Think Of Me


I got a card today from a Charlotte, a charlotte who I don’t remember.
She had been a student nurse and I was her mentor on spinal injuries nearly thirty years ago, 
I feel bad that I don’t remember her name.
I have mentored a large number of nurses over the years.
The card was kind and reflective and timely.
It’s always nice to hear good things about yourself , especially when the praise is carefully thought out and you have been remembered after so long a time has passed.
Thank you Charlotte 
I’m sorry I didn’t  remember your name

I think , this underlines the importance of feedback. All too much, we give negative feedback in this service based world , but do we often give positive. ? I think we all think we do….but do we……? 
It’s lovely, and warm and affirming and I’m grateful for it today
Pass it forward …even if it’s 30 ago….let someone know they made a difference x


  1. It's nice to be appreciated, and coming so long after the event, it's even more special. We need more people like you in this world. xx

    1. No we need more people like charlotte, who took the time to reflect and made an effort to reach out ..

    2. Barbara Anne4:39 pm

      We need more people like you and like Charlotte, to be accurate! :)


  2. You are a Wonderful man-a delight-and the aspects of your life that you share here with us have enriched my life and help keep me positive-Thankyou John(perhaps we-your followers one day when safely possible could find our way from all corners of the globe for a pilgrimage to your village) x

    1. Lord….I’m truly a bit of a arse
      Ask mave , he’ll tell you xx

    2. but Arses can be luverly John-(dependent)x

    3. oops typo-depending x

    4. He's a foul mouthed arse. Fucking beautiful x

  3. Yorkshire Liz3:50 pm

    No less than you deserve. How sweet of her to send that caring and considered card. Bask in the glow, bonny lad. And reflect on stones, streams and ever widening ripples. Because sometimes it is the smallest things that leave the strongest impact.

    1. That’s why I posted today…I couldn’t place charlotte , ( though I’d hope I’d recognise her if we ever met—I’m good with faces,) but it was lovely to hear.that once, I made a difference which has been remembered

  4. It's a good thought, I've received a few in the past few years. Alas, my mentors have long since left for, literally, greener pastures.

    1. And they mean so much mike, when they are backdated so to speak

  5. Barbara Anne4:37 pm

    What a brilliantly wonderful message Charlotte wrote to you! This is the type card to keep forever, tucked into a desk drawer or cubbyhole to look at from time to time. Your knowledge, caring, humor, and skills have helped more people that you can imagine. It is impossible to know how far the ripples of your good nursing care lessons have gone thanks to the students you mentored and their students and the students of those students, ad infinitum. Hug yourself and smile, my friend!

    Hugs from afar!

    1. In the twilight of my career, I think, cards like these mean so much more

  6. How great that she bothered to write! And, that's a nice component of a course to have the students reflect on the role of mentorship. Really brings it full circle.

    1. Yes, it’s the effort that makes the words more moving

  7. What a lovely thing Charlotte did there. It's great to send out positivity and gratitude. The world would be a better place if we remembered to do that more often.

  8. How nice that she wrote you. You're right -- we don't give positive feedback often enough.

  9. It is nice to hear!

  10. This is one of the nicest blog posts I’ve read, you obviously/subconsciously made a big impact on her and her career, the fact she took the trouble to write to you speaks volumes…

  11. That's a lovely note. I have trouble writing good thank you notes - I tend to get either too sentimental or too formal, take your pick. I wish I had the knack.

  12. It's always lovely to know you have helped someone, really did a good job, and are appreciated - especially when it happens years later. I wish it was me...but I'm another Charlotte! x

  13. It's lovely that Charlotte remembers you and appreciates what she learned from you even if you don't remember her. Her face might appear in your mind eventually.


  14. You obviously made a positive impact on her and undoubtedly her career. How nice that she let you know that!

  15. That is a lovely note and it was so kind and considerate of her to send it. I believe strongly in letting people know that we see and acknowledge the good they have done. Of course in situations like this as you having been her mentor, but also in small everyday things. I try hard to complement waiters in a restaurant, checkers and baggers in the grocery store, desk workers in various jobs and other people that I run into on a daily basis. When I was young I worked in some jobs like those and I can tell you that to many people you are invisible. Because of that I go out of my way to let them know that I appreciate them and the work they do.

  16. What a lovely surprise for you, such beautiful energy in that card. Maybe frame it (shut) and it will be a secret constant reminder of appreciation and thoughtfulness.

  17. Beautiful thank you message . . . and that she reached out to tell you so.

  18. It's always lovey to be remembered and praised for the good done.

  19. Were you surprised that Charlotte would even have your address or even know where you were living?
    The very fact that after so long, she remembered you, and that alone is a testament to how much you impressed her!

  20. I remember writing to my school Housemaster, about 35 years after I'd left. He was a wonderful man, and I recounted plenty of tales. He remembered me well, and was so pleased to hear from me in his retirement. He died a couple of years later, so I was very happy that I'd written when I did.

  21. How lovely of her to take the time to write to you. You obviously made a big impression on her life and career.

  22. What a wonderful gift: the knowledge that you impacted her life, and by extension, the lives of students she is now mentoring. Ripples. Let us always be mindful that one kindness can make a huge difference in the world.

  23. 'When a student is ready a teacher appears' old Buddhist proverb

    1. I was thinking exactly the same thing!

      Jo in Auckland

  24. One of the things I like to say is life is about making a difference in other peoples lives. You obviously do that more often than you realize.

    This is never a bad thing.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes