Bright, Bright, Sunshiny day


This morning I completed my second speed awareness course. As bad luck would have it I was sat next to a garrulous and rather irritating woman from Llandudno who never stopped spouting rubbish rather than being parked next to a brooding good looking Welsh farmer called Iwan who sat to her left.
“Chalk it up to experience”  he told me in his sing song welsh accent and I nodded gamely, in that way you do when trying to ingratiate yourself. 
The irritating woman monopolised his attention
The Cow ! 

Yesterday, I started my counselling diploma . 
It felt an important day, and was one that gave me a great deal of food for thought.
From yesterday, I now feel as though I have a life plan.
I sort of know where I am going.
Four years ago ( was it four?) I was financially in dire straits. I was retired, facing the prospect of losing my home, was carless, emotionally fucked and didn’t have a plan of what I was doing and where I was going.
Yesterday I saw the forward path for real, and it felt real and right and exciting.
Completing my counselling course will take me to the age of 63. 
If ( sorry when) I qualify I will be then able to take my own clients whether that be in a palliative care setting or privately, and that transition will allow me to retire properly from nursing after forty one years in the profession. 

The counselling course will push me and I need that. It will push me emotionally, professionally and most importantly academically and sitting in the classroom yesterday, looking over Google classroom and feeling slightly overfaced by technology felt all rather exciting.
I have budgeted for the costs and have set aside monies to see me through the training, and my part time status at work will allow me some balance and downtime.

I have a plan 
And it feels the right Plan 

Touch wood.

I’ve just taken the dogs to the beach. When I am driving now, Roger has got into William’s old habit of sniffing and licking my hair as we go. 
It’s a lovely feeling , all told and I am so grateful he has settled in to the cottage dynamic .

So home is sorted, work is going well and the future has a plan .
What was it the Jimmy Cliff song went ?

I can see clearly now ,the rain has gone ……….


  1. The Hot House Flowers made a great job covering the Jimmy Cliff song. I have seen them twice.

    1. I like them

  2. You've reinvented your whole life and you will see the benefits.
    The speed thing is unfortunate. I have a $500 fine to pay for going through a red light. I didn't fly through, had been sitting in a queue for so long and really wanted to make it through. Bad decision

    1. All of the people (40 odd people) on my course were my age and over

  3. Anonymous11:53 am

    Wonderful news all around congrats, Suzy

  4. You've come a long way in four years. The future is looking very bright for you now. So chuffed for you. Just don't speed again, even if there's the off-chance of meeting that Welsh farmer again! xx

    1. Lol….I’ve been caught four times now in 6 years l.ouch

  5. Highly chuffed for you. Lovely to see xx

    1. Anonymous7:18 pm

      Banging on AGAIN about the bad old days.Play a different tune

    2. Get a life, Anonymous.

    3. Thanks PATTY and HH …Anonyou are perhaps right…time to change the tune x

    4. Anonymous7:53 pm


    5. Anonymous6:20 pm

      The tune will only change when you get tired of singing this version of it. Be brave and find a new tune to hum to.

    6. I wonder if Anonymous' tune will ever change? My god, but the one she's been singing for ever has gotten very old.....

  6. Am pleased for you, sending love x

  7. You got this, John. Enjoy the journey!

  8. Cheers to you John x 🎷

  9. Congratulations John. I start a grief course next week which I'm looking forward to as well. Nurses need far more support than we get now.

    When we look back, we can see how far we've come. Sending hugs.

    1. I’d be interested to hear how your course pans out

  10. Barbara Anne1:52 pm

    Most excellent, my friend! If I remember that Jimmy Cliff sone, aren't the obstacles out of the way in the next line? Hope you can enjoy haw far you've come in the last 4 years and the last 41 years, too.

    How sweet that Roger seems to be channeling William!


  11. “Look straight ahead, there’s nothing but blue skies.” I am so happy for you. You’re an inspiration. (And you’re already a gifted counselor.)

    1. Well I have experience but I have a lot of bad habits I am sure

  12. I admire your positivity and perseverance, your ability to start over and never give up. You will be an exceptional counselor, I think.

    1. What option did I have? Lizzy be honest I very nearly went under a couple of times

  13. What a good plan it is! Best wishes x

  14. A good look into the kind of person folks are drawn toward. Iwan.

  15. This is all so splendid. Really, John. You should be proud.

  16. Anonymous4:01 pm

    What a satisfying feeling to set out confidently on a new path! I'm cheering for you!

    1. Things have been a bit wishy washy until now

  17. Wonderful! Good luck with fulfilling your plan.

  18. It is great to have a plan. An anchor for the future. x

    1. I’m a list maker …a plan is one step up

  19. OMG - you have accomplished so much in 4 years. Wishing you the best now and always.

    1. Thank you Sandra ….I feel brighter because I have a structured plan. It’s something I often try to teach my patients and relatives at work ….HAVE A PLAN

  20. Good goin' John. Cheers from across the pond.

  21. Yes Andrew , and I think you for keep coming back for more..and for supporting me through the worst of times.


  22. Four years, gosh that's gone fast hasn't it. Your planning however has paid off and look where you are; things are finally reaching a point where all your hard work and diligence means something more than just a sum of their parts. Well done I am very very pleased for you. Roger sounds a delight; another William it seems.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. He barks more, they have the same blood line

    2. Anonymous9:03 pm

      Are you friends with the Prof ?

  23. Anonymous9:41 pm

    Dear John - You really have been pulling yourself up, out of the slough of despond, by your proverbial bootstraps, and doing a great job of it. Sending love, N2

  24. And may I say that it sounds like a great plan. Go for it John... but not too fast!

  25. Seems you'll soon be perfectly placed to counsel people of adhering to speed limits, and for your own good hopefully yourself. I didn't know they'd let you take that get out twice, I wonder if three times?... Maybe we'll soon find out (hopefully not).

    1. My first one was four or five years ago. When I was caught second time , I was caught twice in 20minutes so only had the fine and points

    2. Have you considered slowing down appropriately? Sometimes what seems obvious needs reinforced through multiple counselling sessions, I find.

  26. I meant on, not of

  27. New beginnings are the best. You have a good plan and I have no doubt you will execute it beautifully. Congratulations...wishing you all the best going forward.

  28. Great plan, perfect song.

  29. It's always good to have a plan. Life changes and we must change with it. When I was younger I always thought that when I reached 60 (this year) I would have life all sorted (old and retired🤣) but I find this is the perfect time to restart my career and move forward Best of everything with your plans. Viv

  30. Steps in the right direction. Even just having a plan is a good step!

    1. I’ve always known that..I really think having a plan for anything is important

  31. John, you must be so proud of the giant strides you've taken. You really are inspiring.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. The first step of the Plan. Happy for you. We always need hope.

    Funny about the brooding Welsh Farmer!

  34. Yorkshire Liz7:01 am

    Brilliant. You are an example to us all. Especially as it is too easy to face retirement age and fold inwards. As that expert on how to do older age, Thora Hird, once said: "It is not getting old that stops you doing things, it is stopping doing things that make you getting old." You have kicked over all traces and reinvented yourself from scratch. Well done, young man!

  35. Well done to you - I am sure you will be such a good Counsellor and how wise to plan for your future like this.

  36. Well done John. You are doing what I wanted to do before I went deaf. Hope it all works out really well for you. Bev x

  37. You are doing really well. Four years is only a relatively short period of time to get things together after a monumental change. Chapeau !

  38. Well done on rebuilding your life. Especially when you were recovering from a break up not of your choosing.
    The counselling course will challenge you and build further your own personal development. I only completed a one year Counselling Certificate and found it both rewarding and at times confronting. It couldn't afford the Diploma course.

    1. The diploma will be expensive because I have to pay for therapy myself.

  39. The best is yet to come, I think you will be a phenomenal counselor


  41. Step one toward effective counseling: Don't call people cows!

    Seriously, I'm sure it feels good to have a plan and feel like you're moving forward. Kudos to you!

  42. Tbh l think you already fulfill this new role, on here, on your blog. Especially when you offer ' food for thought ' on serious subjects. When one goes though the bad times, the feeling is ' will this ever get better'?, but hey, yes it does. As long as you can and are willing to work to change things, and you do and did. Good luck, My dear friend never met - Tess x

    1. I was moved by this , thank you tess x

  43. A new challenge gives a bit of spark to a life doesn't it? I'm very happy for you and your little pack.

  44. I should be a consoler, I spend enough time listening and analyzing people's problems.


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