Wild Flower Meadow

 I’m meeting a friend later for cinema (In The Heights) and supper in Chester.
Today I need to buy my sister a birthday gift, but before that I will just have to share of a blissful half hour I have just had lying in the graveyard.
Village Elder Islwyn’s manicured lawn, the prospective resting place of many of the village people , has burst into colour after the recent rain.
A whole plethora of wild flowers have burst forth through the green turf. Crowfoot and self heal, creeping cinquefoil, daisy, buttercup and red and white clover
It looks quite beautiful close up

I would heartily recommend any Trelawnyd-ite to come to St Michael’s right now
And lie in the grass of the Churchyard


  1. I love the look of the meadow.

  2. How lovely to lie in a wild flower meadow! Jealous

  3. It looks beautiful John and there must be lots of butterflies and bees around when the sun's shining too and birds-It's nicer than my plot alongside my parents-once I did lay down on it to familiarise myself but the person I was with thought it odd-I did not x

  4. When you said you were lying in the grass, I thought you meant you were telling porkies!

  5. A pleasant place for all, in due time.

  6. Not sure why anyone would go into the church when the yard looks like that. No glory could match it.

  7. Better the churchyard than the church. That’s where god is!

  8. Barbara Anne3:03 pm

    How beautiful and serene. The perfect place to restore your soul and spirit. We have white clover and bees love it.
    Hope you find the ideal gift for your sister easily and that your evening plans are delightful.
    When shall you begin painting?


  9. The wild flowers have been exceptional this year. I am tempted to come and lie in your churchyard myself!

  10. How beautiful. Our No-Mow-May (courtesy of prolonged rain!) resulted in a similar meadow at the front of our new home. So beautiful with lots of Fox-and-Cubs and Rough Hawkbit, Red Clover etc.

    Where I used to live there was a Chapel with a graveyard which became, truly, God's Little Acre in May when half an acre of Aquilegia burst into spectacular bloom. Sadly, the Chapel Elders deemed this "untidy" and cut them all down . . .

  11. Beautiful! The council here seems to have an aversion to wild flowers, as soon as they appear, so do the grass cutters. xx

  12. Beautiful meadow. Hope you enjoy In the Heights. I saw it on Wednesday, it's a real foot tapping, feel good film.

  13. Gosh, that's marvelous.

  14. better to lay on the grass, than under it.

  15. Will we be lying in the grass with you?

  16. That's a lovely spot. I hope no one mistook you for a corpse.


  17. Beautiful. No ticks in Wales?

  18. Just beyond where I mow, in front of the house, the grass is about 1ft high, and like your graveyard is filled with colourful wild flowers. Beautiful.

  19. Looks like a nice spot with all the coloured wild flowers but might be a bit ticklish napping there? Just popping in from Malaysia

  20. A rain thank you indeed . . .
    for the Beautiful Flower Meadow in the Graveyard . . .

  21. I love self-heal. I always let it grow in the garden when it comes up. The bees like it too!

  22. Just bloody lovely. I love the wild flowers that pop up in my garden. This year such pretty pink flowers.. new one to me Thimbleberry. From Newcastle Canada.

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