Flower Moon

 The present routine continues for another day
Up at 7.45 am walk the dogs briefly then put them in the car with the windows wide open.
Make CBM a coffee and have it ready for him as he walks through the door at 8.20 am
Take dogs for a long walk.

Park in the shade at Sainsbury’s and have breakfast with a large bucket of coffee.
Read the Daily Post from cover to cover 
Drive home and drop the girls off at Trendy Carol’s 
Mull over what to do.

With the bathroom and covid I’ve not planned for much and I’m feeling a bit lost today. 
It’s a glorious day and there’s a food festival in nearby Rhuddlan and a bee festival in pretty Llanasa but I can’t quite get going enough to go. 
I haven’t had a shower since Saturday so I think that has something to do with it.

And so I’ve clambered  over the workman’s tools and have holed up in the office surrounded by towels and toiletries and bathroom shite. 
Here I will catch up with paperwork, emails , banking and bills. 

I’m feeling on edge and unsettled . 
As if I’m waiting for something big to happen.
My online thought for the day tells me I’m upset because of the Flower Moon which is expected tomorrow evening. 
Flower Moon’s,  according to the Algonquin people, bring with them change and a fork in the road for many.
A change for the better…..


  1. Anonymous9:58 am

    Just an alert, the moon will look rather normal, not quite full but still very white.

  2. Having workmen in our house always unsettles me. It feels like you are being invaded somehow.

    1. The cottage is very small , and feels rather mucky at the moment, very much like myself

  3. Maybe your change will be the bathroom - definitely a change for the better! Not long now to wait. xx

    1. It sorts of feels bigger than that somehow

  4. I’ve been feeling the same way. Will see what the flower moon brings.

    1. Yes we will …..it definitely feels something bigger is approaching

  5. With yesterday being friday the 13th it was a heavy day for us here in Austin we attended the wake of a young man my son now in high school had been elementary friends with. The father spoke about his passing on Mother's Day and that he is no longer in pain but rather he's at peace as if he's sleeping now. He was troubled and unhappy and he took his life. It's never easy when someone passes but I just want to remind everyone to hug the people around you and tell them what they mean to you.

    1. So sorry to read this, Unknown. To lose a loved one through suicide must be unbearable. Wishing all who knew him love and peace. xx

    2. Suicide leaves complex ripples . Nothing is straight forward . I’m sorry

  6. I agree that the noise and clutter of the bathroom renovation may be unsettling you. It will be lovely when done but it is hard to live through. How would you feel about (once your bill paying is done) going out into the garden, sitting in all that beauty and reading the Desiderata? So much beauty in nature and silence ...

    1. I have just walked out into my old field and had a lie down to watch the clouds

    2. Lovely way to relax, give thanks to the universe and affirm that you are receptive to all blessings 🙏

  7. On Monday the flower moon will be a total lunar eclipse! Lots of people not feeling quite with it these past couple of days. I am sure you will be feeling much more settled once the bathroom is completed and you can get back to some sort of 'normality'. Before you know it you will be in the new shower all buffed up and shiny with your new soaps and ready to face life again! x

    1. It’s also difficult having someone else in my space for a week , all day every day….

  8. That'll be it then John-I was trying to ignore my disoriented walking-though pleasantly anibreated not through alcohol I should add - but as I thought possibly exhilarating oxygen from the wafting trees-Flower moon x

  9. Reading the comment of Unknown John about the young man who has taken his own life - immediate thought is he is at peace - maybe for the first timein many years. I have a friend in the same position - for her it was her son a couple of years ago. We all want to find peace don't we? Your Covid will have stirred up the gremlins, as will the new bathroom. Just wait til the whole house reeks of that posh, expensive soap you have bought, all the knick knacks are artisticallly spread around and you are luxuriating under eighteen inches of hot water - the world will gradually right itself and you will be raring to go,

    1. The Samaritans talk about comparing mental health to a cancer....some people lose their battle with cancer sometimes...some people lose their fights with depression too

    2. I was in a hole but it was my dogs who dragged me out x

  10. Your home will be settled soon and you can get back to normal. I've been feeling blue lately too! I hope it is the goofy moon and I will feel better after it has passed.

    1. It's not a down feeling for me. Just an expectant one

  11. Brbara Anne2:03 pm

    Circle the wagons and put your nose in a god, familiar book until LBM has finished for the day (or permanently) and then you can choose to shower ... or not yet.


    1. Barbara Anne2:04 pm

      Me again, make that a GOOD book, please.

  12. There's a full lunar eclipse coming, too. Maybe that's part of why you feel unsettled. Lots of us seem to feel that way at the moment.

  13. Renovations are big disruptions, no doubt about it! Add everything else and it's bound to cause some havoc. Hang in there. Consider treating yourself to a hotel room with all the accommodations. I've known some people that go on vacation and return home only when everything is done.

  14. Replies
    1. I’m not living it this year, 😞

    2. Oh No ! We might do quite well this year ...... I'm really into it ! XXXX

    3. Anonymous7:53 pm

      Must be hard to enjoy Eurovision when you are a sad old homo home alone

    4. Try saying that when you’re pissed

      No I’m not watching Eurovision this year

  15. Lizzie7:44 am

    My niece's partner took his own life. At the funeral, his father said of him "he stayed with us as long as he could" which was rather poignant x


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