Milky Peaks

 Ok , big breaths
Imagine this.
In the small faded mountain/seaside Welsh town of Milky Peaks, Dewi ( Seiriol Davies) a hotel clerk comes out during the towns celebrations at being nominated as Best British Town of the year. His staunchly welsh Friend Mam ( Lisa Jên Brown) spends her time at salsa in an effort to forget her husband wants to leave her and faded, vomit stained drag Queen Pariah Carey ( Mathew Blake) dreams of better things  and wants to play the lead in the town’s production of My Fair Lady. 
Add to the mix a shadowy property tycoon ( Tanya Bridgeman) a drama coach with a murky past (Miriam O’Brien) and far right Judge of the competition who wants to set the town up to be  a centre of a new all white facist community(Sophie Winter) 
Are you with me so far? 
Now, picture costumes c/o StartlightExpress and Pricilla Queen of the Desert , frenetic musical numbers from the 1980s songs covering dogging, Welsh Folklore, echos of the Nazis in Cabaret , politics, gay culture, sexual identity, big business, racism, sexism, misogyny, and Britishness .
There is even a talking toilet wall and a Welsh dragon ( drag-on gettit ?) 
Blink and you will miss a pithy joke and an “ important” message….
It’s funny yet exhausting 
Witty but somewhat overwhelming. 
It’s a bit like drinking two litres of Coca-Cola after eating 4 chocolate eclairs
I drove home in silence 


  1. I'm worn out just reading about it! xx

  2. How perfectly put! I knew the feeling you were talking about right away.

  3. Ha! It sounds fantastic. I hope they bring it to London!

  4. Wow. Overwhelming indeed!

  5. Barbara Anne3:12 pm

    From your excellent explanation, it sounds fabulously exhausting. Happy recovering!
    Ta for changing your comment options back to normal.


  6. For some reason I can't get past the notion that the phrase Milky Peaks is truly disgusting!

  7. countrygal4:03 pm

    'I drove home in silence'... I think I would have as well.

  8. I love the name Pariah Carey. Funny! I think I would enjoy that movie.

  9. Sounds exhausting - and thoroughly entertaining at the same time! 'Milky Peaks' am assuming may be a play on similar small town tv 'Twin Peaks?' (kept some us riveted in the 90s). The title reminds me of '50s bullet bras.

  10. It's got it all going on-I think I'd be all of a whirl x

  11. Sounds like just what we all knead these days.
    Both of us are laughing.

  12. Sounds like a blast! 'The Bird Cage' comes to mind?

    1. Have you seen the original French version ?

    2. No, and to be honest, I didn't even know there was one!

  13. Brilliant review as usual.

  14. I think I'd love that :)

  15. Now that's action packed. You depict a whirlwind for sure.

  16. Wow! That does seem overwhelming.

  17. Sounds like that was worth it!!


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