Comedy Club

 Gorgeous Dave picked me up early evening and we went to the comedy club at Theatre Clwyd , which is an event which is growing in popularity. 

Four comedians ( two ok, one excellent one terrible) faced a rather subdued audience but it was a good evening all told as Dave and I get on, and fill the gaps with flowing and easy conversations.

Dave is half my age, but we are firm and good friends and I like the fact that our friendship isn’t got an age boundary on it.

It’s been a lovely day today. 

I’ve enjoyed it.

Tomorrow, I’m meeting my sister in law for lunch and later I’m walking with another friend down the beach …later on  my sister Janet and I are off to pottery class…..


  1. do you have to mask up when you go to events like these? over here things are still petty restricted. i still don't go much of anywhere except the grocery store and always masked. most people still don't do too much socializing and we all really miss it. maybe by summer!

  2. Comedy Clubs can be so much fun! But I really do feel so bad for the ones who bomb... they have bigger cajones than I do.

  3. Barbara Anne1:20 am

    Love the jam packed days of fun, friend, family, food, and frivolity you've planned for yourself.
    Hope there are no problems from mask-less people who surround you in these places.


  4. Comedy clubs now seem to be everywhere, and I think that the audiences are right in not giving the 'comics' and easy time.

  5. Oh, great! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do! Are you going on with your chess pieces?

  6. Are you still making spoons in pottery class or are you going to make something different this time?

  7. You've certainly got a full dance card! Do you watch the Great Pottery Throwdown? Some very talented amateur potters on there, and when they can get Keith Brymer Jones to cry, I just love it! xx

    1. I think we had one season of the Great Pottery Throwdown or something similare. I loved it. Alas it hasn't graced our NZ channels since; more is the pity.

      Jo in Auckland, NZ

  8. Days and people like that lighten the hard times. Glad that we are all able to plan outings and meetings more. Have missed it so much!
    Hopefully when the comedy club grows more popular it will become even more fun for the comedians as well as the audience, as they probably "feed" off the atmosphere.

  9. Great things planned. As someone else has said are you still forging on with your chess pieces??

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

  10. It sounds like sweet days ahead. I haven’t been to a comedy club in ages. Glad you got at least some excellent laughs. I could be grandfather to a couple of friends, father to many others. I love that they don’t seem to be aware of that fact.

  11. Are you watching 'The Great Pottery Throw down' on tv, you could glean some tips.

  12. Sounds like the Gray diary is bursting with fifty shades of appointments.

  13. Sounds restoring

  14. It seems to me John you have a happy busy social whirl of fun to enjoy between tending to your patients x


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