Girly Lights

“ Have you any spare fairy lights? “  
The question came from the hospice social worker, a straight talking Irish woman with a ribald sense of humour
You look the sort” she added 
I was taken aback, somewhat as my day had not stopped and had revolved around constant visits to the drug room for the double checking of large amounts of morphine, and sedation and controlled drugs of all types.
Fairy lights was a new one on me.
“I may have some at home “ I told her
“ Girly ones?” the social worker asked hopefully 
“Well I think they may be Girly enough!” I said “ will pink flamingos do?” 
“Perfect “ she purred.

The social worker had been talking to one of my patients who wanted her best friends to come in to the hospice for a girly night “ in” 
The girly night is planned for tomorrow when I am on duty and the social worker wanted to set the scene well.
“Fairy lights mean girly night to me” the social worker explained 
what about the Prosecco ? “ I asked 
A support worker overheard the conversation and chipped in
Several bottles already brought in by relatives, they are in the kitchen all labelled” she said 

Hospices do these sort of appeals well.
We are especially good at organising last minute weddings too, thanks mainly to a local registrars office that will pull the stops out for such requests.

This morning I couldn’t find any flamingoes at home.
Indeed there wasn’t a set of fairly lights to be seen anywhere. 
I must have had a Scrooge moment and had thrown them all out a year or two ago
Not even a beak left. 

I bought a set of lights this morning to take in to work tomorrow.
Operation Girly night is go! 


  1. Always known them as fairy lights, but never really had any since our nursery rhyme set of lights fused when I was about four and Dad refused to buy anymore (this must have been about 1960). Hope the Girly night in goes brilliantly. On another topic seems to be promising news about Weaver

    1. Yes, lovely to see the old gal back with us

  2. Replies
    1. A few years ago I bought some pink flamingo fairy lights , and everyone loved my photo of them ( above) I must of thrown them

  3. Anonymous11:13 am

    Anne Brew

    This upbeat post matches my mood, having just visited A Weaver of Grass blog and found her home. A good day - so far.

    1. Happy days indeed. And a lesson for us all to be patient .having said this, I’m sure pat has been moved greatly by blogland’s show of support

    2. That is great news Anne! Thank you. She's been in my thoughts and I've checked her blog every day hoping she'd pull through.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Too many mistakes, so delete.
    Today I was sitting on a bench seat in a street to ease my arthritic back as R loaded up the car with our weekly shopping. As I gazed upwards to a balcony of a medium rise apartment block, I spotted a pink flamingo statue. Gay!!!

    1. Yes….I love it as a real gay icon. They’ve been selling versions of them in the local supermarket this year , light up ones. I bought one foe Jamie our RAF moustached choir master

  6. You are such a treasure, John, buying fairy lights for a patient. Hope the girly night is fun for all. Great news about Weaver. xx

    1. No treasure , I’m keeping the lights after they are used

  7. When was the last time we threw a party? Too long ago. Some place we have a storage box with a string of bears, cows and yes I think flamingo lights, the closet by the front door I think.

    1. David…I think the last part I hat party in Sheffield 1997

  8. Along the lines of 'every hospice should have a set of fairy lights', is there a list of stuff they could do with that some of us might have languishing at home? I, for one, would be happy to send things instead of taking it to the charity shop.

    1. And what a fantastic idea …of course they would need to be PAT tested

  9. I hope the party is a big success for your patient.

    1. I hope so too…I’ll tell you tomorrow

  10. Isn't that always the way, that as soon as you toss something it's needed not too long after. Nice you were able to get your hands on fairy lights so quickly.

    1. I needed to get a dog lead. Trendy Carol’s husband instructed me to get one, as Dorothy has wrecked hers and he’s dog sitting tomorrow

  11. Replies
    1. I think many of us has a small group of friends that we would like to have that “ final” drink with one last time x

  12. Sounds like it's going to be a fun night in for the girls ... flamingo or not. There was once an afternoon birthday party in the hospice that I worked for and we were told to keep away from the 'party room' but every time we tried to sneak by, we were called in with shrieks of 'Come to the party, have some fun'. It was a riotous afternoon for everyone that day.

    1. We are busy at the moment so I suspect the girls will be on their own lol

  13. I just loved reading this, John! Makes my heart happy. The kindness and love with which you all care for your patients makes someone's last days on this earth side memorable, for them, and for their family and friends. What a gift.

    1. It’s not a gift Karla, it’s a mentality and a philosophy

  14. Damselfly2:09 pm

    You're a gem, dear John!

  15. You've gotten my day off to a good start.


    1. I’m having a nice day too. Weave is home. The fire is sister has transformed the garden again and after a wholesome supper, I’m off to bed soon as I’m working tomorrow

  16. Here's to a successful girly night. I love how you call Christmas lights fairy lights. We call them twinkle lights over here in Canada. Fairy cakes are cupcakes. You've got to love the English language. Must go and read Weaver's post. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Her words are in the comment section Elaine

  17. Since the phrase 'Pink Flamingoes' came so readily to your mind I can't help wondering if this was a subconscious recollection of the 1972 John Waters film of that name, (hardly a 'girly' one!), where in a late scene Divine actually takes into her/his mouth........ Sorry, no, I won't go on. If you don't already know it's better that you don't. Maybe it's what Tom Stephenson's multiple question marks meant (2nd comment, above). :-)

    1. Wasn’t it a dog poo Raymondo ?

    2. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone who hasn't seen it.

  18. OMG yes.
    I love fairy lights. I have tons in my pantry. I don't care what anybody says. And girly fairy lights sound like fun, TBH. I love the ones you got! Very John Waters. Divine would approve.


    1. Now fairy lights in the kitchen is a very 1990s Nigella Lawson thing

  19. Barbara Anne3:36 pm

    How wonderful to all you and the rest of the staff can to make dreams and wishes come true for your patients. Those flamingo lights are perfect!!


    1. I can’t believe I’ve thrown the out …..I’ll find the. Hidden away ..unless the Prof took them when he left

  20. You are such a kind man- these little gifts of yours shine a light in a dark world.

    1. It was the social worker who was/is kind,.it was all her idea

  21. How kind of you to purchase the lights. All the best for the 'girly' night, I'm sure they will have a lovely, memorable time.

    1. And pissed looking at the bottles lined up lol

    2. call a taxi for the girls then!

    3. They have a late pass, night staff can sort that out lol

  22. This post brought a lump to my throat .. to have one last girly-night .. to marry before you have to say goodbye ...

    1. Yes, such events are poignant and oh so necessary sometimes…if chosen by patient it gives them some control back

  23. I love strings of lights. I never heard them called 'fairy lights' until probably 10 years ago, talking to someone from Australia. Whatever they are called, though, they do lend a touch of magic to about any dark spot.

    1. I’ve picked these because I can use them outside

    2. Two of our tenants have their back decks festooned with strings of lights that are solar powered. You can put them anywhere and they come on automatically at night. I didn't even know they made such a thing, but those are very nice.

  24. I managed to organise two weddings in the day room, in my time. One had a finger buffet!!

  25. What a sweetheart you are to do this. Your colleagues too.

    1. This is what hospices are all about .

  26. I looked at Weaver of Grass's blog The Weaver of Grass said...

    Thank you all so much - I am deeply touched by your carefor me. ||I am not up to blogging but am just saying thank you. Then I can start again when I feel up to it. For anyone who knows about such things - I had a Grand Mal Epileptic Fit and have been in hospital a fortnight. Iam stil deeply confused but I have doubled my care and she is wonderful as are my friends and my son. My drugs aew being changed. Hopefully see you soon.

    4 November 2022 at 02:35

    1. Thank you for that Hart, I’m sure there’s a lot of smiling faces .her silence was practical , safety of her empty house…
      Simples ..I’m very glad

  27. I like a party x 💄🍷💃👯

  28. I can't believe you tossed out the flamingo lights! I hope they turn up.

    1. If not there are tons of choices online including overpriced on Amazon.

    2. I have a feeling The Prof may have them

    3. It doesn’t matter they were cheap as chips

  29. An all round nice post. Have a good night. x

  30. This made me so happy! A final blow-out, a last piss-up, a tour with the old boats; most never know when it is happening and doesn’t enjoy it enough. This sounds truly epic! I’m impressed.

  31. Anonymous12:05 am

    You know they will turn up this weekend! Always happens! Good job! Jennifer

  32. Anonymous12:27 am

    you are a jewel among humans, John. Or should I say, a *light* among humans.
    Susan M from Calif

  33. Party night sounds excellent. The girls will have a good time. The lights are a hoot and will be a big hit at the party.

  34. You were the right person to ask about Fairy lights ... and the pink Flamingos will come in very useful. I'm so happy to hear Weaver is Ok, even if the Grand Mal attack is a worry. I hope work calms down soon, and you get a few restful shifts. Are Hospice admissions seasonal - as in more as winter draws in?

  35. I've heard of pink flamingos as a lawn decoration, especially if one lives in Parma (you have to have lived in Greater Cleveland the latter part of the 20th century to get that joke) but never as lights. I've probably have seen them and just didn't pay close enough attention.

  36. John to the rescue, as usual.

  37. You'll probably find them hidden in some dark closet months from now. Meanwhile, bravo for getting some new ones and seeing through your "girly light" obligations!

  38. I liked your comment John, about it being a mentality and a philosophy. Hope the girls have a blast.


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