
 “ Whats up with your eye?” 
So asked a patient’s relative moments later after I started to talk to him in the ward office
The sclera of my eye had turned an unsightly red giving me the look of a fat friendly zombie, which is not the look you want to have when you are sharing support on a hospice inpatients department.

Roger had given me a right swipe last night 

I irrigated my eye with chlorampenicol eye drops nicked from the work fridge but when I got home my eye felt sticky and painful 
Sailor John was waiting for me when I walked to the cottage.
Old Trev had had a fall in his garage  and had just been carried to bed by a young passerby who had heard his calls after lying there for a few hours.
I was happy to help sort him out , 
His niece will be accompanying him for a check up in hospital in a few hours time.
Ambulance waits in wales are calculated in hours 
It’s a scandal 
Typical of Trev , after we had assessed his pain , and warmed him up with multiple duvets and after I got him to show me he hadn’t broken his hip 
He said in his sing song , welsh accent, his tiny face peeping from under the bed clothes
John , do you know you’ve done something to your eye?”


  1. Barbara Anne11:05 pm

    Do you supposed you need to see an eye doctor n case your eye needs further tx?
    Hope Old Trev is none the worse after his fall.
    Creepy pictture!


  2. That young passer-by deserves a reward for helping Old Trev. Do you know who he or she was?

  3. Your black eye sounds very sore and the new symptoms: sticky and painful do not sound like things are improving. Will you consider seeing your eye doc?

  4. Anonymous11:57 pm

    What a great neighbor and friend you are.
    I hope your eye heals quickly.
    Take Care,
    Park City, UT

  5. Hoping you and Trev are both OK. Sending hugs. xx

    1. Sailor john has just called around to check how he is , he’s been admitted for “ tests”
      Which means bloods

  6. Anonymous12:50 am

    You are certainly a great asset to your village, turning out to help when needed even after a long work day and your own injury.


  7. It was lucky that the passerby heard and went to help Trev - I do hope all is well xx

  8. Anonymous12:51 am

    Maybe an eye patch so you don't frighten anyone. And you can practice speaking like a pirate...

  9. I hope Roger didn't scratch your cornea. Perhaps you should have a doctor check things out just in case.

  10. Damselfly2:54 am

    You're a good 'un, dear John.
    Hoping Old Trev is none the worse for wear, and your eye heals easily. Do think you should have a doctor take a quick look-see. The "sticky and painful" description after the chloramphenicol eye drops is concerning.

    1. It’s a lot better now , but looks crap

  11. Glad you were able to help your neighbor. Hope your eye feels better soon.

  12. Poor man, or men in this case. Was old Trev on the floor long enough to worry about rhabdomyolysis? When I worked on medicine we would once in awhile get an elderly person in who had laid on the floor for quite awhile and then ended up with rhabdomyolysis. Hope he's feeling better soon, and you too.

    1. I’ve see some dreadful rhabdomylysis cases in my time , he’s ok, lots of micro moving

  13. Hope you and Trev recover soon. Boxing gloves for Roger for Christmas perhaps!

  14. I'm so glad that kind passer by heard and helped Trev! It could have been even worse.

    It's horrible carrying on as normal with a black eye. I suffered one during a game of squash and it was a nightmare for ages!

    1. Well it’s the Scera rather than around the eye

  15. Good that a passer-by was willing to help. Well done both, hope his checkup goes ok

    1. The boyfriend of a girl who lives around the corner, he lifted him and carried him into the house

  16. Several thoughtful people in this post. So, Nurse John, does your eye need to be checked out by a professional?

  17. Very accident-ridden post. Hope everyone recovers nicely.

  18. Once when I was petting my cat she moved and a tiny piece of one of her toenails FLEW into my eye. I tried to get it out myself and couldn't. I had to go to an optician to have it removed. I called it "cat shrapnel."

    All to say eye injuries from pets DO happen! Hope your eye recovers soon and Trev as well.

  19. Each of you cared about one or more people. I do hope you eye feels better. x

  20. Hope your eye heals quickly John, Was Roger being playful ? ..... Hope Old Trev makes a full recovery as well. XXXX

  21. Get your eye checked out John, I had Keratitis earlier this year, and it was bloody horrible!
    No injury as far as I can remember, but awoke at 2-30 one morning with the most dreadful pain in my right eye.
    Rang Dr, thinking it was just conjunctivitis, which I get fairly frequently. He basically forced me to call our local Optometrist team, emergency appointment for same afternoon, and seen at Hospital Eye Clinic as an emergency at 9-00 the next morning! It was Keratitis, otherwise known as a Corneal Ulcer, which if left untreated can actually cause loss of some, or all, vision in affected eye. After two weeks of Anti biotic eye drops, the last ten days of which I also had steroid eye drops, and it was all cleared up and gone! I did have to wear an eye patch for over a week, Aaarrgghhh lad! X

  22. May you and Old Trev both get set to rights quickly.

  23. Anonymous3:50 pm

    "Eye drops nicked from the work fridge" - isn't nicked another word for stealing? Presumably those eyedrops had been prescribed for a patient. Isn't stealing a sackable offence where you work?

  24. Than our animals cost us in ways we haven't even expected ...a hard right to the eyeball. Take care. Hugs.

    1. Anonymous4:30 pm


    2. She’s not really , even the Angel Agrees

  25. Anonymous4:46 pm

    oh saviour john swoops in to save the day again. we all donate to our hospice and church etc but saint john thinks its ok to steal prescription meds from the cupboard! is this not against the nurses code?? i am sure as usual he will come up with a quickly made up excuse. but of course they are for saint john so it s fine. hopefully you got back in time to open the door to another yet young gentleman from the vllage from grinder!!! quite the reputation in the village now for his ''tastes'' in scruffy much younger men in tracksuits and work clobber!!!

    1. You are a sad disgusting peeping tom anon... what ever must go on in your toxic mind on a daily basis must make you dry and uninteresting; you should try a little kindness now and then it might save you your bitterness..the bitterness and jealousy you reek of.

      Jo in Auckand

    2. Oh dear what planet do u live on
      Firstly I obtained permission to utilize a stock eye drop which really was cost effective as it allowed me to stay on duty and not go off sick to the nearest minor injury unit.

      As for the fantasy of back.door liaison accusations .if only !!!!
      What larks pip!

    3. Anonymous7:20 pm

      Then why didn't you say that instead of beng clever saying you "nicked" the eye drops?

    4. I write as I write, your sadness has always been your lack of understanding irony and the nuances of English language

    5. Anonymous4:33 pm

      Nick is a verb meaning to steal.
      For you to lecture on the use of the English language is laughable.

    6. You give yourself away with your misguided single subject tenacity.

  26. Well, Anon apparently knows all that goes on in the village!
    Well, they don't, they're just a sad little keyboard warrior!
    As far as John is concerned, he/she/it couldn't be more wrong!
    I wonder what sort of warped pleasure Anon gets from spitting such bile all the time.
    Maybe they should step away from the keyboard, and try to have a normal life, rather than sitting in semi darkness being slowly consumed by the acid flowing through their veins!

    1. Big breaths col , she’s not really worth reacting to

  27. Anonymous7:18 pm

    If Anon gets you so riled up Col perhaps you need a sit in semi darkness to recover. It really isn't anything to do with you though is it? A step away from the keybpard is what you need.

    1. And the game continues ….. Anon I really do t know why you bother…but you have an obvious psychological need to continue

    2. Oooh, Anon made a typo....what, pray tell is a 'keybpard'?

  28. Anonymous9:20 am

    Oooooh Col you missed John's typo!

  29. There's more than one "Anon" commenting here.
    If you look at the lack of punctuation in the anonymous comment regarding what goes on in the village it is very similar to the comments made by another prolific commenter who often makes several comments on each post.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes