Effin Knackered

 This morning I helped with a new Community project.
On a small plot of land on the east boundary of the village a small orchard of fruit trees have been planted.
Apple, cherry, pear and plum trees, ten of them all told have been planted and staked this morning, the fruit from which can be utilised by any of the village population .
It’s a lovely idea.
But I must admit Laurie ( from Well street) and I were effing knackered by the end of it.


  1. Effin Nackered. What a great drag name.

  2. I love the idea of planting an orchard for the community to use. My sisters and I use to sneak peaches out of our neighbour's aging and unused peach orchard. I'm sure he didn't care but it made us feel like bandits. How nice it will be for the neighbourhood children to walk over when the fruit is ripe and help themselves-guilt free. Great job, John!

    1. Not my idea…it’s the new community association that have done the work

  3. An excellent idea, and one I've suggested myself in various locations; always to lack of any interest.

    1. The association has a knack of getting things done , a feat I admire

  4. Barbara Anne1:43 pm

    What a splendid idea and well worth being effin knackered after the morning's work. May these fruit trees be joined by more fruit trees if there is room for them.


    1. I am reminded of the saying
      “ Happiness is when old men plant trees, the shade of which they will never sit “

  5. What a lovely project to get effin' knackered for. That fruit orchard will be a lovely place to have a picnic, and pick the fruit for dessert straight off the tree! xx

    1. Of for parents to bring their children

  6. And how beautiful will it be every Spring when they all flower!

    1. I myself planted a cherry …..cherry blossom is adorable

  7. What a lovely idea. I'm always amazed at how much fruit (blackberries, apples, sugar plums etc) are left to rot in people's gardens or on countryside walks - free fruit what could be more perfect 😉

    1. There is also a plan for fruit bushes alongside

  8. Nicely done. Knackered but for a very good community cause. The fruit trees will be enjoyed for many years. It appears more volunteers would have been needed to ensure nobody got knackered. Ten trees planted in one day is impressive.

    1. I know , I was impressed ! There were only four of us

  9. veg artist2:24 pm

    Being knackered from a good cause is much nicer than just being knackered! Brilliant idea.

    1. Yes, I feel positively altruistic today

  10. Lovely and a worthwhile knackering project !!! Keeps you fit ! XXXX

  11. The fellow in the middle seems to be attempting to hide behind the tree but it is too thin to shield him. What does LUFC stand for? Ladies Use Face Cream? Lie Under Fat Cow? Laugh Until Farage Collapses? Puzzling. Great community project though!

    1. As the MIL of a Leeds United fan, I think it stands for Leeds United Football Club. I think I like your suggestions better! xx

    2. Hooker has it right…

  12. Don't fruit trees and orchards need constant care such as insecticide, antifungal treatments, mowing, end of season fallen fruit removal? Is there a long term plan for the new orchard's care?
    And--my dad put himself in the hospital age 40 planting a few dozen shrubs for a someday hedge! You must take care!



    1. The council mows the land . The plot will be organically looked after

    2. Good to hear that John.
      Hope someone remembers that pears especially like clean earth around the trunk..no grass competition!

    3. The trees will need professional or expert pruning, feeding, watering, care for the lifetime of the orchard. And fruit left to rot draws insects, esp wasps and bees, that could make it unusable for parents and kids. Maybe they need to graze some goats and sheep, if they d be properly cared for.

  13. It might be nice to include a Maypole if there are any big strong men in your Village to erect it-then the villagers can dance skip and weave around and around with their colurful ribbons-and perhaps attract a few Morris Men too x

    1. Atrocious spelling-Colourfull x

    2. One hot summer's day I had to lock the car door when a cheeky Morris man offered his mens services for fertility-I thanked him through a small opening in the window-and replied that I wasn't maternal-He slapped his inflated bladder,laughed and danced along his way x

    3. Well, what can I say

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What a fabulous idea for a community orchard. I love the idea of picking fruit off the tree and taking it with me to scoff later. Here we have an initiative that community residents can put their surplus garden produce in any one of many community collection points for people to help themselves when in need. It works well I always check out them for herbs... my garden has absolutely none at the moment and they are such a price at the supermarket. Love it. IMHO a wonderful project worth being effin knackered for!

    Jo in Auckland

  16. Above previous comment deleted to fix some terrible typing errors because of not spell checking; my bad!

    Jo in Auckland


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