“ Old Man”

 I’ve ventured down to Y Shed for one of their strong Americanos
The ones that blow yer tits off and and give you a zing
And I’ve taken the obligatory snapshot of my coffee cup to prove the fact.
I will have another one too, so I will be bordering of ADHD by the time I get home.

I’ve just had a row with two middle aged women joggers ( Quelle Surprise) but this time I was provoked ( again) 
They ran up behind me like two ninjas and surprised Dorothy who suddenly found herself in front of them before she and I realised and called her to heel. 
I called out “ I’m sorry” As Dorothy stopped and raised her head to say hello and one of the joggers, exasperated with the interruption yelled “ Oh God  GET OUT OF MY WAY “ as she waved her arms wildly
She has every right to be here as you do” I called out, irked that my original apology hadn’t registered 
And what only could be called a fishwives’ Bitch off ensued .

Fucking dog walkers lording the path” 
“ What if a child ran out in front of you?”
“ Dangerous Dogs should be on a lead”
“ She only has a brain the size of a soddin peanut!”
“I could have broken my ankle falling over her “
“ Nazi Jogger”
“ You Should have called out you were coming past, what am I ? Fucking psychic ?”

I think you get the gist

The other Lycra covered jogger then decided to Wade in and with her hands on her hips yelled a somewhat   Surprising and simple “ insult” of
OLD MAN ! “ which smarted somewhat
They jogged on
Another couple who had been walking behind me called out with a supportive “ Weren't they rude ? “ 
but of course they had a dog too, so they would wouldn’t they? 

It happens to me regularly” I admitted and had to laugh at myself 

I wonder why….


  1. In another 20 or so years, you are going to mature into the perfect grumpy old man. Something to look forward to

  2. My nemesis on paths and sidewalks are not people with dogs, it's kids on bicycles and bloody scooters. A pox on them all!

  3. Anonymous1:32 pm

    Karma is a bitch. One day they won't be able to get in - or out of their lycra without assistance.

    1. I wish them well , I hope in retrospect they wish me well

    2. That ain’t gonna happen

  4. Those women were vile-They were absolutely in the wrong -When anyone startles us they usually at least have the courtesy to say sorry-A dog trainer lady who assisted me out of kindness unexpectedly once said-when anyone runs up to you and your dogs -whether it's a human or a dog do not say sorry- They are in your space-it's they who should apologise to you x

    1. Knash yer teeth at them x

    2. I may try a smile next time

  5. It may be a bit naughty John but if it's happening regularly could you not get a white stick and get Dorothy a harness which says assistance dog- for health and safety purposes only for oneself x

  6. They were rude! As a 'jogger' myself, I usually have to stop and greet every dog I pass. How could I not? :)

  7. They were complete b%$#$#! As runners, they should know from experience not to run too close to a dog on lead. Most dogs react when they're startled that way. Years ago, when I was still in my teens, the Baptist minister, and our neighbour, jogged right past me while I was walking the family dog. My dog was so startled she leapt at him and tore the fabric on the rear end of his jogging pants. He just kept on running. I stood on the sidewalk absolutely mortified...staring at the rip in his pants as he jogged away. Years later, he was officiating at my best friend's wedding and I finally mustered the courage to apologize to him. It was oddly cathartic. Calling you "Old Man" ... I wish I'd been there!!!

    1. She was off the lead to be fair but if I knew they were coming like the bike riders do by ringing a bell, I would have heeled Dorothy

  8. Some (joggers) feel inappropriately entitled. Shared public spaces are just that and they are made for everyone to enjoy. The joggers should run on a track specifically and exclusively for running. Write the joggers off and give them no credence.

    1. In our modern world too many of us think we are entitled x

  9. wow, i'm never going to drink that coffee.

  10. It could have simply been handled by a 'coming up on your right' cheerfully sung out, which you could have addressed just as cheerfully. They set the tone for that interaction. Name calling was unnecessary.

    1. Perhaps I’m an angry man underneath

    2. You responded in kind. They set the tone for the interaction.

  11. Bikers and joggers alike with any etiquette know they are supposed to announce which side they are passing on. I find that you were quite restrained.

    1. Thank you penny
      Restrained I wasn’t lol

  12. I hate it when when I get angry like this too. Usually I'm scared/surprised, tired or hungry.

    Forgive yourself. You are human.

  13. They were definitely in the wrong..after all it is a shared path.
    I have been run into ( or was it over?!) When I was using a shared towpath on my bike.. going slowly with a load of shopping!!

  14. Barbara Anne3:36 pm

    I love Walter Matthau!
    There is no excuse for people who think they're so entitled that they're horribly rude. Dog, or not, the people behind you were right. Hope you could blow off the upset or drown it in coffee.


    1. He had a face like a bag of walnuts

  15. Lord - I am the walker on the walking/bike path (we walk on the right side here) who, when a biker goes blazing past without a call-out warning or a ring of a bike bell, I LOUDLY yell "YOU NEED TO CALL OUT NEXT TIME DUMB ASS!" Might not change them - makes me feel better.

    1. Sometimes just having a blow up helps
      Releases the tension

  16. Priscilla and I always hog the whole path but so far nobody has been rude = must think of some suitable language to yell if they are.

  17. it isnt just joggers I find myself becoming irritated by just about everyone, my daughter says its "a grumpy old man thing"

  18. Maybe get yourself one of those vests that horse riders wear - Please pass wide and slow. And you could always add the proviso - Dog and/or owner may bite! xx

    1. Dorothy should get one too….she’s too friendly , although not pushy she stops and looks at passerby’s inviting them to say hi to her

  19. Here you'd be in the wrong as soon as your dog was off lead. Poor sweet Dorothy.

    1. No law for leads on the walkway , though Mary I always lead .
      Leads are mandatory on the promenade on the beach and in other public places such as cemeteries and pavements etc
      It’s a countryside walk here

    2. Then yes [and even w dogs on lead] it would be a good safety practice for joggers and bikers to call out. I'm sorry your walk was spoiled.

    3. It’s made a funny blog, I’m not bothered xx

  20. If you encounter any more undesirables causing alarm-you could forcefully say-"YOU Should wear a bell" and then remark to the girls-"How frightful" x

  21. Here, "Old Man" is an official name, so I was especially interested in your post. My "Old Man" and I had our 58th anniversary Monday last. For many years he has signed the many cards he has bought me with the words, "Love, Old Man". I even embroidered "Old Man" on the Kindle cover I made him. Being called "Old Man" isn't necessarily a bad thing.!

  22. John, just growl & bark at them next time. (sorry, but I just can't help myself - first thing that popped into my mind) A bit of drool out the side of your mouth would help too. ha ha! Hugs & take care from the bottom of the mini-mountain in Maine.

    1. No one waves their arms at my Dorothy

    2. and rightfully so, John. I feel the same about my rescue pooch, LilyLuv. From ME again....47 degrees today w/ 4-6 inches of snow arriving Friday. Crazy!!!hugs

  23. What?!? No 'CHEAP SHOES'???

    1. Trainers ……I would have lost the argument

  24. Anonymous6:52 pm

    I think it is great to exercise and take care of yourself but I think a lot of these runners are a little too much into themselves and trying to make up for something. They would act the same way if they were driving.

    1. We should all be more courteous to each other, ( and I’m telling my good self that too )

  25. In my country one or the other of you probably would have been armed and one or the other of you would be dead now. It's a different world, John.

    1. True my friend very true
      I’m very bad at shutting my mouth

  26. Actual text exchange from yesterday between my son and one of my daughters on a family thread:
    "I dropped off clothes and phone and glasses. And got yelled at by some middle aged biddy who tried to park her car in the only entrance to the far parking lot. What is this shit? She yelled, 'I'm handicapped' at me and I was like, 'That sucks but these people are going to have to get their cars out of the lot at some point.' She actually yelled, 'Waa waa cry about it like a widdle baby' at me. What is that?"
    My daughter replied, "Whoa. I'm sorry but it sounds like she is handicapped in the brain."
    My kids make me laugh.

    1. I guess it’s not good arguing in public , but I never said I was perfect

    2. Anonymous5:11 pm

      Perhaps you thought it was funny Ms Moon but I don't see anything funny about mocking someone with a disability either physical or mental.

  27. A simple *uck off *itch*. . . .with a smile would have been my retort. Just saying! But I am a crass old coot.

    1. I don’t swear when angry as a rule

  28. Lol I’ve never called anyone a c&£t verbally

  29. John, The next time some one calls you old shake your finger at them and yell, you young whippersnapper!
    Not sure if you use the term in the U.K it's a old colloquialism we used here in the states back in the day.

  30. Anonymous10:02 pm

    I am surprised that kind of rudeness happens in a village where so many would know each other.

    1. It’s outside my village 5 miles away

  31. Billy hates joggers and cyclists who suddenly appear from behind him. It's the unexpected sudden movement that he dislikes, and if there a tasty ankle on show, he'll try to show his disapproval.

  32. Old man. That is a killer.

  33. I had a couple come up behind me on the sidewalk a few weeks ago, and Olga (on her lead) cut in front of the woman to sniff something. "Yes, I realize your dog is very important," the woman snarled at me before crossing the street with her silent husband. I yelled, "You can always GO AROUND her, lady!"


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes