with us, your friends from all over the planet who cheer you on as you cheer us on.
    As we used to say in elementaru school: See you next year! abnd go off in gales of laughter.


  56. Wishing you a very happy new year.
    You are just a good guy John. You are real and not full of sentimental BS.

  57. Thank you John. Hope the coming years is better for us all. Onwards and upwards, Happy New Year x

  58. Anonymous6:38 pm

    This post brings tears to my eyes. Go figure.

  59. I rarely comment, but I do read your blog. Today makes me realize why, more so. Happy New Year. Enjoy your evening out.

  60. Happy New Year, John! I don't always comment, but I do read what you've written. xoxo

  61. Anonymous8:02 pm

    Happy New Year Jon

  62. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Happy New Year John . All the best Shelly x

  63. It's been quite a year. Ups, downs and everything in-between. Let's just admit..."We did it again!" Happy New. Wishing you all the best for 2023.

  64. Joan (Devon)8:23 pm

    Happy New Year dear friend. My fingers are still crossed, are yours?

  65. Happy new year John, lang may your lum reek, thank you for writing a daily blog i so enjoy it x x

  66. Just got home , out shortly
    Thank you for all the messages…
    Here’s hoping 2023 will be a Good Year

  67. Debbie in London9:28 pm

    Thank your for your blog posts, John. It feels like home here. Happy New Year xx

  68. Wishing you a Happy New Year! It is such a pleasure to read your blog .
    Linda from Alabama

  69. You work hard at making a good life and being a good friend and it pays off for you.
    I wish you a wonderful year and much success with the coming new career

  70. All the best for 2023 - new adventures await.

  71. Happy New Year, John. May 2923 be a wonderful year. Thank you for your blog posts, they mean a lot to me and many.

  72. Spiegel im Spiegel is one of my favorites!
    I too wish you a good twelve months.

  73. Have a fabulous evening John. A Happy New Year to you and your fur babies; may 2023 bring you the happiness and health you rightly deserve. Thanks for the blog... it's my constant... I'm waiting for the book by the way!

    Jo in Auckland

  74. Happy New Years eve and all best wishes for 2023.

  75. A very happy New Year to you John.

  76. All the best for the new year John!

  77. I’ve just got home after a lovely dinner with Linda and Nick
    Thankyou to them xxx

  78. Anonymous11:47 pm

    The link to Spiegel im Spiegel is very appreciated. I hadn't even realized how much I needed to hear it. Thank you for your blog, which is very important to so many of us.

  79. Anonymous11:54 pm

    Another long time lurker
    Liam from London
    Never EVER apologise for you feelings
    Your blog is an occasional hilarious , indulgent , sweet natured and honest view of a life well shatter my heart with thoughts of your ex but build me up with everything else Mrs trellis …thank you
    We will never meet
    But I’d love you as my dad
    Liam xxx

  80. Happy New Year from Brisbane, Australia

  81. Anonymous12:03 am

    you indeed ARE doing many things right, sharing yourself. Wishing you a coming year filled with promise (which you are already embarking on).......and may the light and stars shine upon you and yours
    Susan M/ Calif

  82. Anonymous12:05 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous12:15 am

      Why should he? He and John are divorced. They are nothing to do with each other now.

  83. Happy New Year John x

  84. Anonymous12:20 am

    Many blessings to you and yours in 2023. I enjoy your blog and thank you for your time and talent shared with us in writing.

  85. Anonymous12:20 am

    Happy New Year, John. I hope 2023 is a good one for you.
    Frances SW

  86. Happy New Year to you and your fur babies. May 2023 bring you what 2022 forgot, all the very best to you.

  87. I don't often comment but I do always read. Hope 2023 is full of fun and laughter. Banish the black dog. All the best.

  88. Happy New Year, John! Wishing you a healthy and happy 2023 filled with laughter and love.

  89. With love and best wishes from a regular reader, but shy commenter. Wishing you everything that is good in this world x

  90. As another daily reader who rarely comments I join the others in wishing you a wonderful New Year and a great 2023. You write beautifully and from the heart and your words touch so many people. I am grateful I found you as I never leave this page without a smile, a tear or a challenging thought.

  91. Good on ya young John. If you are here I will be also!

  92. Here's to a good new year, deserve it!
    Thanks for your words, your blogging.
    Keep on keeping on!!!!

  93. I am another daily reader who rarely comments! But I want to wish you a great, funny, exiting and wonderful year 2023. Thank you for your time and for sharing your life, feelings and experiences.
    Hilde in Germany

  94. Anamaria6:56 am

    Happy New Year, for you and yours, thank you for your blog, all the way from North Carolina

  95. You are a human being what he is meant to be. I watch from the back of the room and I applaud you. Sure...some days are more of a slog than others, but you slog through them. Good work, John. Happy New Year.

  96. Happy New Year John, and love to all in the cottage.

  97. May 2023 be a very good year!

  98. A very Happy New Year to you

  99. Happy, happy New Year dear one. Patxx

  100. A work in progress. And what a wonderful work in progress it is. Many thanks for Going Gently, it is a bright spot in my mornings in in West Texas and makes me wish very much that I lived in a small Welsh village myself. I wish you and Roger and all yours the very best of New Years. And look forward to whatever our 2023 pathways may lead us.

  101. Thank you for your comments .
    It’s sunny today
    A new day and a new year

  102. Lovely post! Best wishes for a happy 2023.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes