Such Fun

Catch Me If You Can is an ok potboiler of a whodunnit, that is mildly amusing, smart mouthed and clever enough to keep the audience clapping.
Starring Patrick Duffy ( Dallas) and the pert Linda Purl ( a darling of 1970s TV movies )
It felt like the middle aged, middle class choice tonight 
No real shakes, but ok. 
For my sister Janet, it was her first foray back into a packed theatre for two years and I hope she enjoyed it enough to go again soon. 
I suggested that we book a London show next time and make a special time of it with a posh hotel, meal, champers, excursions  and such fun

all for our joint 60th….

It’s hard to think that on this planet I have known just two people, my sisters, the longest in my life …. for nearly 60 years.

How special is that ?



  1. Did you know that Patrick Duffy and Linda Purl are partners?

  2. That is very special John - to have a travelling companion who was born on the same day as you from the same womb. Very special.

  3. The main thing is that you and Janet had a nice evening out tonight. A London show for you both on your birthday sounds like a perfect way to usher in 60!

    1. We are planning a family meal I think on the night. I would have liked a party

  4. Oh yes, definitely you and your twin sister must do up your joint 60th birthday IN STYLE!

  5. Why not have a nice family meal closer to home?

    1. Why not do both! A special birthday is a good reason for celebrating.

    2. I find the older I get the less attractive travel gets and North Wales to London, tube strikes, and trains would be enough to make me think twice. I am sure they will do both though, as you say.

    3. Going to London is still a treat for me even though I go all the time. Janet seldom goes so it would be extra special for her
      I am thinking a good musical , nice meal then Kew Gardens the next day

    4. North Wales always seems so far from London to me. I think you must have better and faster trains than we do over here!

    5. Just over 2 hours on a good train

    6. Longer now as the virgin trains lost the franchise and avanti west coast has it now

  6. Such fun indeed. Watch out London! xx

  7. Lovely that you are so close to your sisters. I still see a friend that I was at infant school with and another that I started Senior school with …… and, my sister of course ! XXXX

    1. Well, 71 with my sister & 67 & 60 respectively with my school friends ….. makes me sound so old !!! XXXX

  8. I have two, much loved, surviving siblings, and as I was born at home, love the feeling that they have known me for every day of my life. I think your outing sounds wonderful - Janet will love wandering around Kew with you.

    1. I think Nu will come too, she loves the gardens

  9. Make that THREE people, John. Or haven't you known yourself since day one (and, possibly, still don't)?


    1. Oh Ursula, iknow myself VERY well

    2. Don’t worry your head that I don’t

    3. I was only joking, John, lest you forget that you are part of the three of you.

      Without wishing to take anything away from your assertion or going down the stony philosopher's path, I doubt any of us know our Self VERY well. First of all, and it's human nature (not that's an excuse), we tend to be rather selective what we'll admit to [ourselves], acknowledge. On the whole excuses are rife. Blind spots, by definition, we can't see. And then there are the ones, dare I say like yourself, John, who undervalue themselves therefore craving others' validation. I am not "psychologizing" here. It's just an observation from my own limited bird's eye view.


    4. I think you’ve overdosed on psychobabble

      I know myself very well warts and all

  10. I always have mixed feelings when I see an older actor/ess working live theater in relatively small venues. Maybe they are getting ready for a major stage, maybe they are doing it because of a love of the craft (and live theater is much more fun for actors than TV) or maybe they need the money. I sincerely hope it is options 1 or 2.

    1. I suspect he’s on a working holiday with his missus Linda purl

  11. I'm close to my siblings as well. (There's 4 of us.) We're close in age, close in spirit and live only an hour or two driving distance apart. I've often wished we all lived on the same street so we could get together regularly for evening spirits... but that could be a hazard the more I think about it.

    1. My elder sister is more like my mom too , which complicates things

  12. There IS an extra measure of understanding between siblings...and my sister is not even a twin. Your trip adventure sounds like fun.

    1. It will be more fun as I will enjoy Janet’s excitement

  13. You and Janet always enjoy your time together. Your bond is impressive. A B-day celebration in London sounds perfect. A family party sounds good too. You only turn 60 once so party on!

    1. I’m lucky to have sisters I get on with

  14. Patrick Duffy and Linda Purl! Now THERE's a blast from the past!

  15. Planning an adventure with your sister; What fun alright! I think you should have a party anyway. I turned 60 in February and we didn't celebrate much because of the Covid blight on this side of the world. I'm not into parties so I was fine but it was a bit of a fizzer.

    Jo in Auckland

  16. That sounds like a great plan for a 60th. I find that looking forward to things like that are a large part of the enjoyment too.

  17. My cousins are now my roots-and I love being over 60 years young-I find that fun- well most of the time anyway-I think it comical x


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