Life Finds A Way

I was busy yesterday, as I was the two days before 
Four loads of washing, cutting the lawn, watering 30 planters,housework, painting
I overdid it
My post covid lethargy is back with a vengeance today and I have slept most of the morning.
I can’t quite get going, a feeling not helped by the weather which is humid and overcast .
It has rained very gently off and on all day, but the rain has been so gentle, the droplets have more or less evaporated before the ground got wet. 
The buddliea in the garden has suddenly blossomed in the heat but there are no butterflies to be seen on them at present. I can’t wait for them to return
As I took the dogs out I noticed this perfect little antirrhinum clinging onto the cottage garden wall.

Life always finds a way

My sisters and extended family have now booked to meet at La Santa Maria Hotel in Sitges next month. I was in two minds to join them , but I have booked my flights nevertheless  
Why the fuck not? Let’s take a chance .
The humid conditions here today coupled with my thoughts of the shabby chic Santa Maria transported me to those cheapo holidays in the sun of yesteryear.
1972 Lloret de mar. 
Never supervised once in the pool by my mother 
I nearly drowned in the deep end after slipping through my rubber ring
Today it’s called neglect


  1. You might have long term covid. My cover artist had it and had to wear a heart monitor for a while to ensure it did no permanent damage.

    1. If not long covid , I have the typical post viral fatigue

  2. Lovely photo of brave flower in stone wall.

    off topic, did you order that anti-bark device and if so, does it work effectively? My local HOA is cracking down on barking and I am desperate to be sure my pug is not a nuisance. Thx. You can email me instaed.

    1. I’m waiting for the machine to arrive , according to Amazon this friday

    2. Pls post a review. Did you ever learn to swim btw?

  3. Just go with what your body is telling you to do. No shame in an afternoon (or morning) nap! I noticed there are no butterflies on my buddleias, either. I hope they do come. I've seen very few butterflies so far this year. I love how plants always seems to find somewhere to grow, even if it's in a crack in a wall or path. xx

    1. They cling to life by their bra straps don’t they?

  4. Yep post Covid lethargy is very real. Some days I could conquer the world, others I stay in my bed.

    As the 2 eldest kids in a bunch of 7, my friend and I aged 11 would take us all to the local swimming pool with both our mothers telling us to "watch the wee ones in the water!!" We swam until we were wrinkled then got everyone dried, dressed and walked home sharing 3 bags of hot vinegary chips between us. Neglect or a carefree 70s childhood?? :-)

    1. Ooooohhh hot vinegary chips …..I could just do with a bag

  5. I'm waiting for the Buddleias to blossom and the Butterflies to arrive John.

    1. I’m convinced the butterflies will arrive tomorrow

  6. Very few butterflies or bees here this year to date.

  7. We've had butterflies here in London, but I think fewer than we've seen in the past. It's also bloody hot and dry!

    Funny story about your mom. (Well, sort of.) Parenting was a more loosely constructed enterprise back then. At least you survived. :)

    1. Last year the bushes were filled to bursting with butterflies

    2. Anonymous10:10 pm

      As a child, we had a well in our front yard. When we moved in, my dad walked me over to it, pointed, said "don't go near that" and that was the most parenting I can recall him ever doing!

  8. I hope next month’s plans all work out. I won’t ask what your mother was doing while you went under, but I sure am glad you resurfaced. I’ve been in perfect health and I’m exhausted just reading all the things you did the last two days.

    1. Sitting on her balcony with a gin and a book

  9. well for the last couple of months you've been dashing off all over. Your body telling you to give it a rest. I understand you wanting to get stuff done .Pace yourself. ( I can talk) haha.Don't blame you booking some hols with your family.Got to try.

    1. I’m having a lazy week caz I promise

  10. I remember someone trying to teach me how to swim as a four year old. Just threw me in the deep end of the pool. Well after I was fished out and resuscitated, it was decided it was not such a good idea after all.

  11. Sorry, but I laughed at your mom neglecting you at the pool, almost drowning. Some of us moms never thought twice about keeping an eye on our kids, keeping them safe. We just assumed they would be. Fortunately, you survived, as did mine and grew up strong, as did mine. So maybe not so much neglect but character building and instilling survival instincts, LOL.

    1. In those days neglect was only for the lower classes.. children literally should sink or swim

  12. Yes, when it comes to booking any kind of plane travel, you are essentially rolling the dice! I hope you get lucky 7's this time and not snake eyes, lol!

    1. I did think twice but the others had already booked.
      I ve made sure I’m on the same flight

  13. I had an afternoon nap and have to frequently and I haven't had covid so don't feel shame for having to rest. It is hard to be productive in this weather and you have done a lot in one day. I nearly drowned on a family holiday abroad when I was a child too! A boy called Toby pulled me up to the deep end and I couldn't swim. I went under and a stranger pulled me out. Never liked the name Toby ever since! x

    1. Yes I was pulled out by a stranger too

  14. I think it is the kind of day for lethargy. The sun has just come out at6pm here today. Dull and damp all day but oppressive and like you the odd shower which dried up before it hit the groundl

    1. Yes we have blue skies now but it’s not any fresher

  15. That was a sad story about your mum. xx

    1. It was Rachel , but she was a product of her time and health …children of the 70s were on their own
      I wonder what would have happened to her if I had drowned

  16. The family holiday sounds so fun, in one of your fave places! I hope you go and can actually get there.

    Fell thru your rubber ring!? Could you not swim? How scary.

    1. No neither of us could swim , that was never a factor . We had arm bands and therefore could be left alone ..we were ten

  17. Covid lethargy is such a bitch, my dear SIL has it, and she said it does indeed return with a vengeance, and all she can do is give in and sleep. Our parents let us run on vacation, like feral dogs! They'd be out drinking with their friends, with no idea where we were! How we survived, I do not know. Yes, the kids of the 70's were "sink or swim" indeed. Contrastingly, I watched my son like a hawk! When on vacation, I was right there with him, hand in hand, in the water, on the pier - a different time indeed. And I only had the one. My parents had 5. Good Lord.

    1. I listen with horror to a girl from work who has to organise “ play dates” for her sons aged 6 and 8
      Play time with friends now has to planned

  18. Anonymous9:47 pm

    We never let our children use flotation devices. They instil a false confidence and things can go wrong really quickly. We taught them to swim. Your story gave me a frisson of horror. Thank goodness you survived, in-spite of your mother not because of her ! From Curly Club

  19. How times have changed. I remember that when I was a kid, we left the house as soon as we got up, taking a plastic milk jug filled with koolaid that had set over night in the freezer, That gallon of frozen drink kept 4 kids hydrated and we had sandwiches. We left the house and we did not come back all day. My father worked nights, and if he slept poorly and we were anywhere to be found, there was a heavy price to be paid.

    4 kids in the woods for the day, before there were cellphones. I can't imagine doing such a thing today.

  20. Buddliea always finds a way. It destroys masonry.

  21. Post Covid is no fun. How long do you expect this to last? Until your are 100%, an afternoon nap might be required. Your holiday with family sounds wonderful!

  22. I hope you learned to swim. Go and enjoy.

  23. Anonymous12:15 am

    I have seen one Monarch butterfly so far here in New Jersey.

  24. I grew up in the 50s and 60's and we would get on our bikes and be off exploring for hours every day during the summer. I don't think my Mom knew where we were most of the day but we always knew to be back for meals. It was a different time.

  25. Back in the late 50's we stayed in a Majorcan hotel where a man on the beach hired scuba gear to all-comers. He gave a two minute instruction, you paid your £1, and off you went. Totally crazy, and I imagine illegal; even then!

  26. It was all much more casual in those days and things seem to have swung around too much the other way now. I too hear of the play dates for young children and find it sad that the fun of independence and spontaneity is gone.
    My childhood was far stricter and more home based and I longed to be like some of the other children.

  27. These days you'll be safe in that rubber ring x

  28. Slipping through rubber rings? "Ooo-err-missus!" as Frankie Howerd might have said!


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