
My sister Janet had her beloved dog Jess put down today.
We were meeting up with our elder sister Ann for dinner tonight 
That dinner carried on without her…
It was understandable she couldn’t attend.
and We missed her.
I felt better that I gave Janet some flowers yesterday, I sort of preempted today’s decision…
And as I left Ann’s this evening SHE gave me a bunch of sweet peas 
Too and fro 
Back and forth …
Ann and I and the family talked about songs and memory tonight
Songs that spark memories that are everlasting 
I have one such memory from decades ago
My sisters and I were driving home after a concert or a theatre visit and it was dark on the country road, 
We burst into a spontaneous version of  drink drink drink from The Student Prince
And as we sang the main words my sister Ann who can’t sing a note burst into an operatic “ arrrhhhh” an acomptiant  to the libretto…It was so bad that we laughed and laughed  until we cried.

Such memories make a family’s love 


  1. Anonymous11:00 pm

    Drink was one of my favourite pianola rolls. It can be sung with a lot of gusto.

  2. You are lucky to have two sisters who love you. I only had three brothers. It's not the same.

  3. Barbara Anne11:32 pm

    My sympathy to Ann and to all who loved dear Jess. Her heart will always have Jess' paw prints in it and the love they shared will live on.
    As an only child, I can only imagine what having a brother or sister would be like. It's not the same either.
    Lucky you!


  4. Barbara Anne11:33 pm

    Opps! Make that sympathy to Janet, please.


  5. I'm sorry to hear of your sister's loss. Losing a beloved dog is so hard.

  6. It's so very very sad but Jess will remain safe in Janet's heart forever xxx

  7. Please extend my heartfelt sympathy to Janet on the loss of her beloved Jess. This loss is always very hard as our fur kids are loyal, loving and always there for us. With love, Susan

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  9. Oh, family love. I have a few of those. Very few but very precious. Aren't we lucky to have any!!!

  10. Happy shared special memories like that are so terrific!

  11. I'm sorry for Janet's loss. Such a loss is so difficult. I'm glad you were still able to spend some time with Ann.

  12. It's so awful saying goodbye to a well loved pet. But being helped on their way is usually the best route.

  13. We feel deeply for anyone who loses their dear, irreplaceable pet. Anyone who's had the experience - and who has not? - fully understands what an internal wrench it gives you.

    Btw - why should the memory of this very song in 'Student Prince' have surfaced in my mind yesterday? [It would have been around 3 p.m.] I probably haven't had the merest passing thought about it in several, probably many, years. Just coincidence - or..........?

  14. Poor Janet, the loss of a pet is like loosing a part of oneself - they are much love, and much missed. I'm glad you had got the flowers to her beforehand. Little touches do help.

  15. Sorry to hear of the grief your sister is going through. I think most of us can relate to it so well.

    Family shared moments like that are so precious. Wonderful that you still have new moments of fun and love with them still as you all remain close and are there for each other.

  16. Can only echo what others have said. So sorry for Janet's loss. If you have been through the same, you must empathise...But how lovely to have sisters you get on with so well...a slight twinge of envy from me?!

  17. And sometimes those sweet, funny memories are all we have. And they still make us smile.

  18. Sympathies to Janet, our pets hold a special place in our hearts. I'm glad she has you and Ann to share her grief with. xx

  19. Good memories.
    Sympathy to Janet.

  20. Thoughts are with Janet. Good that she has such loving siblings to stand by her through her loss.

  21. I remember seeing that movie of The Student Prince with my father when it first came out. Dad was a huge Romberg fan. Brought back memories for me also.
    Thanks Peter

  22. I am so sorry for your sister's loss. It is so hard when a beloved dog has to be put down. I know the day for Murphy is coming, and I dread it. Your sister is lucky to have supportive siblings.

  23. How beautiful, the flowers ,the memories.
    Why is life hard sometimes...I have no answer.

  24. Thank you all for your kind comments Janet will be 5ouched by them x

  25. Did you know that the very handsome actor Edmund Purdom was not doing his own singing in The Student Prince? It was Mario Lanza.

  26. Sorry that Janet had to say goodbye to her dog Jess always a difficult moment but often the kindest choice we can make. Yes like so many of your friends here have mentioned you are lucky to have such lovely sisters and a shoulder to lean on through thick and thin, joyful memories of music and laughter your a lucky man !

  27. We have the Mario Lanza version of the drinking song earmarked for my father's funeral.


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