
 While the CBM continues to lick the bathroom into shape.
I thought about titivation 
Now the essentials have already been bought.( Black accessories to set against the plain subway white tiles) but I wanted one little burst of colour to lift the room
I trolled on line and found a Japanese inspired cotton linen of koi Carp which I thought would look nice framed with a white border in a plain black frame


  1. The fish theme will continue through your home. Nice! xx

  2. I love the print.

    Does your bathroom have a window? How are you going to dress it? I love watching people pull a room together. Mostly because I do not have a knack for that sort of thing.

    1. Yes it has a window which I’m keeping uncluttered , save for a few toiletries and a couple of small plants

  3. And Carp I do believe shall bring Good Luck your way too x

  4. If it walks like a fish, sounds like a fish and smells like a fish, it's probably a fish.

  5. The carp framed in black should be very nice. Now for towels, curtains/shades and accessories next to the sink. What color have you chosen to tie everything together?

    1. No shades …..all accessories are black . All towels are fluffy white. The subway tiles are white and there will be a single black line around three quarter way up the wall

    2. This sounds great and will provide you a lovely retreat bathroom. Black and white tied together makes a calming and classic statement. Well done. Thank you for sharing.

  6. It's a lovely, subtle print. I'd like a shirt made from it

  7. Perfect! And kind of zen.

  8. Your new room sounds wonderful. Love the print.

  9. Replies
    1. I have a small one for the shelf but I’m hoping my grandmother’s Art Deco mirror will suffice for above the sink

  10. I think it will be just right. It's the fun bit choosing things for a new room.

  11. I'd have gone for a Mondrian. The carp doesn't look sharp enough for me.

    1. Yes I understand but I wanted the colours to ping not zing

    2. We all have different tastes.

  12. I love the print, it's beautiful and perfect for a bathroom.

  13. If at all possible on this blog, can I make an observation without knee jerk mud flying in my direction? Thank you.

    I have used professional framers. Naturally, at a price, as true craftsmanship deserves. In one case the framing cost more than the piece of art itself. No shit. An excellent piece of advice given to me that the frame, ideally, should pick up on one of the colours of the painting. Which means that black appears ill advised for what is your delicate print. And before you say it, yes, I do realize that your bathroom theme is that of white and black. A stark contrast. Which is why Rachel's suggestion of a Modrian (NOT necessarily his geometric stuff - there is more to the man) is inspired.


    1. You are welcome to comment as long as you are not rude to anyone here

    2. I am sorry, John. I am done here. I write something about your print, spending actual time thinking on it, taking an interest, and, in response, all you can come up with is "as long as you are not rude to anyone here"? Did you even read my first paragraph? If you did, how ironic.


    3. Stop banging on …if you have something to say about the artwork please say it

    4. I left a comment here which may have gone into Spam. I suggest John, in brief, that your blog is not a level playing field. Please read all comments. I suggest you look at Silence before too much time passes.

    5. The level playing field is that I’m not going to allow any rudeness to any commentator and that now includes myself .
      All rude comments , ( including ones that have just been pointed out to me and not read before) have been deleted

    6. Now I’m off to bed

    7. Are you for real, John?

      "If you have something to say about the artwork please say it". I did. Paragraph Two. Maybe beyond your comprehension.


    8. How do you define 'rude' exactly. Because yesterday, she implied you were a liar. Today, she implies that you are stupid.

    9. Debbie, tall tales doth not make anyone a "liar".. Otherwise we'd all be guilty perpetuating Father Christmas, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy to trusting and unsuspecting kids for our own amusement. Ah, the power of magic! Long shall it live! We'll all come down to planet Earth and its realities soon enough.

      Neither did I imply that John is stupid. It's well known, often admitted by him, that he tends to be rushed when reading comments/responding to them. Which, yes, can be frustrating if and when nuances are missed but please don't put silly ideas into his head just because he deleted your comment. Try being me in blogland. You don't even need to grow a pair. Kit yourself out in a hair shirt.Trust me. It'll do when pelted. And it will all come out in the wash.


    10. It's all getting a bit unpleasant again now isn't it x

    11. Some might even say 'rude'.

    12. Anonymous3:52 pm

      How very dare they x

    13. Soz-that was me x

    14. Anonymous4:05 pm


    15. Anonymous8:03 pm

      Urula - after reading your comment at 9.53 when you said "I'm done here" I rejoiced, we were to be rid of you at last. But no, you made several more comments. So if appears that not only are you obnoxious but that you're also a hypocrite, you call John a liar but it now seems you lie yourself.

    16. Anonymous, in absence of your own name and out of courtesy please do at least get the spelling of MY name right before you address me.

      I said I was done here, and I am. I didn't say I was finished. Ah, the subtleties of human communication, the finesse of wording, don't you think? See my reply to the working overtime Debby and you will note that I did NOT call John a liar. My beloved grandfather and some of his sons, my uncles, would embellish the size of their catch. Nothing wrong with that. How does John say: Lighten up. Read between the lines. Don't, like a three year old, take everything literally. Engage brain, allow yourselves to smile at the idiocy of it all.

      Kiss, kiss and good bye, rejoice, here - have a glass of champagne on the house,

    17. John l adore your blog but it is so very sad when it gets blighted by nasty comments from what would appear are nasty people. My mum always said that if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all. So my plea is will folklings stop being so bloody savage and be nice. Enough said rant over.

    18. Is is out of place for me to say that I think a certain lady has gotten a little crazy x

    19. Anonymous10:11 pm

      Urula may well seem a little crazy flis but in reality it's because she takes great delight in being an obnoxious shite, irritating John and his readers is obviously something that gives her pleasure. It takes all sorts, as the saying goes.....

  14. I love it and I think you should trust your instincts. You know what you’re doing.

  15. Using the ladies powder room I was surprised to see inside the bowl painted fish and another that playing God Save The Queen x

  16. The CBM continues to lick the bathroom into shape...

    I must admit those words gave me a shudder.

  17. "Titivation" is not a word I have ever heard. In fact, I had to look it up! I DO love the koi, though. Titivate away!

    1. It is in common usage, at least it is around where I live.

  18. Perfect. I am truly tittivated with one or two t's.

  19. You have an artistic temperament. I'll be intrigued to see photos of the finished loo.

    1. Not sure I used that word correctly. I meant the bathroom.

  20. Anonymous8:46 pm

    Wizard addition to the new black/white loo. I look forward to photos.

    Hugs! Barbara Anne

  21. Shelly Williams9:05 pm

    Really looking forward to seeing photos of finished bathroom x

  22. Anonymous9:44 pm

    Would make a lovely bathroom Roman blind too x

  23. Please yourself with something your style. I've liked what I have seen so far in your house and would live there in an instant.
    Sounds as if a lot of thought has gone into your decision.

  24. I am looking forward to seeing the new loo and no Ursula! All that childish bickering gets old real quick!
    I think John's taste in HIS decor is perfect for him ... we are merely spectators if John chooses to allow us in to his boudoir and loo!!
    Thank you, John!

  25. I just want to say that I adore the bickering and infighting and snide remarks/ rebuttals. So funny and refreshing as opposed to the ''say something nice or scroll on" bit. It shows that readers are engaged, and that they are real people, the good the bad the ugly. My fave part of the blog after John's photos and village characters, now that the [I suppose currently politically incorrect] Ukrainian Village is defunct.PS election results?


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes