Watering Rabbits

 The thunderstorms which have been promised haven’t materialised. Subsequently the ground is dry as a bone and the grass on the field is like straw, yellow and burnt.
I climbed up the field gate and over the church wall. 
It wasn’t a pretty sight. 
All arse and groaning!!!

I refilled the shallow enamelled dish with water, the one I’d placed out a week ago to water the rabbits, then watered my laburnum which is looking healthy and happy. 
It took the rabbits a few days to feel safe with the dish and it’s satisfying watch them, a whole gaggle of birds and the stray white cat drinking from it, especially at dusk.

The dish, laburnum ( top right) and the historic thirteenth century church prayer cross on the top left

I’ve done a pile of paperwork today. Bought a new washing machine on line and measured the outside of the cottage for the CBM who will be designing a roof for the patio before autumn . 
I’m about the embark on downsizing the spare room which is in drastic need of simplifying . 
I want it streamlined and simple.
Ready for becoming a proper study for September’s course


  1. How wonderful that you provide water for rabbits and other creatures in this heat!

    1. It’s something my mother used to do

  2. Good for you getting the spare room ready as a study - half th battle I have always found.

    1. And tons of things sent to. The charity shop

  3. I am quite envious of your butterfly bush. It's gorgeous!

  4. Water bowl, paperwork, washing machine, downsizing ... sounds like you're on top of things!

  5. I have 2 birdbaths and several dishes of water dotted around the garden. I love watching the birds visiting, either for a drink or a bath. Next door's cats enjoy a cool drink, too! You're making great plans for the cottage and your next career path. Good for you! Just don't overdo things, you're still recovering from Covid, remember. xx

    1. I’ve not forgotten, I had a long nap this afternoon

  6. Everything is baked to a crisp and no rain is in sight. Even the stream behind my house is dry. Placing a bowl outside will help the wildlife get through the heat. It is 98 degrees F today and expected to reach 100.

    1. The wildlife is lucky in our neck of the village.
      Next door has a massive pond and so has the next. Bungalow

  7. We haven't had much rain here, either, and everything is still dry as a bone. I'd love a good daylong slow soaker. Meanwhile, I'm keeping our bird bath full. (We don't have any rabbits around here.)

  8. Gosh, your garden is lush and full! Looks so pretty!

  9. Sounds like things I’d enjoy doing... except for the going back to school part. I thought “watering rabbits” might be akin to raining men — or cats and dogs.

    1. Raining men
      I wish
      Big hairy faced men

  10. Awww
    That's so nice! I have birdbaths in my garden. Bet the birdies are happy they're there...


  11. Our grass is looking more brown than green at the moment too, although rain is forecast. We have an old round farmyard trough,with large pebbles in that so the birds can stand on them and drink more easily. Lots of cats come into the garden just for a drink as well, which makes me wonder whether their owners don't leave water out for them.

    1. They probably do. When we had cats I always had dishes of fresh water in the house for them, even though they didn't drink it. One preferred a glass of water in the bathroom (?), the other liked the water in the dishes outside. Must taste better! xx

    2. There is also a dog bowl in the front garden with stones in for the birds to stand on

  12. It's all sounding good! The wildlife will be so thankful of the water dish. A roof for the patio sounds interesting! I wish it would rain. They promised thunderstorms here but nothing. It feels like a boil waiting to be lanced.

    1. Yes , it’s oppressive and warm and dry

  13. Watering Rabbits? That will make them grow and the field will look like Jurassic Park.

    1. I wish, every year that the rabbits do well, but myxomatosis raises its ugly head

  14. Very little rain here, but showers forecast for tomorrow.
    Well done for caring for dry animals and plants!

    1. I leave cat food out for the hedgehogs but I’m sure the badgers get most of it

    2. We put food out for our hedgehogs, sometimes dry, sometimes chicken or turkey based wet cat food.
      To stop badgers or anything else bigger than a hedgehog, my husband built a feeding station with a tunnel about 15x15 cm at the entrance. It widens further in (oooh er missus) where the food tray is. It has roofing tiles on the top, set in a frame with a bolt so the badgers can't lift it. The base of the station is attached to a paving slab, it's more or less industrial, but the hoggies feed every night!
      The garden is also full of shallow dishes of water. X

  15. I love your outside space and that you leave water for rabbits.

    1. The view of the cottage from the graveyard sees it at its best x

  16. Perhaps a little pond?


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