In Darkness


In darkness you can hide and get lost and be invisible and be intimate.
You can be yourself without the glare of eyes, of judgements, of shame or of ridicule.
You can sit back in a darkened cinema and loose yourself.
You can disappear too and never be seen

Thirty years ago I danced with some friends on the top of a multi-storey hospital at night
A backdrop of lights worthy of Manhattan in South Yorkshire.
I’ve remembered it before. 
Without a care, 
without self consciousness 
Joyous silliness,
dancing shadows against the skyline

Three years ago in choir.
A hard song made easy by sudden darkness.
No awkward glances at each other, no worries about harmonies
Voices that lifted the beams of the village hall 
Worthy of anything seen on stage

Forty years of monthly night shifts, all possessing a different pace to days
Some bad, most ok.
Occasional sleepless nights of worry where the dark drags too long and too silently
A few family bedside vigils where silence whines.
Childhood nightmares, 
sick in plastic blue buckets.

Holiday views from balcony, windows and warm Spanish beaches.
Shadowing Fruit bats circling the Sydney Opera house like chattering eagles.
Last night a faint misting of rain on West Shore with the roar of an ink sea
Last week drinking coffee in the black of an afternoon cinema was bliss
Last millennium shy sex with the curtains shut    

Just a few thoughts last night 

Whilst driving to work …..
in the dark


  1. I really do love your way with words, John. This post is beautiful.

  2. Barbara Anne1:33 am

    Lovely! Long drives in the dark do make for an amazing array of thoughts.


  3. Lovely. Very thought provoking

  4. Lots of thoughts, well written

  5. Beautiful! May all your dreams come true this year. Xxx

  6. Beautifully written and heartfelt!

    1. Not sure about that
      Perhaps a bit pretentious
      But it made me think while I was driving to work x

  7. I'm sure you would agree that darkness is best appreciated in an ancient cottage whilst sitting in a comfortable chair, in front of a blazing fire, with a dog or two at your feet. Maybe whilst listening to quiet music, but probably best simply with memories.

    1. I love doing that when it’s stormy outside cro
      With the wind whistling

    2. Yes, nothing better.

  8. One night, many years ago, I was in a car, on a winter night, driven by a much younger work colleague. We were coming from Manchester back to Sheffield and at one point he stopped, looking over the hills to Sheffield. "Look at that," he said. "Isn't it beautiful? It looks just like a jewellery box." And so it did. We looked for many minutes before heading down the hill into Sheffield.

    I have moved back to Australia now, but I still remember that night, looking from the moors into a Sheffield that is jewel like at night in winter ( and still being surprised by how poetic that very serious young man could be :-) )

    Happy New Year, John. I hope it brings you happy

    1. I loved this remembrance anecdote
      Sheffield always looks it’s best at night
      I remember the millennium watching from the moors up through Dore and the fireworks going off all over the city
      Nice to have you along xxx

    2. I was in Nether Green last night at "The Rising Sun".

    3. Watched the arrival of the new millennium from an attic window in Nether Edge, Sheffield - a couple were having an argument down by the traffic lights. I'd been looking out to see if the millennium bug was going to turn the traffic lights off.
      The fireworks all over the city were just wonderful.
      The air next morning smelt of ( cordite? )

    4. Nice to find more sheffielders here x

  9. Quite poetic, John. Thank you. xx

    1. No just a few thoughts strung together

    2. You string those thoughts with golden thread, though. xx

  10. This is lovely. Free Verse at it's best.

  11. Really enjoyed the images here. So well described and thought provoking. Especially the "joyous silliness" and "dancing shadows against the skyline".

    Also it's strange how in the quiet dark of night an illness or other worry becomes much more terrifying than in the light of day.

    1. Everything but the girl sang
      “ your most forlorn , just before dawn”

    2. Beautiful song

  12. There was a tall tree not far from my back door-at night when I used to let my Prince and Herbie outside before bed I noticed an owl sitting at the top-I had heard they were mysterious-soon after I visited my seeminly 56 year old healthy dad deceased x

  13. Darkness on a stormy night with the wind howling and lightning briefly illuminating the skyline is my favourite kind. A lovely post old lad, oh and happy New Year by the way...

  14. Blimey, you are getting all poetic in your old age!

  15. Beautiful post John - really made me think.

  16. At times you threaten to become a bona fide poet.

    1. I threaten to break wind most days

    2. Doctors say the average person farts anywhere from 5 to 15 times per day.

  17. veg artist11:26 am

    You experience life in a way that many would envy.

  18. I agree with Yorkshire Pudding - each of these paragraphs are odes to the dark. Lovely.

  19. Brown paper packages tied up with string...

  20. A good way to bring in the new year...with poetry on your fingertips.

  21. Thank you...but I would rather darkness did not begin so early...

  22. "Occasional sleepless nights of worry where the dark drags too long and too silently" I had one of those last night. It's amazing how a new morning and a cup of coffee can push a worry aside...temporarily anyway.

  23. Poetry! You have to learn to love the dark, on some level, living in this country at this time of year.

  24. When I was a park ranger, on a sleepless night, I'd drive my park. Even law enforcement had shut down for the night and the concessions people weren't up yet. I'd have the place to myself. Some of my most magical moments were out on the mountains in the wee hours of the morning.

    1. I love that first line, you won me at that lol

  25. Beautiful poetic post John, deserves to be published,
    I remember that some societies publish random poems yearly sent in for approval ??

    1. I don’t think it’s a poem just a collection of thoughts

  26. Wonderfully written.. I remember a few similarities in my night time antics. Being unable to sleep has its positives, very few, but some.

    Jo in Auckland

  27. Shelly Williams8:25 pm

    You have a real gift, I particularly love the phrase 'the roar of an ink sea', great line , well done xx

  28. What the fuck is shy sex? The shyness ends once your willy is out of it's wrappings x

    1. Lol nice to have you back xx

    2. I always miss you darling. Like ships that pass in the night.

      Have a lovely but careful time in London and don't forget to keep hydrated x

    3. Speak soon …we need a meet up don’t we?

    4. Yes we do. It's been far too long since we've met up. 2019 seems to ring a bell. Plus you have been missed on quiz nights x

    5. Ok if your bum is up for it we'll do lunch

    6. That sounds so wrong

  29. Beautiful, if a little morose, thoughts of what is and what can be in the dark. Lovely!

  30. That's a whole lot of rapid fire thoughts in one post. Warp speed? Best of all: This post brought Mavis back. Hi Mavis.

  31. Reminds me of "hello darkness my old friend...." Simon and Garfunkel would make a perfect sound track for this lovely post.

  32. Hi Debby I just came upstairs after watching the 2 1/2 hour Paul Simon concert in the park on TV and he ended it with this song, thought of John right away.

  33. I noticed how eerie the darkness was this morning on my drive. I like the dark of winter.


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