Bonfire Night


The Fireworks have been very loud in Trelawnyd tonight.
The village lies within a circle of hills so the bangs flash back and forth and echo dreadfully
The girls and I are still sat on cushions in the upstairs hallway in the warmth and darkness of the open airing cupboard.
albert is here too, he’s not stressed, he just doesn’t want to miss out . I’m watching an Extra slice of Bake Off on the ipad wrapped in a duvet
Dorothy has needed a quarter of Valium and has only hyperventilated once. Mary is sleeping fitfully

I feel bloody rough


  1. I hope everyone has a better tomorrow!

    1. I hope so too, it’s been a difficult day .. off to bed shortly

  2. My sympathies - our dog is double wrapped in a duvet and has a heavy blanket on her to weigh her down, she is trembling like a jelly. They just do not understand 😟

  3. Dorothy will be comforted by your presence, as you are with hers, I'm sure. I hope you sleep well and wake feeling less rough. Hugs. xx

    1. I do too,, it’s been a difficult day

  4. Bloody fireworks, got all t.v's etc on loud to drown it out. Poor little animals.

    1. Fireworks are louder recently
      More “ bangers”

  5. You are so good and so undersstanding with your animals John - I have not heard a single firework here - I think there is an organised bonfire in the town tomorrow night. Hope you have antibiotics and are resting and keeping warm, Take care dear heart and hope you are soon better.

  6. Breathe. Things will get better but that does not make now any easier.

  7. Anonymous10:52 pm

    Hi John, poor babies, they don't understand. Classic FM had prog this evening from 6 to 10 pm, same again tomorrow night. My cat had really restless before it began, but settled down very soon after the music started, and slept almost all evening. lovely music, I had problems not dozing off too. Maybe you could try turning it on upstairs, with lights off and curtains closed, tomorrow, worth a try. Best wishes, Terry in Reigate

  8. Barbara Anne11:05 pm

    Hope you're on the mend, dear friend.
    Am glad you and the family are cozy together while the fireworks are so noisy.
    We "Remember, remember the 5th of November" because it was the birthday of DH's mother (my AMIL, angel MIL) and she would have been 91 today. She was our Betty, minus the slide and the chocolate!


  9. Noisy fireworks is not for me either. Why can we just have the color of fireworks without the big bang? In Belgium, the Grand Place has a light show synchronized with classical music and this is so much better than fireworks.

  10. Our local paper reminded us that dogs and animals are afraid of fireworks and hoping people would refrain from lighting them but people who don't have pets don't care. Our dog is old and deaf but I remember many years we locked our selves up in the bathroom. Hope you will feel better tomorrow.

  11. I sure hope it is going away by now.

  12. It is wonderful that you are staying close to your lovely family. I'm sure having you there helped all three of them. I hope you all feel better tomorrow.

  13. No fireworks here; rather disappointing. I'm a fan, and Billy isn't fussed by loud noises. Not the same for all dogs, or cats, of course!

  14. You are really going through it at the moment! What an awful day. I do hope the urologist can help with the recurring problems.

  15. Your poor troop. Hope everyone is happier over the weekend.

  16. I was just puzzling over why your ipad was wrapped in a duvet!

    Get well soon.

    Our one dog and umpteen cats we had over the years were never bothered by fireworks - a study needs to be done over why some are and some aren't

  17. A few bangs here last night but not too close. The dog was busy watching P eat crisps and didn't flinch once! There will be a big firework display at a local school tonight though and I am looking after my friend's frightened little yorkie X so will be a different scenario for sure! Hope you will feel better soon.

  18. Our lovely neighbours set off fireworks for their little grandson. They warned us in advance and used the new fangled quiet ones. Our little Jack Russell was too busy chasing his football around the garden to even notice them.

  19. i live in a city that sets fireworks off during the day! there are fireworks for everything all of the time. my dogs are immune to them. i think they should be outlawed. why do people need to explode things?

  20. Snuggle up together, and comfort one another. Take care,

  21. Anonymous11:32 am

    Our village has a bonfire with just sparklers for the children. No other fireworks, the village decided as a whole not to have fireworks due to the stress caused to pets, farm animals and wildlife. Instead of having fireworks we donate to a charity, this year it's Guide Dogs for the Blind.
    Something to consider for your village?

  22. You need a nuclear defence bunker sunk deep within your garden provisioned with gin, tonic, scotch eggs and pet food. A airing cupboard with an open door is just not good enough.

  23. Before, during and after every holiday except Easter, fireworks are a big thing around here. Independence Day goes on for weeks before and after. Many of the fireworks in our neighborhood are like mini bombs instead of just fireworks. Fuzzy Pom is deaf,but fireworks never bothered him. I must be getting old. I used to like fireworks when I was younger, but when the mini bombs go off around here I am likely to jump and cuss. It seems like the loudest ones go off very often when I am relaxed and ready to drift off to sleep. I live near St Louis, Missouri so we have the added "excitement" of guessing if some of the fireworks might have been gunfire instead of fireworks. Crazy times these days.

  24. I hope you are on the mend today John-there's been fireworks for a few days here and I'm fed up with it-It was past 3am the other day-last night I covered them over with blankets too and had classic FM on in kitchen and sitting room-kept giving them tasty morsels and sang happily and danced a bit in front of them to distract-they didn't seem too upset-I'm annoyed by the fireworks because I feel unsafe to step foot into my own garden x

  25. Too bad dogs can't wear ear plugs or sound-canceling headphones! Hope you feel better soon, John!

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