A Mouse In The Reading Chair

 It was fortunate that my friend cancelled our walk today due to the crappy weather. 
I’ve spent the day, rearranging furniture 
Gay men love rearranging furniture .
Around 3 am Mary found a mouse in the reading chair.
The resulting hysteria woke the entire household and even Albert scraped off cushions and pushed his head down crevices in order to locate the dumb fuck of a rodent .
The chair had a nest amongst the springs.
It’s now on the patio awaiting the tip.
Hence the need for the rearranging of the furniture 
And with that , a clean, a titivate and a pleasing afternoon.

If any of you love Pedro Almodòvar you will know that he incorporates into his films some lovely interior sets. The apartments and homes of his characters have vibrancy and a particular character of their own and they almost become another cast member with a personality, temperament and identify all of their own. 
I adored the apartment feel of Penelope Cruz’s character in Parallel Mothers 

But now I kind of like the eclectic nature of my cottage interior


  1. I hope the poor little mouse is okay. It was probably Albert who brought it in! Jean.

    1. Steel yourself Jean
      He didn’t make it

  2. Barbara Anne4:53 pm

    What a welcoming, colorful, and wonderfully personal space you've created in your sitting room with this rearrangement.
    Is your former reading chair worth reupholstering or will you just get a new-to-you reading chair? My favorite reading chair was bought second (or third, or...?) hand but I love the color and it fits little me.


    1. When the mouse was finally “ removed” then I realised just how rancid the chair was.
      Ive moved one of the living room chairs into its place

    2. Barbara Anne5:06 pm


  3. Anonymous5:08 pm


  4. Oh my! LOVE your cottage - homey, warm, affectionate, cared-for, loved, lived-in - it's perfect and reflects you, John. J'adore.

    1. Lived in, ain’t that the truth xx

  5. You mean you've been sitting in the reading chair with a nest of mice quivering beneath your bottom?

    1. Reminds me of the Infestation Hyphothesis episode in the Big Bang, very funny.

    2. Margo, I was thinking the same thing!

    3. Well there was only one we found , but yes

  6. Aren't terriers wonderful? Actually, I'm surprised that any rodent would take up residence in your home. If it was just a bulldog, sure, but a bulldog, a terrier and a cat? That was a dumb mouse...

    Your place is lovely, John. Suits you perfectly and reflects your style and interests.

    1. Bless it, once found it didn’t last long Dorothy more or less ate it

  7. I wonder why none of the furry ones didn't bring mousey to your attention John-My Terrier misses nothing-I did once have a fancy for eclectic but since my HM attack it's more s*** 'ole x

    1. Well they did, but AFTER the fact which was odd

  8. I love an eclectic decor and I would give anything for your 2 lovely built ins. I have 2 built ins that are in the corners of the dining room and they are almost useless. No room and no glass doors to protect glassware from curious cats. I could live very easily in your home. Ranee (MN) USA

    1. They were the first thing I had made when I moved in

  9. Love the doggy bookends ! What are those most interesting ghost(?) creatures on the radiator?

    1. My favourite art instillation was Anthony Gormley’s field sculptures
      Over 35 thousand of them
      These figures I made at pottery as a tribute to his

  10. veg artist5:54 pm

    So funny (not at 3am. obvs). Cottage looks lovely.

  11. I hate, with a passion, "interior designed" homes. They have no soul or character. Give me your rooms any day. They tell your story and are totally unique. I, too, am amazed that none of the fur babies alerted you to the mouse, though. My (late) cats would have been going berserk! xx

    1. There was a nest formed by the springs when I removed the sacking

  12. I like an eclectic look too! That's the best way for the personality of the person who lives there to shine through!

    1. Groups of things with meaning please me debra

  13. Strange isn't it; mice are so cute. Think picture books or ,what's the film's name, "Stuart Little". Even rats (is there a more vile creature) one may warm to; at a distance. Think "Wind in the Willows" or "Ratatouille". Yet, when they enter our homes, as you say, hysteria is ours.

    In other news: Good job you and I don't share the same roof. I wouldn't exactly call myself a minimalist but still those "ghosts creatures" as Marmee above calls them would be make or break time. As to plastering walls with frames - I do think less is more. However, I do love that green paint you have applied here and there. It's inspired.


    1. “ plastering” you do hide an insult in the chat ..very much like my grandmother did
      Different tastes eh….I suspect I’d hate your German minimalism lol

  14. Your home looks warm and cozy, John. I like it!

  15. Eek a mouse!!! I can only imagine what that scene was look. I’m picturing our cats in that situation. So glad I’ve never lived it. As for “Gay men love rearranging furniture.” Is that a requirement? If so, I know many who will have their Gay Cards revoked.

    1. I think many are secretive about this aspect of their lives

  16. I think your home looks lovely. I too would willingly live there.
    One winter years ago when our cat quotient was up to six we had a mouse that invaded the kitchen cupboard by coming up through the drain. My husband thought I was crazy for leaving a dog biscuit in the cupboard for it every night but the biscuit was gone every morning and there was no damage. The cats couldn't have cared less.

    1. Lol, I can’t believe he nested in the chair without any animal realising until last night

  17. I've always admired your lovely home. Every nook and cranny looks comfy and inviting. The books add to the cozy feel too!

    1. My lockdown books, my library has flourished

  18. i love mice,their lil pink feet and noses lol.OMG,I adore your cottage can I come visit.x

  19. It looks perfect.

    Our old (and much missed) tom cat once caught a mouse. This was amazing as he was an indoor cat that never left the house. Afterwards we thought he had got it mail order because not only did he catch a mouse in a mouse free, cat filled house, he did it while my dad and his girlfriend were visiting. Not only did he rip its head off in front of the visting girlfriend, who had hysterics, he did it while we were watching a dancing mouse scene in Disney's Cinderella that ended up freeze framed on a really cute mouse wearing a hat.

    1. Why do they behead them ? I’ve always found that rather disgusting

    2. I was told by a vet once that cats instinctively know not to eat the "stomach" of rodents because of worms. All my cats if catching vermin eat the heads and leave me all the bodies to deal with. My oldest cat catches a "family of rats" every year. Dad first, no brains left, Mum next no brains left, then up to three or four "babies" again all brains eaten. Needless to say it isn't my job to dispose of the corpses Him indoors gets that job.

      Jo in Auckland

  20. Years ago, when some of the other units were vacant and before the cat, I had to deal with mice. I trapped 3 or 4 of them before things settled back down.

  21. One of our cats brought a mouse in , after we chased it round for a couple of hours we were confident that the mouse had gone out . Three days later we found the nest it had built on the mantel shelf , hubby was really quick and caught it on a mug and liberated it . This particular cat also released a weasel in the lounge , cue several minutes of hectic activity till we managed to get it out of the door , we do have episodes of excitement .

    1. My mouse wasn’t as lucky
      Dorothy chomped on it like a buiscuit

  22. Oh dear. This is the first winter without a cat. It is also the first year I found a mouse. I have this feeling that the two things might be connected.

    1. Indeed, or get a terrier, they are very good mousers

  23. 'The resulting hysteria woke the entire household.' It's lines like this that make me laugh so much. xx

    1. I jumped out of bed as if electrocuted

  24. Anonymous10:11 pm

    Some gay men believe there is a right place for everything and there they shall remain.

  25. My mother had a nest complete with babies in her matress a couple years ago. Poor thing thought she was losing her mind, hearing muted sounds of life at night.

  26. Your cottage is looking gorgeous! So much to take in, which is what we snoopers love :) And Dorothy is quite a scream.

  27. It is surprising to find a mouse living inside a chair. Equally surprising is that your fur kids only became alerted today. My Uncle always said, if you find one mouse, there are more. He claimed their are no mouse bachelors.

  28. Mice!!! Don’t even get me started. We have a cat door ( flap) and both cats bring in live prey. Sometimes we see it, sometimes we don’t! I like your collections in your home. - Jenn

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  30. Your home is lovely. A thoughtful space, loved and cared for. btw did you ever finish redoing your bedroom? I don't recall you showing us the final result?

    1. https://disasterfilm.blogspot.com/2021/06/knackered.html

  31. Your home is delightful.. if I was a "decorator" mine would be similar but in a newer home. I couldn't afford a Welsh cottage more's the pity.

    Jo in Auckland

  32. And finally; a love spoon for Feb' 14th.

  33. Can't get over you and the dogs sitting on that chair not knowing the nest was there. The mouse certainly lived dangerously!
    I love the cottage. It's delightful and welcoming.

  34. Did the mouse have clogs on :-)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj40JtpqI0U&t=1s

  35. Your house looks like a home. Time for chair shopping?

  36. This reminded me of the time when my mum and I were living in a small cottage in Yorkshire. A mouse suddenly ran across the room and my mum leapt up, knocking her chair over in a panic. The chair landed on the mouse and knocked the poor little fella out cold.

  37. That's a bummer about the reading chair. Why do animals always choose 3 a.m. to raise a ruckus?

  38. Your cottage looks lovely with it's rearrangement, but it would be hard for it to look anything but lovely, you have created a cosy and nicely eclectic home.

    Why do they always find the hidden wildlife indoors in the middle of the night!!

  39. I love those sculptures on your mantle!
    Oh the mice, they really do not know how much they make us all fuss when they come inside to get warm.


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