
 The journey was a fucking nightmare 
Dorothy barked solidly from inside her crate for 2 hours solid 
Even the insertion of an emergency sausage roll only gave me a respite of around 50 seconds
And snake Pass being closed, I had to drive to Sheffield via Woodhead Pass which was shrouded in mist worthy of any Jack- The -Ripper 1970s thriller.
The Airbnb is a sweet little terraced house in the surburbs, an area I know nothing about even though I lived only 2 miles away for 20 years.
My friend Jane turned up on time with a bottle to match mine  and we put the world to rights as Dorothy made goo goo eyes at her. 
Tomorrow I’m meeting Jane for a walk at Ladybower Then tea with Sarah and an evening with Mike 
I went to Morrisons to buy provisions , a visit to an old supermarket I haven’t been to in 17 years
Rather emotional all told 


  1. Enoy the visits! We moved from North Carolina to northern Vermont with a cat that panic yowled the whooooooooole way! That was 860 miles with one nights rest at a friend's in Pennsylvania...

    1. Sympathizing, not one-uping!

    2. Anonymous1:40 pm

      I'm not trying to one-up either but the funniest moving story with pets I've heard was my friend who was moving from New Mexico to Ohio. They checked into a motel en route and the cat HID herself in the motel room! She found some kind of crack in a wall and was well hidden. They had to stay an extra night to find her. She was always an elusive kitty but that was her shining hour.

  2. Sounds diverting, we need that from time to time. With practice maybe Dorothy would become a traveler, but if she is not use to long rides in the box,

  3. Oh no...we never know when our pets are going to react like Dorothy did. Some just go along with whatever comes and others not so much. Possibly a tired Dorothy for the return trip might provide some quiet.

  4. You can ask a local vet for something to calm Dorothy and that would let her sleep on the way back home!
    There is no reason for you both to be traumatized!!

  5. It's very stressful when dogs are so noisy in the car-my terrier is also-there is nothing I can do-he wears a calming coat and spray that special calm spray-no difference-and my top dog very vocal-All's well that ends well xxx

  6. Sister and traveled with Demon Puss..she threw a hissy fit until we drove past the vet without stopping. Luckily the vets office was in the first 2 the next next 500 or so miles went just fine.

  7. Maybe D thought you were taking her back to her former life, being in the crate and all....

  8. Oh gosh! That sounds traumatic - you needed the wine! Have a lovely time - and buy earplugs for the return journey. Just a thought - I wonder if Dorothy would travel silently if she could see you? The crate, sideways with a seatbelt on it, in the front seat??

  9. Did she really need to be in the crate? My dogs usually lay down and go to sleep after about ten minutes.

  10. Why was Snake Pass closed? Snow? You certainly look like you're having fun!

    1. Land slip from the recent storm Cro.

  11. Barbara Anne4:53 am

    Yep, ear plugs for the return trip and tugs on your heartstrings may be just around some corners in Sheffield, but meanwhile, the good times are off to a good start!


  12. Sometimes traveling with pets can be difficult. That does make it stressful for the driver especially. I'm sorry. Dorothy certainly looks better now. She does seem to be quite taken with Jane! Enjoy your time there.

  13. Oh, not fun for any of you. Maybe try putting one of your t-shirts (unwashed, so it smells of you) in her crate. Just a thought. Anyway, looking at that photo of her and Jane, she doesn't seem too traumatised! Sounds like a good trip down memory lane for you. xx

    1. happy hooker-my uncle left a leather driving glove for his pekinese when he went to work x

  14. On john. You are so near! And I am so sick!

  15. I love the photograph of Dorothy with Jane ….. Dorothy looks like butter wouldn’t melt !!!! Enjoy your time away John. XXXX

  16. Oh dear. I hate to say it but perhaps Dorothy needs some calming medication. It can't be safe for you to drive with that distraction. Have a great time. xx

    1. She barks in excitement and not stress
      It’s a bit like screaming on a rollercoaster

  17. Woodhead pass, is a nightmare for mist but a nice drive in Summer. My dog whines, high pitched like a whistling kettle. Hubby doesn't hear it so has a go at me for telling the dog off. When I remember I give the hound travel-eze herbal tablets, they do chill him out.

  18. Well it sounds like those bottles were well-deserved! Glad you arrived safely and you're having fun with friends.

  19. So glad there was a good friend and a good bottle waiting for you at the end of the journey! Whew! Doggy downers may help poor Dorothy, or some noise-cancelling headphones for you!

  20. Too bad about the journey. The destination looks perfect.

  21. Perhaps a mild sedative for her for the homeward journey, it would do you both good.

    Love the 'filtered' photos, or have you both been ironed ;-)

  22. It's like going on vacation with the children.

  23. I don't know whether it works as I haven't tried it(my terrier may pull the material through the cage and choke as he shreds)But would a cover/blanket over the cage help x

  24. Gosh I hope the dogs calm down in the car, I hope she feels better about it soon!

  25. Glad you are having fun!

  26. Gosh, Snake Pass brings back memories of when Eldest Daughter went to Uni in Sheffield and then stayed on up there for a few years. Ladybower and Derwent reservoirs too.

    I hope the return journey isn't quite so stressful with "singing" dogs.

  27. I often think about going back to the small town I lived at for several years growing up. It is two states and 14 hours away. I haven't made it there yet.


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