Serve You Right

 kidney’s playing up today.
If my mother was alive she would have said 
“Serve You right for showing off about your pension yesterday”
My mother could be a real cow when the mood took her.
I am reminded of her when anon ( et al) start to micro pick at blog entries and blog comments 
Tiresome all.
Sad Mothers…..and sad people in general , can be real cows


The weather today feels worse than it did when Eunice arrived.
It’s blustery and very wet and cold too.
I walked the dogs earlier and was caught short and had to have a pee behind a tree which caused a few logistical problems .

I’ve put my thickest jumper on today and don’t feel like eating.
I will nap later, covered in dogs.

Speaking of eating, I will leave you all with this charming video.
Tik tok , does post a few amid the crass
It’s rather hypnotic and moving
I’m off to make olive, spinach and bread bean soup


  1. Rest, fluids, take care of yourself.

    1. I’m mooching today .
      I’ve made olive and Spanish soup

  2. Barbara Anne2:29 pm

    Sorry to hear you're not feeling good and, of course, it's not due to your incredulous pleasure in sharing news of your windfall.
    As has been said already, rest, lots of fluids, antibiotics if needed to nip it in the bud, and Azo-Gantrisin (as it used to be called) for the sting.


    1. I believe it is still called that, Barbara.

    2. I’m “ resting” today lol

  3. John, do take your meds; you've got to stay ahead of any potential infection. Unhappy people can be tough to be around. Their negativity clouds everything and truly tells us a lot about them. Cleaver video! (Speaking about illness, my US news feed says the Queen is positive for Covid. Is this fact? If so, hopefully a mild case.)

    1. Susan, yes, the Queen has tested positive. According to the news, she only has mild cold-like symptoms and is planning to continue with her planned duties next week. xx

    2. She won’t succumb to a mere covid virus
      She’s a tough old bird

  4. Oh, John! Take care of yourself - you know how. And no, it isn't payback for being pleased at your windfall. The video is so cute. The look on that monkey's face as it looks up. I imagine Dorothy has a similar adoring look when she looks at you. xx

    1. I think u maybe right…..
      I’ve bought mary a rubber chicken all of her own , and she’s driving us all potty

  5. Could your suffering be made worse by the cold John-you know the old saying(it's slipped my mind-but it is about your kidneys)try to keep your waist garments overlapping-It's not a nice day to be caught short-and I should know-twice during a 2 hour walk-Regarding negative remarks-I have much experience sadly-3 people who I have not always been able to avoid have relished my sadness and misfortune- in fact they like to dig the knife in - twist it and then rub salt into the wound-As I am wise to them-I do not engage as they expect and they crumble and wither-What's a girl to do! x

    1. I’m ok , I’ve just made a delightful soup , spinach, olive and broad bean

    2. You will have muscles like Popeye x

  6. A friend just shared this video with me and I love it.

    I was going to say, “Our mothers would have got along famously. But, then I realised, oh no they would not!

    1. I’m sure they would have sparred somewhat lol
      My mother was a sad woman , which was unfortunate as she often, ( but not always) made other people’s lives sad too

    2. I think our mothers would have hurt each other’s feeling so often, neither would have tolerated it. I completely understand where you’re coming from and appreciate your honesty -- the bad and the good -- about your childhood and your parents. Besides, you moved on with an ANYHOW. Sending hugs to you and hope your kidneys stop being so uncooperative (even if you DID show off about your pension yesterday).

  7. My mother had lots of sayings. Still does. Didn't/doesn't make her a cow. In fact, some of those sayings were and are amusing, valid and serve me to this day. That some of them didn't/don't make comfortable listening is because the truth rarely does. Thank your Lord your mother wasn't a Maureen Lipman type Jewish mum. How would you have made it into adulthood?

    Anyway, re kidneys. When I was in my teens the fountain of wisdom made me wear (and I did) what was called, roughly translated, "kidney savers". They were very soft, very thin; like a glove you wore round your kidney region, keeping you warm. God knows what that was about - other than keeping bladder infections at bay. Or maybe she was worried about my fertility.

    Honestly, John, you do have to give your mother (and grandmother) a bit more slack. Their delivery may have been on the rough side but I am sure they only had your best at heart.

    As to "micro pick": What's all that about? Do you want a conversation with your readers or don't you?

    Here have a hot water bottle. Don't sit on it. Stuff it between the back of your sofa/reading chair and your back. Bliss.


    1. I don’t have to give my mother anything and a certainly don’t need a lecture from you in order to do so.

      My grandmother was a wonderful woman , so I don’t get where you presume she was a cow too?

      I love conversations when they are balanced , the conversations of yesterday with anon and “ Jill” were not balanced from their perspective

    2. It wasn't a "lecture", John. It was a recommendation.

      Where do I get a remark about your grandmother from?

      14 Feb 2022 "A mouse in the reading chair". In reply to my comment you said "“ plastering” you do hide an insult in the chat ..very much like my grandmother did".

      It's not exactly ambiguous, is it? Or, maybe, you meant it affectionately. Like when you compared me to your mother.


    3. You are too forensic for me l
      You need to go out more

    4. Anonymous7:04 pm

      I concur with John...there seems to be much nitpicking of late with certain obsessed blog followers exploring subjects that weren't on the original agenda, and subsequently making milage out of them.
      I suspect Anon is in fact Ursula .
      Or Jill or whoever.
      Best wishes

    5. Anonymous7:13 pm

      I was thinking something similar.


    6. I think too much energy has been expended on nothing

    7. Anon Brenda, Anon Lisa, sorry to prick your balloon. John knows that I am NOT the fabled ANON. That he does NOT make this clear, never has - that's between him and his conscience.

      John, Sweetheart, I spend my "energy" where and how I see fit. You think of yourself and your musings as "NOTHING"? OK. Noted.


    8. Anonymous8:56 pm

      Anonymous Brenda, I thought Jill made a valid point.

    9. Now THAT made me laugh out loud

      The prize for the best comment this week goes to

      “ Bert”


    10. Anonymous9:36 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. It’s going surreal now

  8. and I absolutely love the baby monkey-he or she adores their mummy x

  9. Aww, that wee adoring face looking up! Sorry to hear you're not 100% today. Being poorly on your own sucks xxx

  10. Hope you feel better! Tonight here is the first episode of The Walking Dead's final season. Not sure if you still watch; I have, since the beginning, and will finish it out. I think it's already been shown on some premium site, which I of course do not have. I better not see any spoilers before tonight...

    1. I will watch it tomorrow , it shows on Disney + !!!!
      Oh I’m still very loyal x

  11. Hope the kidney quickly sorts itself out! It's very blustery here too -- I saw that parts of the country were supposed to get 80 mph wind gusts today!

  12. Lovely monkey and a lovely clip too. I deleted TikTok from my phone I wasted far too much time on it every night ... now I'm just addicted to Wordle :-)

    Hope you soon feel better, Ursula's recommendation of a hot water bottle in the middle of your back is a good one and something I do a lot these days ... oh the relief. The rest of what she says you should not let worry you, if she has time to scroll back through old posts to prove a point she is proving the 'micro-picking' perfectly. It's tiresome and unnecessary.

  13. Wishing you soon better.the weather here seems worse today too.We have a lil bit of roof damage,but so grateful.And my heart goes out to all who have suffered severe damage to their homes cars etc.Hugs xx

    1. Yes. I’m very lucky not to have had any damage to worry about

    2. Your home is insured for damage and theft?

  14. The video is so cute I had to watch it several times. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. It should be on a loop. Lovelyto watch

  15. As ever I am thinking of your per pipe 😂

  16. How sweet! Take care of yourself. Didn't you have an appointment with a specialist about this very thing? What came of that? Nothing helpful?

  17. i would love to have a little monkey to sit on my lap and crunch carrots with.

  18. I hope you feel better soon, John. The soup sounds perfect for a blustey day.

  19. Feel better John! I love the video, especially the way the monkey looks up in her face - love!

  20. flis.9:10 pm

    John-is this a parallel universe at times?-I'm feeling a little bit unbalanced x

  21. Y'all are such a hoot..the little short video and the conversation remind of me
    Of the saying "Not my circus, not my monkey"... You've made me chuckle..

  22. What a sweet video!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes