A Tree Called Nigel


One of the smaller goals in my days is to be able to name all of the trees I see.
Apart from some of the old favourites, I am woefully bad at recognising species, and so every morning when we are out for our “ big” walk when I see a tree I don’t recognise I will grab a leaf from it and take it home to pour over google or as a last resort use the free Woodlands Trust Name a Tree App in order to name that tree.

This morning as I was snapping a few leaves from a tree just off the path, I caught the eye of a passing dog Walker and felt the need to explain what I was doing.
“ I’m trying to name all the trees down the walkway” I told him
And the man nodded and smiled politely and walked on.
Much later as we ambled back to Bluebell, limp leaves in hand we passed the man again,
He pointed to a large Beech tree in the corner of a nearby field “ Do you know this one’s name? “
I was about to show off with the answer  , albeit with the humility of “ I think” preceding it  when he beat me to the punch
He’s called Nigel” the man said with a chuckle


  1. Haha !! What a nice man …. what with Sheffield Mike and most of the villagers ( and others ) you know and meet some lovely people. XXXX

  2. That has made me smile. Thank you for sharing. :-)

  3. Sounds like a fun guy - it would be easier to make up names than to look them up.

  4. I’d ask him for the names of all the rest. What fun.

  5. Anonymous10:56 am

    That was a funny response. He had obviously thought about what you said. Download the Plantsnap app to your phone to ID plants you curious about.

  6. From now on Beech trees will be known as Nigel! :)

  7. Oh yes. Repartee is what you wish you'd said at the time - or when you get a second chance.

  8. I liked that man . . .
    What fun . . .
    Bet you’oll al

  9. Bet you’ll always remember that
    tree naming man . . . and Nigel It is.

  10. Ha, I read your first sentence and thought you meant to dub each tree you saw with a NAME - like Fred or Tilly, or something and I thought 'wth?! He's going to name trees?' LOL!!! I am always trying to IDENTIFY species, too.

  11. 😂😂😂

  12. My Mum always called the plant Houttuynia, hoity-toity and Schizostylis, schizophrenia. Guess what I call them now? You'll never look at a beech tree again without calling it Nigel. xx

  13. When my husband and I were young and had first started dating, we liked going to parks. I was amazed that he didn't know or even think about the names of any of our normal Midwestern trees. I used to hike along the river bluffs with my Mom and Dad and the names of all of the trees and many of the plants were a lot of what we talked about. Little by little, my husband has learned quite a few names of trees, it has only taken 49 years so far. He knows the names of the trees in our yard and the neighbors' yards at least. The first time I met his grandparents who lived out in the country in Illinois, I won them over by recognizing a Paw Paw tree growing next to their creek.

  14. haha...cute! nigel is a proper name for a tree.

  15. My Mum used to name her houseplants. During one Christmas party I found a queue of people patiently lined up outside our bathroom. Someone had asked directions to the loo and Mum said Heidi was in there. Imagine their surprise when I opened the door to reveal a 5 foot tall Swiss Cheese Plant sat in the bath! Mums reasoning was that she was out of the way there lol

  16. Barbara Anne1:52 pm

    Love it! How marvelous that you share the village with others who have great senses of humor. I'll likely think of your tree when I see the name Nigel or meet someone with that name.
    Ta for the morning chuckle!!


  17. Tracy1:58 pm

    That's made me smile :)

  18. Trees deserve names, they have more sense than many people...

  19. Somebody with a sense of humour at any rate John.

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  21. What a joker,and all the time he was walking he was thinking of you and chuckling to himself till he saw you and was about to burst.What a nice person.

    1. I do think that might be a river birch.

  22. Thanks for sharing that smile today :)

  23. Brilliant! What a nice man to met on a walk

  24. Oh brother. He probably thought that up after you'd moved on the first time and was OVERJOYED when you came back and he could spring it on you!

  25. As a retired botanist, this gave me a good chuckle!

  26. flisM5:46 pm

    I've never heard anyone name a tree before-there was a line of trees in a woodland with little doors attached onto them with seemingly dogs names as memorials-they have since disappeared though-I feel sad when occasionally I see that yobs have ripped a branch on a tree just because they can-I try to lean it back up x

  27. What a fun response people like that can make your day.

  28. Yorkshire Liz6:53 pm

    There's always a smart arse oh there......

  29. Identifying trees as you walk is a nice undertaking. My fondness for trees is shown on my property. My landscape is designed with specimen trees and carefully placed plantings beneath. Beyond the inner garden is the forest where native trees are growing. Landscaping with trees is low maintenance.

  30. My Bay Tree is called 'Jean'. We have an Oak called 'The Royal Oak', and another called 'Dangerous Fun'. What else would you expect me to do with my time?

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