
 I forgot to blog this tiny moment of surreal joy today, what with the family news and all that
Zoe Ball was shouting a lot on radio 2 this morning as she has a want to do 
But this sentence did make me laugh out loud in the dog walking car park early doors

Ooooh I’m all out of sorts today” she moaned  ……”I’ve put the wrong bra on!”

Ps Leslie Thomas never said “ Goodbye”

Sadly until now x


  1. I know just how she felt!!
    Lovely that she can voice what many others have experienced

  2. Why do women even wear bras? Let 'em loose I say! Shake off your shackles!

  3. I was all of a fluster this morning and didn't bother - there's only 2 fried eggs though x 👙.

  4. My ribs hurt from coughing for two weeks. Now my bra hurts them, too.

  5. You guys are lucky, you can go out without undies, no problems. Us older ladies go out without a bra it scares the heck of people.

  6. I always loved LP. I saw him in a GBS play once, into which they had added his famous 'Hello'. The audience cheered and laughed like it was the world's greatest joke! A wonderful moment (for him too).

  7. He certainly had a way with saying "Hello". I liked him too.

  8. Being rather lacking in that department, I have lived with a 1960s bra less life very happily. Though boy did I want a larger bosom when younger. Bras are a bit like high heels they concoct your body into a different shape but it looks painful....

  9. YP and Thelma you try having four kids , feeding them as designed...when your boobs can grow several sizes...and they never go back....then try doing anything active.
    No fun atall! Agreed though, some bras are a daft shape

  10. A decidedly lascivious "hello".

  11. Another of those names which had been hovering in the background for my entire life. Still sad indeed.

  12. Leslie Phillips, what a character, what a life. Knew when not to interfere with the wrong bra too:
    "Well, I learnt a lot about the opposite sex from my time at the Italia Conte school, where the girls were busty, good looking, uninhibited and daring and didn’t care if you saw their knickers when they were dancing; if they needed a quick change they would strip off in front of everyone. I twanged one’s bra strap one day and she told on me, and I learnt that no matter how inviting some ladies might appear, you have to be careful, as they might bite. But I also learnt that a good woman can teach you a lot about everything."
    Leery old cad. Quite right too!

  13. Leslie Phillips - what an actor! RIP, Leslie, thanks for the laughs. As for bras, I totally agree with gz. Although the relief when you take it off - oooooh! xx

  14. Yorkshire Liz10:00 am

    Bras are a continual nightmare. Ok if you are just mincing around trying to be beautiful, but mainly hopeless when trying to do real life bra tests like gardening or decorating. And things like underside and gallery bras are instruments of torture designed by men to keep women in their place. (See what delights you are missing, John?)
    So sad to see the death of the wonderful and much underrated Leslie Phillips. One of the sweetest blokes I have ever interviewed, And so far from his public image. A true original talent, from his days as a child actor earning to keep his family afloat.

  15. Loved Leslie Philips ding-dong!
    Quick bra story, shopping in town l suddenly got a sharp pain in my upper chest, it didn't ease off. Hummm, better get home quick l thought. On the bus journey back l sat very still and tried not to take deep breaths as that made the pain worse, is this a heart attack l kept thinking?. All along the journey if we went over a bump in the road, the pain intensified. Right see what happens if/when you reach home l kept thinking, stay calm, sit still. On we rode, very tense it was. Eventually home, phew, lets look in a mirror and see how you look l thought. There was the bra cup underwire had come out of the holder and was now pressing on my breast plate, everytime my chest expanded with a deep breath, or the thing pressed down the pain increased. Bra flung off, pain disappeared, nice cuppa tea, all's well now. Good job l didn't just phone 999 and waste their precious time! Tess x

    1. Good thing it didn't come out in the washing and kill the machine!!


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