
 By the time my little bathroom man was talking about spot lights, I was almost beside myself with excitement. Looking at heated towel rails and I was ( as Miriam Margolyes said on the Graham Norton show) Creaming in my knickers.
The excitement was catching and Dorothy galloped upstairs and peed on the hall carpet.
I am so excited that at the grand old age of 59 , I’m getting my first bespoke and totally desirable bathroom.
Work starts in around 6 weeks.
He’s looking at sorting out the office too but was confused when I referred to it being in the west wing

It was dusk when the dogs and I walked my little man back to his car and ambling back down the lane I looked at my cottage with it’s interior all warm with the glow of lamplight and fire and I felt proud and happy.
The fairy lights , my sister hung above the patio , glinted cheerfully and the newly tidied garden looked ordered and charming as a newly washed and buffed Bluebell stood guard behind.

I am so happy



  1. Anonymous7:53 pm

    We are so pleased that you are planning your lovely bathroom John. It's great to feel the happiness in your blog post today.
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. Thank you Wendy , I’m easily excited x

  2. Did you decide on bathroom flooring yet or are you going to leave that for a while?

  3. Indeed you are home. I have followed your blog for years, and was so pleased when you were able to stay in the cottage. It’s going to be wonderful to have the bathroom done as you want. I’m

  4. Shall you be inviting guests to a bathroom soiree when it's completed John x

  5. They say kitchens and bathrooms sell houses. A must for my next house will be to have a sanctuary bathroom -- big or small, I just want a place to hide and relax. I will look forward to seeing how yours turns out.

    1. It’s tiny , but I can’t wait Kim, how shallow I am

  6. Oh, the bliss of a hot shower, then drying yourself on a warm towel. Not too long to wait. We want photos, please - of the bathroom, I hasten to add, not you in a towel! Between you and Janet, you've made a lovely little nest. xx

    1. I’m so pleased and happy tonight….I’ve needed this boost

  7. Charming and inviting. I am glad you are getting your bathroom. Good for you.

  8. Heated towel rail? Oh, my cream I mean dream…

  9. I'm so happy for you! I'd be beyond excited, too. You have a lovely home.

    1. Sometimes little things like today just eclipse the big shit x

  10. I am happy for you! We who are not getting new bathrooms can live vicariously through you! -Jenn

    1. I needed the boost of today and I’m so happy , so your comment makes me even happier x

  11. You deserve to be happy John.

  12. Oh I am so pleased for your that your bathroom dream is finally happening. The planning is such fun..we did ours 3 years ago. As partner is a plumber we did all our own work. I did the painting and the tiler is a local man. It was bloody hard work but really enjoyable once completed. Pictures required to send the excitement this way please :)

    Jo in Auckland

  13. How peaceful your cottage looks - lovely that you are planning the bathroom of your dreams. x

  14. countrygal10:43 pm

    Miriam Margolyes - a marvellous woman

  15. It all looks and sounds lovely - lit up like that it looks so inviting.

  16. I'm intrigued. Your bathroom fitter is a little person?

  17. Your bathroom sounds wonderful. Your cottage looks so warm and welcoming. You deserve the excitement.

  18. How fun! What will you use for toilet and bath during construction? Do you only have one bathroom?

    Why is he a ''little man''?

    1. Lizzy, to understand the expression "little man" is to pay attention to the British class system, alive and well to this day. Like an accountant's ledger it's precise. So there is working class (lower/higher - sometimes divided by one street), lower middle class, middle class, higher middle class, upper class and then there is aristocracy held in check by royalty. "My little man" an idiom as only the English can, think serfdom, and I quote various dictionaries

      "a man of no importance and little significance" - a definition clearly belied by John's joy at the magic HIS little man can work over his little bathroom.

      My (English) father-in-law used to refer to his handyman, doing jobs round the house and garden, as "my little man". Just as his wife had "a little job". Actually, she was a teacher. Never mind. Pocket money.

      Mind you, it could be worse: The English could call their "little man" Simple Simon. Don't ask.


    2. A terrier comes to my attention-quite exhausting x

    3. Now you will have my definitive answer
      It was a saying my mother and aunt Greta had
      It was also a private and slightly bawdy joke,they used to smile at when referring to “ getting a little man in” when an odd job, gardening work or other DIY thing needed attending to

  19. Heated towel racks are such a luxury! And they heat the room too. Fantastic in the winter.

  20. Such a cozy home. Stay happy..

  21. Your new bathroom will be very custom to meet your needs. The contractor sounds great. You'll love the heated towel rack! Step out of the shower and the warm towel awaits.

  22. ...and I am so very happy for you !

  23. There's no place like home, and yours just keeps getting better and better!

  24. What a lovely home you have, John. So inviting inside and out, and I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see the new bathroom! Love and hugs.

  25. Barbara Anne3:36 am

    Lovely photos of your welcoming cottage and delightful wee lights!
    What good news about the new bathroom you'll soon have and how will you ever leave it to go to work?!
    I look forward to seeing Janet's other garden accomplishments in daylight.


  26. When we recently renewed our bathroom, I didn't really want a bath but preferred a good sized shower instead. I was over-ruled, and as yet the bath remains unused.

  27. The best ever phrase, and shows how far you've come, "I am so happy!". Xxx

  28. Your cottage looks so lovely and welcoming with the warm light shining through the windows!

  29. JacquieB7:48 am

    'my sister hung above the patio'!! sorry but that's how I read it.
    Didn't get my first bespoke bathroom, complete with heated towel rail, until in my sixties - bliss.
    Enjoy yours

  30. I am so happy for you. Can't wait to see the photos.

  31. We’ve had some nice bathrooms (not now) but never one totally designed by us. I just realized your reference to “little bathroom man” might really be the man hired for your “little bathroom.“ In that case, I’d like a little bathroom man and an XXL bathroom man. I can’t wait to see the new bathroom (size doesn’t matter).

  32. veg artist8:42 am

    You've not said - bath/shower, just shower? Details, details, not trivia like spot lights (spot on what?).

  33. Now you have no excuse for skid-marks.

  34. Loved Dorothy's reaction!

    We have heated towel rails and while I scoffed at first when my husband suggested them, they are fantastic. Always lovely warm, dry towels and a warm, cosy bathroom (much appreciated in this dire, cold climate).

    Enjoy your new bathroom!

  35. Wonderful to look forward to this!

  36. It's going to be wonderful, as I said on Fb, I am still imagining your 'little bathroom man' as being about 2ft tall ;-)

    I hope you have many happy years with your new posh bathroom.

  37. Home sweet home! A new bathroom would excite me too.

  38. When we renovated our bathroom, we put in a heated floor. Now that is luxury! Love the heated towel rack as well.


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