Policemen Stories

I have always had a healthy respect for the police.
I was stopped by one last night when taking the dogs for a walk .
Bluebell had just had her service and the bike rack which is always hanging from the boot had come loose
The policeman just wanted me to know that it was unsafe.
He was very good looking and reached through the window to stroke Roger who suddenly became all wags and smiles. 
I smiled like a fat boy in a cake factory 
And simpered like a schoolgirl 

Years ago, I was once part of a psychiatric nurse team who had to retrieve a sectioned patient from their house in the community. We were accompanied by four extremely large Yorkshire policemen and my job in the whole event was to look after the syringes of intramuscular chlorpromazine . Sedation which I had to inject into the patient's buttocks if all went tits up.

Then I was only 23 and rather slight in stature. I also wore a very unflattering thick woolly jumper which made me look like a presenter of a 1980s childrens' tv show. I couldn't have been less of an asset to such a venture if I'd put on a gingham dress and platted my hair, but there we go.

Nowadays the police have all sort of equipment and protocols to follow in such situations as I am sure psychiatric nurses now do. Then , I chose the biggest and most manly policeman and stood behind him.
" Are you the lad with the drugs? " the policeman asked me when I peeped around his biceps to see what was going on
" yes " I gulped weakly
" Keep behind me, don't get in the way and if you need to jab the guy, I'll call you" he instructed carefully. He sounded like Freddie Truman and looked like a Greek god.
I nodded, white faced and shivered helplessly when he added

" and prick me with that fucking needle and I'll fucking batter you senseless !"


  1. Reminded me of the line from the Doctor books. Doctor: "Just a little prick with a needle." Patient: "Sure you are, but what are you going to do?" Keep up the good work Roger, attracting the dishy ones. xx

    1. Oh the “ little prick” was and still is a staple of nurse humour

  2. Haha fantastic. Our police are brilliant, I am sick and tired of them being knocked by all and sundry in the media. It's high time they were supported and brought back up to sensible numbers.

  3. Slight in stature? So was I at that age. What happened?

    Old school policing, but effective.

    1. I meant to mention, you posted the policemen photo before and I saved it at the time.

  4. Yorkshire Liz11:07 am

    The career highlights one remembers best are rarely the ones we expect. Great story!

    1. Yes, over the years the police have been a godsend to my nursing career . The last time , two policemen arrested my violent patient on intensive care

  5. Great laugh to start my day. Thank you!

  6. There's just something about a man in uniform, isn't there!

  7. Well, I have an appointment with my Cardiologist today and am expecting some so so news. So, what started as a grey day now has me laughing and a smile on my face. Thanks for this post. I needed it.

  8. LOL, but I'm sure that so added to your nervousness that if you'd had to jab anyone, it probably would have been yourself.

    1. God knows why I was picked. It was a very small hospital

  9. Giant policemen are not like other mortals. I attended a grand funeral for a public figure with such a friend. As we stood to the side, other mourners nodded as they filed by. Puzzled, I glanced up. He muttered: "You do realize I've arrested half the people in this room..." He was definitely a brother in uniform to the policeman who cautioned you.

  10. Can't get past a picture of you in a gingham dress and plaits. Sorry

  11. Funny stories about your nursing jobs make me laugh. This one is one of the best. I see a policeman in your future! Roger will work his magic....

    1. Policeman in my future, oh be still my beating heart

  12. I love to start my morning with a good laugh. Thank you.

  13. Loved reading this story, I've always admired policemen. Roger has good taste.

  14. Anonymous1:43 pm

    Growing up around so many policemen, I never notice them - Bel Ami

  15. A fine story. I was pulled over as a teenager in my new car for speeding, the cop was my cousin in the small town. It didn't go well.

    1. Lol during the first lockdown I was stopped several times..one policeman gave me a box of jelly babies

  16. Reminds me of the comedy film in which a dentist accidentally injects his own hand with an anaesthetic.

    1. Ah yes , The Carol Burnett show
      A famous sketch

  17. My father was in the Met; one of his favourite things to do when out driving was whenever he saw a policeman or car, he would wind down the window, shout "All coppers are bastards!" then put his foot down and hare off up the road ............

    1. Lol what an odd thing to do …did he get chased often?

    2. Never seemed odd to us, was just something he did that made us laugh when we were wee; never got chased in the Mini Clubman lol
      Nee naw, nee naw...........................

  18. Barbara Anne3:08 pm

    Loved the story and it's one mroe for the book.
    Roger is an asset in all sorts of ways!!


    1. Pity he couldn’t get his number lol

  19. What prompted you, skinny and nervous---and very young, to pursue a career in psychiatric nursing? Tell us your back story?

    1. Ok that’s tomorrow’s blog xx

    2. Looking forward to it! Also would like to read about your move long ago to cottage in Wales, search for current house, village idea/ first impressions etc, if it is not too hurtful to recall happier times.

  20. My mum said I should respect my elders and policemen - Unfortunely I have been let down badly by local village police - One did apologise on one occasion and I found myself saying
    - you're only human - these are the characters in last of the summer wine x

  21. Anonymous5:09 pm

    Remember doing equal ops training in the cops and we were told 1 in 10 males have homosexual tendencies. Caused a great deal of hilarity when we used to go out on public order events - 10 and a sergeant in a van

  22. I have seen the kissing policemen in real life, they are on a pub wall in my home town of Brighton.

  23. Anonymous5:41 pm

    This is more of a comment for yesterday----I enjoy your posts everyday even when not much is going on!

    1. Thank u, I can talk shit about anything

  24. If l hadn't had my children whilst l was young. I would probably have joined the Met, if they would have had me. The family still to this day accuse me of the ability to sniff out a crime, like who ate the last cake, who didn't recycle correctly, who brought mud in the house! etc. No wonder they all left home early haha! Tess x

  25. Another one for the book.

  26. Ah policemen, always there with a kind word.

  27. Those kissing policemen live about 200 yards from me.

  28. I was once sat in my car waiting at traffic lights and eating a toffee apple which my sister had handed me. Through the open window a policeman popped his head in and said "You do realise you should have both hands free for the wheel?" I was so embarrassed I jammed the toffee apple in my mouth and, as then the lights changed, drove off using both hands and leaving him laughing. But I did as he said and handed it to my sister then.

    1. I like this one, it also reminds me of when I was in stuck in traffic and Finlay was sat on my knee with his paws on the steering wheel
      The policeman kits knocked on my window and pointed
      And I said “ oh it’s ok , I’m doing the peddles for him”

  29. Shall I tell you a policeman story? Perhaps not. My name is already mud ;o)

  30. You could have simply needled him with that fucking prick. He didn’t say anything about that.

  31. Well THAT doesn't exactly inspire confidence, does it? (Then again, he'd be sedated, so what could he do?)

  32. Anonymous6:20 pm

    You've posted that tale before. Yawn.

    1. Anonymous11:02 pm

      And you're still a troll. Double yawn.

    2. A good story is worth repeating

    3. And to be fair why are u still reading it yawn


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