Meatloaf and Bobble Hats

It is Gorgeous Dave’s  birthday today .
He didn’t tell me until we had met in Chester
We went to Chester Cathedral to see no less than three Meatloaf tribute singers from the west end singing a selection of his hits by candlelight,
The gothic cathedral was packed, mostly by people my age with bobble hats on, which was all a bit surreal 
It was lovely to be out and doing something. I owe him

I loved it and sang along with all of the sad ballads For Crying Out Loud , Heaven Can Wait, Two out of Three ain’t bad, Lost Boys and Golden Girls songs I grew up loving much more than I ever did with the more popular Bat out of Hell
Not the best sing to be belting out in a cathedral “ noted Gorgeous  Dave

Tomorrow is the village Christmas Fayre and my dear friend Colin is coming over from Liverpool for dinner…


  1. Why do I find the combination of Meatloaf, candlelight and cathedral so incongruous? Still, glad you had a good time. Happy birthday, Dave. xx

  2. Did you post later than usual there is only one comment LOL Good for you to find the time to enjoy !!

  3. Barbara Anne1:11 am

    I well remember those Meatloaf songs and agree it's hard to imagine that music in such a wonderful cathedral.
    Happy birthday to Dave!


  4. The cathedral is stunning! The singing must sound wondrous in that space!

  5. What a building!!..and the accoustics!!
    A great place to have any music

  6. Damselfly1:33 am

    Such an impressive venue and candlelight must surely have emphasized/enhanced the somewhat gothic aesthetic of the sad ballads, especially "Heaven Can Wait" and "It's All Coming Back to Me Now". Sounds like a wonderful evening, John dear.
    I did chuckle a bit picturing an audience in bobble hats singing along. 😊

  7. If that's Gorgeous Dave next to you in the selfie, he truly IS gorgeous!

  8. Meat Loaf did have a cathedral-worthy voice -- witness his duet with Luciano Pavarotti, singing Tourna Sorrento, for a benefit concert. Encountered his serious side years ago when he was pursuing a diagnosis for his odd neuro-cardio ailment. Mr. Aday was a man of many parts...

  9. I would have loved it too! Great evening and a happy birthday to Dave. The Christmas fair and Colin's visit are lovely things to look forward to.

  10. Your title suggested either a song by Meatloaf called Bobble Hat or that Mrs. Trellis went with you to the concert.

  11. I remember the first time I heard Two Out of There Ain't Bad and loving it. I haven’t tired of it. What a great time. Meat Loaf was quite a jerk, but I did like his music. Happy birthday to Gorgeous Dave.

  12. It sounds like a wonderful and special evening. Tomorrow is also something to look forward to.

  13. It is a lovely building - so glad you enjoyed it

  14. Dave and his lady have lovely smiling faces - Seems like another happy day for you today John x

    1. Not his lady flis , she was photobombing

    2. Ooo- Is he free then ? x

  15. Sounds like a delightful evening out, we need more of those.

  16. Meatloaf sang in Bath a few years ago. You could hear him from the street. He was absolutely awful, but I never liked him when he could hit the right notes. Sorry Meatloaf fans.

    1. I saw him in concert in Wembley arena in the 1990s he was very good, I later life his rock n roll lifestyle fucked his voice

  17. I went to You Tube to listen to some of his songs. I had forgotten his hits. Glad you had fun!

  18. That sounds like a wonderful evening, the acoustics must have been amazing.
    We went to see "bat out of hell" a musical made around the songs of Meatloaf. It was fantastic

  19. Meatloaf tribute singers in a cathedral. The mind reels!

  20. I bet the acoustics were really good though.

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