Village Shenanigans


A flyer came through the door today which underlines something between the new Community Association and the Community Council over the Village Hall.  I can’t pretend to understand all the nuances in play but , be sure I will get to the bottom of things. 
Social media has been buzzing on this most miserable of days with the news.
I’ve treated myself to low fat turkey burgers for lunch and as promised I took some photos of the garden for Lizzy D even though the rain was lashing down 


  1. I don't know where you were standing to make your gardens look so big, but well done.

    What a shame about events at the Village Hall, I do hope it can be sorted out quickly before any impetus that you have all struggled to keep up is lost forever.

    Perhaps The Crown could step in for Coffee Mornings etc it would bring them some daytime revenue as well as keeping the village connected.

    1. Yes, like most men , I’m presenting it as being bigger than it is

    2. Oh John! The double entendre...this is why your writing is so engaging. You were missed terribly when you took a break.

  2. The garden is so charming and so pretty! It looks quite large. Thank you! I am sorry I sent you out in the rain thoo\.



  3. Beautiful garden. Must be lovely to look out onto in any weather. If it looks this good in lashing rain it must be magical in sunshine! Ro xx

    1. The iris and alliums will be flowering more very soon so the colour should increase

  4. your sister did a FABU job on your garden! and those turkey burgers look dee-lish! here we are approaching 90F and sunny and humid for the weekend.

  5. Hope the village problem can be sorted out soon. Its upsetting when these things happen.

    The garden looks gorgeous!

  6. Your garden looks lovely...and huge...
    Legal problems involving committees, councils (and egos) are a nightmare - best steer clear if you're not already involved!

    1. I’m not , on any committee , so am not grinding any axe, I just think we need to keep the hall going

    2. Definitely!

  7. Oh dear - Village Politics can sometimes be quite nasty. Hope it's all settled there soon.

    You picture of Turkey Burgers made my mouth water and I don't even like them!

    1. Infill mine with herbs and they are warned with paprika

    2. he say-"you want it spicy"x

  8. I hope there is genuine reason for the"challenge"and not some jobsworth interfering out of"concern"-I experienced a retired man from the council at a village event I was helping at who was also meant to be helping asking me questions about the produce so much I scarpered whilst he continued to browse(health and safety)x

  9. Oh, these petty politics. I hope it's resolved soon.

    I hope those burgers and buns (is that what you call a bap?) were as delicious as they look. The wet gardens are so inviting. You (and sister) have truly created a paradise.

  10. Village politics, oh dear! Your cottage garden is looking lovely. At least you don't have to water at the moment. xx

  11. Barbara Anne4:20 pm

    Sorry about the bother between the two community entities and how it will affect the folks in the community. Hope the situation can be quickly and peacefully fixed.
    Your garden is lovely and abundant in color, flowers, and greenery. Hope you and a friend can sit at your garden table, chat, and eat some tasty foods and beverages.


  12. Sigh, red tape, rules and regs close so many good things, I hope the hall will be up and running very soon. You have a very pretty garden John.

  13. Your garden looks like a cottage garden should, really colourful and wonderfully random. Your sister has done a good job.

  14. Sounds like an admin error, not exactly scandalous. You need a trip to a big city or Sitges. You'll get to the bottom of it! I am sure there are people who have the job to do this and are working on it.

    1. I am sure there are quite a few people working on it, I said I’d get to the bottom of things , just for me , because I don’t quite understand what has gone wrong
      I’m sure I do need a trip to the big city , do you think I’ve lost my perspective?

  15. Your garden is wonderful John - worthy of Monty Don.

  16. Send in Perry Mason! I am sure he could sort out the Memorial Hall issue.

  17. Your garden is exquisite. Hope the hall problem gets sorted soonest. Viv x

  18. Oh dear, WHO challenged the legality of the lease? And now the insurance has been cancelled! Yes, John, you must get to the bottom of this AT ONCE! It's more interesting than "Coronation Street"!

  19. Gorgeous garden and good to see you back John.

  20. Politics--even on small, local levels--knows no bounds. There's always some reason or other to create angst. But your burgers look good enough to eat and you garden is beautiful... even in the rain! I always find gray skies make greens pop.

  21. The low-fat turkey burgers (with a big dollop of fatty cheese added?) look lovely, and enough there for you and a guest too, of course...

  22. Village politics and wrangling..nothing changes!
    Your garden is looking lovely

  23. Either petty politics or a misunderstanding, I hope it’s sorted fast. Those Coffee Mornings helped connect the village, and Covid’s shown how important that really is.

    Your sister’s (and your) hard work is really bearing fruit this year. What a beautiful display! Congratulations.

  24. Anonymous10:35 pm

    Your garden is looking very lush.

  25. So nice and green.

  26. Your garden is "garden party" ready. Very beautiful. Something has gone askew between the Committee and the Council. Now I'm curious too.

  27. Your garden is beautiful in its professional polish. As for the Hall situation, this is an unfortunate lack of communication and surely can be squared up.

  28. I was once the Chairman of our village Youth Club in Shropshire, which held events in our village hall. One day we had a Health & Safety person visit, and he started to point-out ridiculous things that needed to be changed. When I asked if having knives, boiling water, and a staircase (all very dangerous) on the premises, he said that was OK. Luckily I had no dealing with insurance.

  29. Your garden is looking really lush John. Hopefully the village hall will sort it's self out, what's the use of a hall if it's closed.

  30. We have the same political male bovine manure up here John, seems to be a thing in little villages!
    Tis quite a few years since I visited your good self and its nice to see the garden flourishing old lad.

  31. Shelly Williams11:06 am

    Your garden is lush x


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