Moving On

I got home from London just after midday.
I was studying the film Stagecoach on zoom by 1pm
And I was fast asleep in front of the fire by 6 pm , so bloody well missed choir.
I think I needed the nap

Nuala told me yesterday that she texted a mutual friend on Sunday to remind her that they had started nursing on March 6th back in 1989. 
I suddenly recognised the date but said nothing
March 6th 2015 was the date of my wedding Anniversary 

And for the first time in seven years,  I had forgotten the day.


  1. Let it go, life moves on gently and sweetly. You were a different person then, as you are today. You obviously needed the sleep. That is all I seem to be doing at the moment post operation on Friday for gall bladder removal. When you sleep you heal. Glad you had a good time with Nu, sorry about the situation at the Air B n B. I suspect the lady involved has never really owned animals. Take care xx hugs xx

    1. Oh I have my feet in my slipper socks and am drinking a Martine before bed

    2. I knew a wild French lady named Martine x

    3. Oooh La, La La. You did enjoy Cabaret! Love it xx

  2. Yes, that's a good sign of moving on.

  3. You were too busy enjoying the present to think of the past. Moving on indeed. xx

  4. Well done, time (and sleep) are great healers.

    I married my first husband on his birthday, so he would never forget our wedding anniversary.

  5. Barbara Anne8:06 pm

    Well done in being so pleasantly busy that the anniversary date was replaced by thoughts of a train trip, entertainment, a good friend, and fun!
    Moving on is good for the soul.
    Love the sitting room photo with Mary, again, in front of the fire. Has your new lobster replaced the chicken in her affections?


    1. Yes, but only cuddling it, she likes it lying nearby

  6. Good for you, moving on!

  7. The shorebird on your mantel is beautiful--a willet?

  8. What an excellent sign of how far you have come! There is a quote that says: "You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one". Forget the next chapter even - you are on a whole new book! x

    1. Sometimes I don’t think it’s getting better bonnie, but it is x

  9. It is interesting the things we forget after they've gone south. xoxo

  10. When a meaningful anniversary slipped my mind I felt upset because I don't want to let go x

  11. You needed that nap since you have been so busy!
    I can never remember how long I have been divorced. I think it is 12 years now - how time flies by!

  12. I am so glad for you !
    I hope you happiness and joy in your future very soon!

  13. Congratulations on forgetting the day! Now I just realized that yesterday was the 41st anniversary of my sister’s death and I, too, forgot the day. It doesn’t always happen, but it’s nice when it’s no longer a terrible obsession. May you keep making lots of beautiful new memories.

    1. Yes, I think you underline the feeling perfectly

  14. Then again, maybe that’s why yesterday was such an awful day for me. I just didn’t know it. Ah well. Gotta keep on moving!

  15. Happiness is ahead

  16. You could have fooled me. I would never have thought that was you snoozing by the fire.

  17. The warmth and glow of a fire is soothing and easily brings on a nap. You probably needed some rest. Missing once will make the next choir gathering even more enjoyable.

  18. Good for you!

    Sounds like you were helped a bit in this regard by the two Johns--Ford and Wayne.

    1. I love Stagecoach
      Especially claire Trevor as Dallas

  19. "It's no use going back to yesterday - because I was a different person then".

    You obviously needed that sleep too.

  20. I got married on 18th November 1984 and when he slung his hook on 9th Feb 1995 I thought I would never get over it and never stop crying. But I did and I met someone else, when I look back now I cant believe all the crap I put up with and I just dont recognize the person I was then. For a couple of years I remembered our Anniversary until now I sometimes look at the date and think ooh but more often than not it just passes me by. You truly are moving on John and its good to see as for a while as a lurking reader of your blog I was quite worried about you for a while

    Lesley xx

    1. Welcome Lesley
      I was worried for a while too

  21. That's encouraging progress. Satisfying.

  22. Well done. And sounds as though you needed that sleep.

  23. Progress! I love the big looming shadow of the bird figure on your mantel in the photo.

  24. Well earned of my favorite things.


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