At last

 Islwyn has been casting his little bits of magic again.
Nothing huge , but my wheelie bin now has an elasticated latch which stops it flapping open in the wind of the three named storms which has hit home recently.
He’s the sort to do jobs like these. 
No fanfare no lectures 
Just a little kindness.
Recently I was witness to another quiet bit of kindness at choir.
One chorister who has recently suffered a bereavement was quietly leaving at the end of practice and she stopped to say hell to the gaggle of sopranos who immediately surrounded and group hugged her within an inch of her life
People are so naturally kind I always like to think .

My sisters both made me a cooked dinner last night too, which was a treat. 
I’m still somewhat rough with another kidney infection and they think I need looking after .
Today the heating engineer rang and asked if he could come and do the chimney lining today instead of Friday . 
I couldn’t say no, but could have done without the subsequent mess 
He had an apprentice who forgot he was wearing soot and charcoal covered working boots all around the living room  
And I caught him red faced, frantically trying to get rid of the evidence with some kitchen paper.
I told him not to worry , but it’s been a bugger to get rid of , even with my trusty carpet cleaner.  
I can relight the fire tomorrow but I must be honest , I did light a very small one tonight just to please myself 

At last


  1. Glad you have kind sisters to take care of you.

  2. That's good news :) - better a wee bit sooty carpet and a fire, than no fire and a clean carpet.

    1. Lol indeed…I’m lighting it tomorrow and I’m just going to look at it

  3. Do take care of yourself, John. Those kidney infections are too, too persistent. Thank goodness you have such caring sisters. They'll make sure you do as you're told! I'd love some sort of catch on my wheelie bins, I don't suppose Islwyn could pop round?😉 A fire, at long last! Shame about the carpet, but when you're feeling better, you'll be able to tackle it with some gusto. xx

    1. If you lived in the village he’d be around like a bloody shot
      He never leaves the village boundaries unless he has to

  4. How fortunate are you to have two sisters living close enough to come and make a meal for you! I'm jealous, though also fortunate to have one of my two sisters living within a half hour of my home. Sisters are the best. -Kate

    1. When we were at pottery , I was in one room with my friend making a camel , and I had to giggle when I heard them both cackling away in the pottery room

  5. Barbara Anne5:01 pm

    A warm cottage at last and safe to use, too!
    So glad for the kindness of Islwyn and your sisters in making life easier for you - especially while you're under the weather.
    Wonder if you need to be on a long-term low dose antibiotic to ward off these too frequent infections?


    1. I’m already on a low dose antibiotic long term Babs ….

  6. When my chimney was lined it was a major job over a few days-First the boss man and then the boys- One morning big boy rushed in asked "is there a toilet?"exiting red in the face-the others were laughing-I wasn't on checking-but they had traveled far x

    1. From start to finish here it was 2 and half hours

    2. Very efficient men x

  7. The fire will be warm and comforting. How lucky you and your siblings are to live close by and be such close friends. Hope you are feeling better sooner rather than later, John!

    1. I’m ok DeArheart , my urology referral appointment has finally come through

  8. Relight my fire
    Your love is my only desire
    Relight my fire
    'Cos I need your love

    P.S. Don't take this literally!

  9. I want your luurvvve xxxxxxxxxxx

  10. Perhaps this might help: (when you're feeling better)

    Pro tip: light the fire and shut off the rest of the lights and the soot will blend in quite nicely with the dancing shadows.

  11. You're surrounded by your kindness karma. xx

    1. I saw that at choir recently. One chorister who has recently suffered a loss was surrounded by her fellow singers when she got up to leave and a group hug enveloped her
      Beautiful to watch

  12. Make me feel better that you can now have a fire.

    1. I can’t light it until TOMORROW !!! Arrhhnhhhh

  13. It’s always something. I hope you feel better and stop suffering with these problems. Your sisters, neighbors, and friends are keepers. But then you already knew that.

    1. I’m ok, urology appointment finally organised !!!

    2. Good to hear. Hope you finally get the treatment needed. xx

    3. Barbara Anne8:21 pm

      May the appointment be in the very near future so you'll feel 100% once more.


  14. You thinki don’t ? Lol xx

  15. You are fortunate to have very caring sisters and friends. Having your fireplace working again is a great accomplishment. Coming home to warmth makes everything better.

  16. Nothing more comforting than a flickering fire, is there. I'm glad your referral appointment has come through.

    Over here, the Council provided one of those elastic hooks for the wheelie bin and they do make all the difference, so good on Islwyn for sorting one for you.

  17. I saw an ad the other nite for a chronic kidney disease treatment, a longterm medication. Maybe something to ask your doctors about.

    I hope prematurely lighting the fire was ok, like things didn't need to set or adhere before using. Temptation won.

  18. My sweep in France is fastidious. There's never a sign that he's been by; other than a clean chimney of course.

  19. Chimney sweeps. I always think Mary Poppins.

  20. Islwyn is someone I think we would all treasure as a friend.

    So glad you can fully enjoy your fire today. At last. The dogs will love it too!

  21. Does the bit of elastic cause any problems for the bin men?

  22. By the time you read this you will be snuggled up, covered in dogs, in front of your fire.

  23. Lynn Marie12:01 pm

    It's a good thing to be kind to young apprentices who've just screwed up while working in your home if they recognize what they've done. I know I always appreciated it when I worked as a cleaner.

  24. It would be nice to have a real fire. I haven't turned on my gas fireplace in years.

  25. I love a nice fire. We have one and I wouldn't be without it in the winter; although here in Auckland it doesn't get even 1/3 as cold as you would in Wales but I am aclimatised to it here.

    Jo in Auckland

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