
I’m sat in the Storyhouse cafe feeling something thoughtful 

The film I’ve just seen was called Flee and it’s a powerful, heartwarming animated piece which tells the story of Amid , who is a successful academic living in Denmark who is about to get married to his boyfriend Kasper. As the wedding approaches Amid retells the story of his journey to the West. An illegal immigrant trafficked from Afghanistan , his story  is a complicated and at times a dramatically harrowing one and his suspenseful tale of liberation is not only from political oppression, and depredation but is one of sexual liberation and freedom.
It’s beautifully told and at times incredibly moving , so much so that when I got up to leave I caught the gaze of a man sitting behind me who mouthed the word “ Wow” as he stood up
“ That was incredible “ I said as we fell into line on the way out and started to chat as people do.
The man was perhaps in his late forties and wore an old fashioned duffle coat with toggles.
He had a very kind face.
We chatted more and stopped in the foyer to continue our conversation on just how good the movie was. He told me he “blubed “ several times. 
I told him I hadn’t heard him.
We laughed hands in pockets
I told him I missed giving a good film a post Mortem and he agreed.
“ Over coffee and cake is the best way! ” he said cheerfully and I suddenly almost thought it was a kind of invitation.
There was a slight pause , then he added awkwardly
“ Well I have to go……I’m meeting my husband…..he hates dubbed films” 
“ Mine did too” I replied and we both did that little hand up smiling wave thing men do when they say goodbye somewhat shyly.

Im having a coffee with a slice of cake, now

And I’m writing this  


  1. Sounds like you are attracted to each other John -and not knowing his circumstances for now it may remain fleeting glances of what could be-but who know how a story may unfold xx

  2. Barbara Anne3:44 pm

    Ah, this encounter shows there is someone worthy out there who is unattached. May you find each other when the time is right.
    Coffee and cake is a perfect start.


    1. It’s not that sort of pOST babs , it’s just a diary entry

  3. Oh, if only... Still, maybe next time there will be a Russell Crowe lookie-likie to share coffee, cake and conversation with. xx

    1. I’m not bothered, I just could have done with a PM for this particular movie , it was multi layered and important

  4. One day your time will come

  5. "Flee" looks marvelous! I hope to see it someday.

    1. Try and watch it, it’s a powerful watch

  6. Dang...I was so hopeful this would end differently. My mother had a way of comforting me, when things weren't working out quite as I liked, by reminding me that the best part of life is never knowing what's around the corner. Maybe today's encounter was a reminder that more such meetings are around the corner.

    1. It was an odd encounter , and for me a slightly disappointing one

  7. I saw a foreign man standing on my drive-I was a bit irritated so I asked him what he was doing there-he said he was making a private phone call to his family -I then looked at his pointed shoes and realised he wasn't a thief-I explained I had thought he maybe doing something suspicious-because I was aware of crime in the area at the moment- he looked worried and said "I thought this was a safe place" x

    1. What a pair of judgemental bitches x

    2. He was very nice Mavis-and I did apologise to him-I'm not racist as I've preferred to date foreign dark skinned gorgeous handsome men-but- the car had been vandalised many times,car number plates stolen ,drugs being sold on my drive and fence smashed,naked people having sex in a car on my drive in daytime so when someone is on my drive I am a bit concerned x

    3. Anonymous11:54 am

      What a very strange thing to say flis - that you looked at his pointed shoes and realised he was a thief!
      I think you must be reading too many fairy tales when you're not studying at school.

  8. You could have offered him a quick gobble in the "facilities". A real gay would have x

    1. MM, a "REAL gay would have"? If that comment makes it past John without being moderated I'd be surprised. There are limits, MM (and Flis); John trying to accommodate you as best he can without lowering the bar of some sort of taste and decorum too much.

      Forget fleas. This is the pits. On the other hand, of course, you may be right. Maybe this passes for gay humour and is perfectly acceptable among yourselves. I just don't see John like that.


    2. No, in some gay circles mave is perfectly right

  9. Algerian,Libyan,Maltese,Moroccan,Turkish etc xxxxxxx

    1. and an Iranian whose father wrote calling him back home to go into the Army-he was reluctant x

    2. Are you my mother in disguise? She also had a thing for swarthy Arabs. X

    3. Not many to choose from in Queensferry

    4. I wonder Mavis if your mother was ever invited inside a heady atmospheric bedsit-large hubbly bubbly pipe behind the door-during the 1970s by a charming irresitable gentleman x

  10. John, a lovely and atmospheric post. On both counts, and the cake.


  11. veg artist6:09 pm

    Better luck next time!

    1. It wasn’t a competition x

    2. veg artist10:47 pm

      No, but life can feel a bit like a lottery sometimes. I only met my husband because we already shared the same surname and were placed next to each other at a dinner by someone who assumed we must be a couple.

  12. Random meetings can be a bring bit of magic. Nice story.

  13. It sounds like quite a moving story. It is good to share even a few words with someone of like mind after such a movie.

    1. I never really mind going to the cinema on my own but some films deserve a good mull over

  14. Nice about the coffee and the cake (and the film). Too bad the encounter had to end there. Sounded like the opening of a romcom.

  15. There is nothing wrong with having a 'dubbed movie' buddy to discuss the film with over coffee and cake if you ever see each other again. Hopefully his hubby wouldn't mind ... and neither would Dorothy ;-)

    I do like a bit of discussion while still in the cinema over a film, the last time it happened to me I was in the ladies just washing my hands and a lady came in and simply shook her head and said 'What the bloody hell was THAT all about?' We both burst out laughing, and after two hours of sitting in silence on my own in the cinema it was nice to have made that contact.

  16. I saw a trailer for this and I think we're going to see it as well. Glad to hear your responses. The comment from the other guy did SOUND like an invitation -- I can see why you wondered!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes