Yorkshire Puds

 Sometimes I think I shouldn’t write in Going Gently every day.
Like for most us, ordinary days can be somewhat mundane here in Wales.
But write I do 
A habit such as a journal can’t be broken just because fuck all happens.

I’ve spent most of the day at home, what with Bluebell in the garage.
But I’ve been busy enough what with phone calls to three friends , two hours of study and college homework and baking Yorkshire Puddings for tomorrow’s supper.
Now I made a batch of Yorkshire’s rather than the customary big square one which was traditionally eaten as a starter or as a meal on its own filled with gravy and veg.

Bluebell passed her MOT and received her service as I fixed the washing machine, sprayed Roger’s ear cooked and felt smug with myself
The Repair Shop is on tonight. 
Apart from that and The Walking Dead , it’s the only thing I really watch on tv 
Ps I’m now watching Handmade, Britain’s best woodworker which is Bake off from a decade ago with Mel Giedroyc and the very sexy Tom Dyckhoff 

Pity the present day bake off has gone rather bland


  1. Anonymous6:21 pm

    Lies again , you watched bake off last night

    1. Oh dear, the first comment too….I’m not such a loyal Bake off fan anymore even though I watched last night .. I don’t find Matt Lucas funny

    2. Anonymous6:40 pm

      A mundane day is what I call a pottering day . Good for the soul ! We would miss you if you didn’t blog every day and love your stories and reflections on life . As they say in Ireland “ it’s how you tell ‘em that matters ! X Bernie

    3. Anonymous6:43 pm

      Ps as I worked as a community palliative CNS through lockdown your blog was always looked forward to during some challenging days . We don’t mind if you need a break but don’t forget to come back ! X Bernie

    4. Bernie , what a lovely comment
      But there’s no show without punch

    5. Well, I am gonna just put it out there....you need to write your book to be used as an outline for the television show they will make of it. Pick the person to play you. Heavens man, it would make a great show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Those Yorkshire puds look good. Making me hungry! I'm looking forward to watching Handmade, Britain's Best Woodworker, tonight. A bit like Pottery Throwdown, full of very talented amateurs doing their thing. xx

    1. Thanks for the reminder , I’ve just set my recorder for it

    2. Judge Tom Dyckhoff is such a babe

  3. Though I've had little to say, I do want to tell you how important your posts have been to me over the past few years. Almost every day I take a break from my work around 2pm (Virginia time) and have a cup of tea while turning to your post. Your everyday life might seem mundane to you, but it never is to me. Reading your post every day feels like checking in with a friend.
    Kathy from Virginia

    1. Kathy
      I may be flippant but my blog has gotten me through some very dark days indeed.
      It’s a habit that is incredibly important and necessary and one that is a part of my everyday life

  4. Great looking batters, mine never rise like that.

    1. Use veg oil and heat it until it’s almost smoking . Use barrier which is from the fridge

  5. Like Katie, I would be so disappointed if 'Going Gently' post was missing. I have loads of blogs on my list but you are special.
    You are the first blog that is read each day.
    Love em

  6. Barbara Anne6:43 pm

    I'd miss you if you stopped writing every day. Fret not if most posts aren't earth-shaking. There full of wit, wisdom, and good stories about all sorts of things. Couldn't be better!
    Will have to look up a recipe for Youkshire Puddings unless you'd like to share your recipe?


    1. 200g plain flour, season well and stir in threeeggs one at a time then whisk in 300mls milk
      Make a smooth batter.
      Cool in fridge before u use
      Cook in a very hot oven 220 in oil tin which is “ shimmering hot”

    2. Barbara Anne8:01 pm

      "Oil tine?" How do they get their shape? What do you fill them with? How long do you cool the batter in the fridge?
      Ta for the recipe despite my many questions!


    3. You need about half a centremetre of hot oil in the tin or muffin tins ( for individual ones like mine)
      Chill at least 1 hour

    4. Barbara Anne9:50 pm

      Ta, John!


  7. Sounds a very satisfying day John - and fancy that - you can repair washing machines x 🚙

    1. I followed a troubleshooting YouTube video

  8. We love your mundane days! Good for Bluebell! She is pretty new so should be in great shape. Your Yshire puddings are so yummy looking. My mom made them evry year w the Xmas rib roast, a special treat.

  9. PS It's impressive that you fixed the washer but really it must be under warranty, whether you mailed in the forms or not.

  10. I miss watching Repair Shop but I haven't seen any new episodes here on Netflix. I have never had a Yorkshire pudding but it looks like a dough cup to me not what I think of as a pudding at all! :)

  11. Those yorkies look divine. I have a bung oven and mine won't rise. Looking to buy a new one soon and that's about as exciting as my life is too, I also belong to the usually mundane club. Glad Bluebell got the tick. Hopefully Rogers ear will come right soon.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. His ear has been squirted by my ubiquitous antiseptic purple spray

    2. Ps u need a very hot oven

  12. Anonymous9:25 pm

    I quite enjoy your tales of ordinary days. Lisa

  13. We all have quite ordinary days, I think, but it is always cheering to find that our ordinary days are interesting to others. Nobody expects that every day will be fireworks and excitement, but it is nice to know that there is a likeminded soul moving through his days in his corner of the world even as the rest of us move through the days in our corners.

  14. This post makes me hungry for roast beef and little Yorkshire puddings with gravy. They're a rare treat in my world. I really should learn how to prepare this dinner for myself.

  15. Your cooking is always terrific and your YP's look outstanding. Isn't youTube great for quick fix instructions. Glad to hear the MOT went well.

  16. That's the best blogpost title I have ever seen! The Yorkshire puddings don't look too bad either.

  17. Joan (Devon)10:44 pm

    Your mundane days are far more exciting than mine. Glad Roger is on the mend and that Bluebell got through her test. You make better Yorkshire puddings than me and I'm from Yorkshire.

  18. We both enjoy The Repair Shop - which is surprising, because hubby is the most "un-handy man" I've ever met. But we enjoy their gentle support of each other, and their skills. We're also watching the Pottery one, (from Bristol I think) again because the guy is so supportive and kind. I'm way past watching unpleasantness or violence.

    I'm mightily impressed with your Yorkies. The one time I tried, mine were flat and soft.

  19. I enjoy all aspects of your blog, the fun, the interesting, the descriptions, the dramatic and the mundane. If you didn't feel like writing every day I would still follow.
    The Repair shop is a programme I love. As well as Countryfile, any wildlife and train journey or travel ones too. Oh, and Ghosts!

  20. I love Yorkshire Pudding. Have never watched The Repair Shop. I’ll give it a try.

  21. We like watching Mary Berry followed by a bit of Nadiya. I want to eat everything they make.

  22. The puds look devine! But get your greedy hands off of Tom! He's mine I tell you, Mine! x

  23. It is Yorkshire season again, I bought a new pan for them, when we settled into the kitchen.

  24. Please keep blogging daily! I just recently found your blog and look forward to reading it every day.

  25. Lynn Marie11:49 am

    Bake off has officially jumped the shark with its desperate and cringy so-called "Mexican" and "Japanese" shows. When a show runs out of steam, it should recognize it's time to quit. They had a great run, but it's over.

  26. I also blog daily, and it can be a challenge but I subscribe to the idea that there's always something interesting to say. I just have to find it. Maybe I'm fooling myself. LOL

    I've lost interest in Bake Off now that the cute lispy Scottish guy got the boot.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes