A Fart At The Doctors

I just bloody knew that I needed a longer dose of antibiotics,
So why didn’t I say anything on Monday ?
Strange that nurses who act as advocates for their patients cannot quite be advocates for themselves 
Sick of feeling ill I had a mini tantrum at the doctor’s surgery this morning 
I was tired after night shift which galvanised me.
And a little sick of being let down by people

Within a minute of said tantrum, I had sorted longer term antibiotics, a blood test , other investigations and a review date.
I was a force to be challenged 
I was magnificent , even with a kidney infection, 
I was a Chubby Meryl Streep pre Oscar
I was so het up and pumped that when I asked the receptionist for some specimen bottles 
I farted very loudly with the stress of it all 
The receptionist had the good grace to blush but to say nothing

I burst out laughing 
The first time this week
I’m trying hard to be light x


  1. Replies
    1. I’m like the Hindenburg

    2. And slightly less inflammable

    3. 'A Fart at the Butchers' may well be the title of my next post, unless I sell the idea to Rachel.

  2. I take it the latin name is farticus botticus! Backfiring not a disasterxx glad to see you laughing xx

    1. I’d cry if I didn’t

    2. Hugs sweetie it will pass. Will send healing at about 10pm x

    3. Same again tonight x

  3. If you don't kick up a stinker you could die-they should have been more thorough on your initial visit-I dragged myself down to the doctor once not right at all with what I thought a small stroke-Dr was not efficient I thought so back at home I phoned the NHS helpline who advised me to call them back-Same day I repeated my visit and this time Dr was more keen x

  4. It was probably all of the antibiotics in you speaking. Beware of cdiff after being on antibiotics for extended time. I hope you will feel better soon. Take care.


  5. If you don't kick up a stinker you could die”


    1. I had to visit Dr more than once with appendicitis-I got weaker and weaker over several days until I took to my bed and had to crawl to the loo x

  6. It's good to let it all out! xx

  7. I hope you're on track now to get some answers and get that infection beaten. Good luck.

  8. I was once failing miserably to get my doctor to take my condition seriously. My (ex) husband reckoned I was not putting my case correctly (ie my fault!). He came with me. As we walked out, he said "You were right. She doesn't listen." Eventually I saw a consultant, had an MRI, and their whole attitude changed. Lots of them around, unfortunately.

  9. I cried out 'shit' to the nurse the other day at the shock of a procedure. She told me not to worry - she'd heard much worse. I'd like to have witnessed you in your magnificent-ness. x

  10. countrygal10:22 pm

    I do hope that you are feeling better John, my friend has had kidney stones and is feeling very weak - a stent has been put in and he is having it removed next week. He is not a happy bunny at the moment. Broth and empathy needed.

  11. Well, you know all the antibiotics can give you the toots and the trots! Don't mistake one for the other or you'll be changing your undies!
    Stress farts ... Ugh!! The Receptionist has probably heard and smelled worse! LOL

  12. Like you imply and now even experience first hand, nothing happens unless you strongly advocate. If they till can't seem to resolve your ongoing infections, consider getting a second opinion.

  13. There is no way around it John...farts are funny and often give hilarity to the moment...at least in my opinion.

  14. Hope you are better soon. Keep farting!

  15. Doctors don't always know best, do they? Glad you got more antibiotics.

  16. Oh, you old fart, I hope this round of antibiotics gets things under control.

  17. Two fart stories to cheer you up John. The Times diary said that when President Biden broke wind last week at the Royal dinner party they expected Camilla told him not to worry - when it happened to her she always blamed it on the horse. And a supposedly true story about the Earl of Essex who broke wind loud and long while bowing to Elizabeth I and was so mortified that he went travelling on the Continent for seven years. On his return he was invited to the Palace and the Queen greeted him by saying 'I have quite forgiven the fart my Lord.'

  18. You and our President...
    Do get well...tootles

  19. Nothing like an out-of-place fart to provoke your own laughter!

  20. Oh dear. I'm finding as I age that farts seem to have a life of their own.

  21. Go John! Being nice just doesn’t cut it, so let it RIP ! How long until the lab results come in? If you need to get a second opinion, or see a specialist, is there someone you can get to accompany you? Perhaps a hospice colleague? Or someone who knows enough about medical stuff to ‘hear’ the bits you miss? I now never go alone, I’m too tied up in my head to really hear past the fist major point!

  22. Barbara Anne5:07 am

    Ah, better out than in - you might pop before you floated away.
    When my mother slipped into the long good-bye that is Alzheimer's, we learned it is always better to laugh than cry and it's lots more fun, too.
    Hope you feel lots better tomorrow.


  23. It's so hard to actually "be seen" by a doctor now and even harder to be monitored after that visit to ensure you are improving. We shouldn't be put in the position of having to make a fuss. Good that you knew enough and were able to.
    Am with you on the laughing rather than crying.

  24. Fun times. Serves them right as you shouldn't have had to be there that second time. I call it karma!

  25. I love your fart stories.

  26. There once was a John who farted
    A blast with such force it ignited
    The receptionist fled 'fore it blew off her head
    And off the the cells John was then carted

    Hope this gives you a chuckle. Feel better soon. x

  27. You should have screamed, "SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO?!"

  28. Beware! Hurricane John is coming to a place near you! Remember your nose clips... but clothes pegs will do. THWWARP!

  29. My morning laugh. You are crazy, John. Love ya!

  30. Bravo! For speaking up, for sounding off, for laughing.

  31. Stay calm and fart on, John! x

  32. I am sure you know after working so long in the field, being a doctor is just like any other job. There are good ones and bad ones. You have to look out for yourself.

  33. You've been having a number of meltdowns lately. Overtired, unwell, fed up. I hope this tantrum has a good result, feel better!


  34. All docs is quacks

  35. Just sad that people have to have a meltdown before being listened to properly!!

  36. Maybe you wouldn't have been believed without the fit. Bravo to you for standing up for yourself.

  37. Thank you all, I’ve been unwell so not replied to every comment


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes