Irritation and Mooching


I try not to book anything into my diary on the day following night shift.
I’m not in a place to really be sociable or to be able to concentrate .
It’s a mooch day
A sleep followed by a tidy of the cottage which strangely always looks as though a bombs hit it after three nights on duty.
I walk the dogs, sleep until midday then go to the supermarket for provisions .
I’m here now, nursing a strong coffee in the cafe after following the store detective whilst he was tracking an offender. 
I get a lot of sad vicarious excitement at doing this, as I am in tune with his non verbals and know when he’s sussed a shoplifter. 
Today it was a skinny, well dressed young man trying to slip vodka into a backpack 
Soon, when covid is less of a worry to all I can return to my shopping trolley game 
You know, the one where I sneak arbitrary and very odd items of interest into the shopping trolley of someone I know.
My best “ attack” on record was with Gaynor The Mad Organist , a victim who was unaware that I sneaked two packets of tampons, a large box of Brillo pads, some budgie seed and a large pomegranate into her trolley by the time she got to the check out.

It’s cold and very blustery today. 
My laburnum sapling is holding up in the Churchyard though 
I went to check on her earlier.

The village was quiet and pretty deserted save for the ‘effin man who is banging away fixing the porch roof on the new build behind the cottage. 
He has little regard for bothering his neighbours and the noise woke me early 
I’m tired and somewhat irritated and ignored him when I got up to shop. 
Best to keep my mouth shut especially when I’m tired.

This afternoon and evening will be more mooching. 
Internet, saved documentaries on the iPad to watch, blog reading and and messaging friends 
I’m having Korean curry for supper, a frozen portion found at the back of the freezer washed down with three quarters of a bottle of Chablis, a gift left wrapped in a Jiffy bag , I’m presuming by Trellis on Thursday. 
Well I’m presuming it’s her as she’s the only person who leaves me the odd bottle of something with one large glass taken out from it 

I cant read post nights so will watch tv and some old films and maybe phone a couple of friends
The cold is affecting Albert today. 
He’s limping more than usual. 
I set up the fan heater in my office and put a cushion in front of it. That’s where he lying with his hip facing the warmth.

I don’t feel very interesting today


  1. You're always interesting, John! And you're a Public Menace with your shopping trolley shenanigans!

  2. Enjoy your quiet day, The overnights have to be hard, and the world is a better place for those who work them. I think all of us need a mooch day, after a hard week.

  3. Barbara Anne2:42 pm

    What a lovely view from your sleeping garden! I suggest you take a photo of the church through your arbor frame so you can print and frame it in case it disappears.
    Love your meandering posts and agree it's wise to stay to yourself when coming off nights. It's best not to try to find your best foot to put forward but to just stay home and take it easy.
    You sneaky man putting items in a friend's grocery cart! Do you lurk at the cash register to chuckle at the confusion or confess later?
    Nice to help Albert's aches with a cushion and heat. You're a nurse through and through.
    Sorry to whitter on - no coffee yet.


    1. The church cannot be destroyed it’s a listed building

    2. Although a listed building, could it be sold? Maybe this has all been discussed before (I don't claim to read all comments) but would a community buy-out be an option? I suppose you may be too small a community but it seems amazing what a crowd-funding campaign and a lot of people chipping in a little can do; with the place possibly having a future as a coffee shop and cultural centre, perhaps even earning money to pay off some of the donations? I have heard of similar things succeeding in the past, but of course it would require considerable collective will. Our village acquired a rather large ancient woodland that way, although I believe a friendly landowner was a huge help. Maybe the church establishment will not be so friendly, despite what churches are supposed to be all about.

    3. There may be a plan B
      Which I’m not at Liberty to share at the moment x

    4. The Church is never a friendly establishment in business matters, sadly.

  4. You are always interesting John - I like to imagine you gently warming that cushion for Albert. No wonder your animals all adore you.

    1. He’s getting older now, he needs a bit of pampering

  5. I agree with Barbara Anne; a lovely view of the church through the arch. Made me giggle about the bottle of wine with one large glass out of it - Mrs T sharing a drink with you. Poor Albert, age and arthritis aren't a good combination. He'll be thanking you for the warmth and comfort! Enjoy the rest of your mooch day. xx

  6. And on the eighth day The Lord created Moochday. Not to be confused with Matchday when a scheduled football game takes place.

  7. The Shopping Cart game sounds like a fun activity. How did it go with the Mad Organist once she became aware she'd been spoofed and by whom?

    1. I don’t remember that episode but she caught me once doing the same thing in marks and Spencer’s food hall

  8. I always referred to the coming off nights as the day of the living dead. Our sons knew better than to annoy me.

    Our old Collie used to lie outside the bedroom door to make sure I could rest undisturbed.

    1. It’s like being jet lagged every week lol

  9. What a bundle of joy you are x

    1. Read em and weep mave
      I’m one crazy arsed bitch

  10. Lots of blustery cold here too. The wind is crazy out there.

    Remind me never to go shopping with you! LOL

    1. I’m like a ninja
      You would never know I was there

  11. Interesting to me, anyhow.

  12. I was talking to a friend at the entrance to Waitrose the other day when another well-dressed and well-spoken young man was nabbed whilst trying to carry out 6 bottles of the most expensive vodka they have. His bag for life had burst under the weight.

  13. You are always most interesting John-Never ever dull-I wonder if Albert would allow you to soothe his poorly leg by gently rubbing it and on his hip-My lily asks me to-it helps her to tried to get the attention of a sales assistant once whilst a woman emptied a freezer of organic meat- she had trapped me in a corner and I was scared - she was using me as a screen- it was awful - the assistant continued chatting and ignored my little waves for help x

  14. Fun at the grocery store...I sometimes notice someone I do not know but would like to know. As subtle as I can, I push my cart into their cart. Let the fun begin. The extra warmth is important for Albert. Does he have a knit coat?

  15. I worked straight 12 hr. nights for 19 years.........I can relate, John.. *smiling

  16. Long time redder first time commenter . Enjoy your sense of humour !!!!!

  17. I did a stint as a store detective when much younger.. We were required to wait until they were leaving the store before a I always tried to stop the steal while inside thus preventing a theft. Reason being that no one stopped once outside and I often was left alone on the evening shift. The thieves tried to run over me one time.
    Anyway..over the holidays I spotted a man who had emptied a large box contains a toy airplane. He then filled it with power tools.
    At the cashiers..I stepped up saying I needed to match the airplane registration and pulled out all the power tools. He said he didn't understand how that had happened because it was a present for his boy.. Advising him not to worry..I got the airplane from the toy department, which he purchased, and wished his child a happy birthday.

  18. Our neighbour was drilling into our party-wall yesterday. He choses his moments well.

    1. I sympathise Cro-I know all about neighbours only too well-hopefully yours is only a one off x

  19. "I'm like a ninja" - love it!

  20. I finished nights this morning and am in my dressing gown on the couch at 7pm, about ho order uber eats and binge watch some bad tv.

  21. You’re ALWAYS interesting, even when you’re not feeling it. Your garden is charming in the winter bluster. I sure HOPE that bottle came from Trellis!


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