Fish & Chips

 When I was a child fish & Chips were a treat.
Sometimes they were bought out of necessity as when for whatever reason my mother was not able to cook 
Rarely they were bought as a planned meal
But covered in vinegar and smothered in salt, they were always a welcomed change from my mother’s bland cooking.
On impulse I bought fish and chips for supper last night.
It was from the chips and kebab house in the next village, the one that got fined for dreadful hygiene.
I remember Boffin Cameron writing ebulliently in the comments of the paper that it wouldn’t stop him going 
Funny what you remember eh.
Anyhow I haven’t eaten fish and chips for over three and a half years, so I had to buy some vinegar to douse the meal properly
It was lovely, with the girls snapping up the fatty bits of batter from my fingers and Albert carefully taking the fish from the window ledge out of reach.


  1. Will you give the fish and chips a rest. Here i am trying to save the planet and you are making it very difficult. It costs the world a gallon of petrol for me to get a fish supper.

    1. Just treat yourself ….it’s been three and a half years for me …

  2. I think the last proper fish and chips I had was two years ago in Dublin. I should do something about that. I cook fish, but never fried.

  3. I was delighted to read about serendipity #5. I got a big dose of vicarious pleasure from that. I guarantee you'll enjoy your job infinitely more now that you have more time at home to refuel. It's always wonderful to have take-out that's hard to pull off at home. My favourite are really authentic falafels-deep fried and garlicky.

  4. When I was at Art College, where I met my husband, we once bought a bag of chips and 2 large (what they called dustbin lid) baps, which we sawed in half in the woodwork room at the college and had a huge chip butty each. We rarely have chippy chips now, they just don't taste the same. No sawdust on them I guess!😋 xx

  5. I bet they went down well. :-)

    We have some wonderful chip shops here in Lancashire, it's the one thing that was never 'quite right' when we were in Wales and not even close when we lived down South.

  6. My mum would turn around to the back of the car as we travelled home in the dark from a day out and say "we're stopping off for fish and chips"-she then told dad" fish ,chips and mushy peas twice-put lots of salt and vinegar on-don't forget the forks"-my dad always had a piece of battered haddock-He had already had 2 pints of bitter at previous stop x

  7. Fish and chips once a month for me. Surprised you no have vinegar. I would be lost without a bottle of Sarsons in cupboard.

  8. A friend and I have been going to the local Catholic church for the Lenten fish fry meals ... We went last night! It's not the same as fish & chips, but it's close. I will also go to our Lost Cajun restaurant for their catfish and chips ... they are all good and crispy and delicious!

  9. That's right! Fish 'n chips MUST have salt and vinegar!

  10. Good heavens John! You deprived yourself of fish and chips for three and a half years! Were there mushy peas too? After all, one has to have one's "five a day"!

  11. If you are ever this way, try a fish supper from the Harbour Fish bar in Girvan and sit in your car to eat and watch the sun go down over Ailsa Craig from the harbour car park.
    Beware the gulls... don't eat outdoors!!

  12. suzanne dorries3:01 pm

    when I traveled to Missouri where my grandparents lived we always had a fish fry. My grandma would take me down to the river and was very fussy picking out the perfect catfish. Absolutely delish.

  13. I would love to taste "real fish & chips"
    I live in Florida and my favorite fish meal is smoked mullet served with corn on the cob, cole slaw and hush puppies.

    1. Puppies?x

    2. Sorry Millicent-I should have googled first -and Jamie Oliver recommends them so they Are tasty x

    3. Hush puppies in the UK are a type of shoe. I'm sure you don't eat those! If you ever come over the pond, don't ask for hush puppies in a restaurant, you might be disappointed. xx

    4. LOL ... we all have Hush Puppy brand shoes in the U.S., as well!
      Hush puppies with fish fries are made with cornmeal and deep fried and are quite tasty!

    5. I make my hush puppies with diced onion..half fine ground and half coarse ground corn meal..touch of hot sauce and creamed corn and sometimes a smidge of sugar. Yum yum.

  14. I know we used to have fish and chips but I can only remember beautiful salt and vinegar chips by the seafront. My mouth is watering with the memory.

  15. Fish and chips is an all time favorite for me too. The restaurants seem to get the frying and batter just right. Cod is my favorite fish for this meal.

  16. Barbara Anne5:21 pm

    Your meal must have been a real treat and hope you'll have it more often from now on.
    I'd like to taste UK versions of fish and chips as I wonder how different that meal would be from fish and French fries?
    When we lived in Louisville, Kentucky, there was the most marvelous fish restaurant called The Fishery. We miss their food still.


  17. Pensioners lunch time bargain once a month for me - 2 minutes up the road and £3.50!

  18. We don't have a good fish and chip shop anywhere near - haven't had it for years and really miss it.

  19. Brave of you to go order food from that establishment. I prefer to eat at home when ever possible, but I think Ava is getting tired of it so I am telling her we should go out for a proper dinner next time we see each other.

  20. I love good fish and chips and haven’t had it in a few years. But I could never get into the vinegar.

  21. The only take away meals I remember as a child was Fish and Chips and generally only on a Friday. I remember the vinegar and salt on the chips ....delish. These days I only ever have fish and chips whilst at the beach and rarely in the summer usually Autumn or Winter. Nothing like hot fish and chips when it's bleak at the beach.

    Jo in Auckland

  22. Friday night is fish and chip night for us, my English husband insists on it and he doesn't insist on much. Fish here is amazing, it's fresh out of the sea if you buy he more expensive option, battered or crumbed, and perfect chips. This from our local takeaway that also does very good Chinese food. At $15 for two (about 7GBP) it sounds like we get much better value too, though really exchange rates only matter when you travel.
    I saw a clip of French and Saunders doing two daft ladies taking something to he Repair Shop for Red Nose Day, nice to see them getting up to their shenanigans again!

  23. The last Arthur Treacher's restaurant in the world is in my city. I hope you recognize that name. It's the only place I know of to get "real" fish and chips.

    1. Was he a character in Eastenders

    2. He was an actor. I knew him as a guest on the Merv Griffin TV show.

  24. A true treat for the soul.

  25. Ah, so it was a family meal.

  26. I love fish & chips but I have it pretty rarely too. And I never eat the breading!


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