Out Patients

 Two pairs of eyes, overlapping surgical masks were looking worried,
A gloved hand was on my shoulder.
Sir are you ok? Are you alright? Came from under one of the masks and I noticed that the technician’s eyes were a deep brown with speckles on the iris.
I had dribbled a little on my hospital gown.
Sputum and not wee, thank goodness.
I only noticed that after the fact
I apologised and hurriedly assured the xray staff that I had not arrested as they thought I might of done , but I had fallen asleep in the chair after a long night shift.
Both giggled , more out of relief than humour I thought.

I left the hospital soon after. 
It’s very cold today.
My sister has made me a steak and kidney pie dinner( with starter AND pudding)


  1. I hope you are feeling okay now. xx

    1. I’ve been fine all day just tired x

  2. Haven’t you had enough of healthcare workers? Hope you’re OK!

  3. Enjoy your steak and kidney pie!

  4. Obviously you needed a quick nap before heading home!

  5. veg artist5:01 pm

    I presume you were the one having a scan? Hope they've found something they know how to treat!

    1. Yes sorry I didn’t make it clear , I was me

  6. Are you waiting for your results after someone has had a look at it?x

    1. It needs to be reported on flis x

    2. As in documented? or as in neglected?-perhaps best not to say though x

  7. Anonymous5:12 pm

    Here's hoping your scan doesn't show anything problematic. I'm so glad your sister is close enough to help you in a pinch. Take care, John. All the best!

    1. Thank u Chuck …big feast and sleep today . Off to theatre tomorrow then lunch out and cinema on Sunday

  8. Fingers crossed that if the scan shows anything's amiss, it can easy be treated. Enjoy the pie and a good, long sleep. xx

  9. Steak and kidney pie sounds wonderful.

  10. Barbara Anne6:14 pm

    Hope the scan was done close to your home so the drive home afterwards wasn't very long. Wishing you an easily treatable diagnosis or one that shows there is nothing amiss.
    Ah, steak and kidney pie - good for what ails you and how kind of Janet or a different sister.
    Are you safely back home?


    1. Yes , wrapped up after supper with the dogs , days off now

    2. Barbara Anne7:27 pm


      Hugs :)

    3. Sister ann not Janet x

  11. That's a favorite dinner.

    1. It was a real treat. Eaten next to the oil heater x

  12. Thoughtful sister... Hope you are well.

    1. She brought a starter and a homemade pudding too…bloody lovely

  13. Carol6:55 pm

    John is it common to switch from day to night frequently? Here in the states medical staff stay on one shift for a while. It must play hell on your internal clock.

    1. In on night shifts carol my appointment at scanning was as a civilian lol

  14. Reminds me of falling asleep in the taxi home after a night shift. Good job the taxi driver was a regular one . . . .

    1. Reminds me falling asleep on 52 bus to crooks in my Sheffield days

  15. Steak and kidney - just right for a cold day after a night shift.

  16. Hope the investigations find the answer to your infections! Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Oh you do lead an adventurous life old lad, though I envy the steak and kidney pud, a firm favourite of mine.

    1. It was just what the doctor ordered today

  18. Probably a good thing you had a little kip (is that a word over there too?) at the clinic, not while you were driving! Hoping the tests are clear, and show nothing sinister, and only something easily treated. Meanwhile, enjoy your days off.

  19. I used to regularly fall asleep on the bus when working at a casino. It was a real pain.
    Your sisters are wonderful and are there for you.

  20. Like all NHS staff you are working flat out.
    Good on your sister xx

  21. I can imagine the medical notes, "able to sleep through anything."

  22. Hope you're getting some proper rest!

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