Easter Sunday

I'm on my break in our study  and I'm being watched

Work is quiet today, after a fraught few days,and the staff have made the most of the change of pace by sitting together discussing a glossary of Trans words.
It was an interesting and informative hour all told. 
We are sadly not up to speed with the more recent ways of describing the gender/sexuality world.
I hated Easter Sunday as a child btw
It was a boring day filled with too much chocolate and piss long biblical films on the BBC
I've never liked religious movies since

And have never been overly keen on chocolate either


  1. You’re looking a bit gaunt.

    I always loved Easter chocolate — purchased by my sister from the time she had her own spending money.

    1. The older I get, the more savoury my tastes get

  2. Your colleague looks like they've done one shift too many!
    I know what you mean about Easter Sunday - bored and feeling sick 'cos you've eaten too much chocolate. Like you, I can't get my head around all the new gender/trans words. Seems like a minefield! Must be my age. xx

    1. There were 100 new definitions in the glossary we were discussing

    2. 100 - WOW! I remember the olden days when it was man, woman, homosexual, lesbian and the very occasional transgender. Now it seems like everyone has to label themselves into the minutiae of their sexuality. Very tiring to my way of thinking! xx

  3. Have a pleasant day doing Easter your way. Easter chocolate always makes me a little ill as well. I am, however, looking forward to a plate filled with well-cooked veggies and tastey mashed potatoes.

    1. Our chef made me fish with a white sauce , bloody lovely

  4. Bah Humbug, John! I made asparagus and goat cheese gratin, dyed eggs w cabbage leaves [blue result!], and this year did not dress Baby Mo up as a Bunny. So far.

    Secular Easter celebrates renewal, rebirth, spppppring, hope. Best wishes to you and the fur kids.



  5. Wish I didn't like chocolate!!

  6. its just not easter without
    Ben Hur or The robe ...lol

  7. Scrooge was identified with Christmas. For Easter it's Ebenezer Gray.

  8. The Easter Hare has arrived this day John to bring us moments of joy x

  9. Your observer let the diet go way to far!

  10. I personally think most of the new gender/sexuality terminology is nonsense. All we're basically talking about is gender dysphoria and what is the best way of treating it. That doesn't require a whole new vocabulary.

  11. I agree with religious films starring a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus, but there was never enough chocolate.

  12. Chocolate!?? Chocolate???? WHO doesn't like chocolate???? Happy Easter John. I agree with the four categories should suffice. Maybe even two. Gay and straight. With all the new definitions pretty soon we're going to run out of the alphabet.

  13. Barbara Anne10:40 pm

    Yes, those old movies without a Jewish looking cast really were silly.
    I have to say I love chocolate, but not those hollow chocolate bunnies. Now Cadbury ... yum! I also like Jelly Belly Jellybeans.
    How nice to have a relatively quiet shift.


  14. You don't like chocolate? One of the only candies I don't like are licorice.

  15. My children kept referring to today as Zombie Jesus day. We had a wonderful time together.

  16. I agree with you about Easter Sunday... Ben Hur every blardy year and cheap chocolate eggs... liked them as a kid as it was the only time we got more than one chocolate item.. these days I would rather eat a block of cheese than cheap chocolate. I will however have one square of Lindt 80% cocoa chocolate once in a blue moon. Glad you had a quiet shift... don't know about all the descriptions for gender etc.. why would people need so many labels. If you know "who/what" you are why would you care what other people think?

    Jo in Auckland

  17. Easter means absolutely nothing to me.

  18. I'm just sulking ... nobody bought me an Easter egg, even though hints were dropped, batted around and generally put one inch away from someone's nose.

    I recorded The Ten Commandments film to watch, I remember loving it many years ago, then I noticed how long it is. Will it be watched I really don't know ... maybe if I had a chocolate egg!!

  19. I remember always watching those religious movies growing up. I didn't have time for any TV this Easter.

  20. Easter means a Sunday feast with friends and family. No church. No chocolates. A colorful fruit tart for desert. If you define your Easter to suit your preferences, you might like it.

  21. Yes, those dreaded, boring christian holydays. I've swapped them all for their pagan versions, celebrating the changing of the seasons with fun and happy get togethers and good food. Much more fun!

  22. Before my marriage, my father took my x aside to let him know he was never to forget my chocolate rabbit at Easter.
    I so miss my parents..but life goes on and now I buy my own rabbit.

  23. Trans words change and evolve so rapidly -- it's easy to fall behind. I'm sure I'm not up to date either.


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