6.03 am


It’s dawn over Trelawnyd.
The sky looks like one Turner would have painted with big clouds tinged with pink and blue.
I’ve just taken Dorothy outside for a walk.
Mary is like a teenager. She won’t wake for hours so refused to join in.

I’m having a break from blogging for a while 
I will be back in a bit, no doubt, 
There’s no show without punch, as they say.
But, just for now, it isn’t doing me any favours 

Lockdown has chipped away at my reserve , towards this final push before normality,leaving me feel like a wall flower at a party
I have little to say but plenty to moan about.
Hey ho
Write soon xx


  1. I'll miss your take on life, but needs must! See you when the batteries are re-charged. xx

  2. Take care of yourself. We will be here when you are ready to return.

  3. I take a break every week as I rarely have anything worthwhile to say 🤣😂🤣 !!!!! Rest up, clear the mind and I look forward to your return when you feel the time is right. Will miss you , Much love 😘 XXXX

  4. I'll give it four days tops and you'll be back. Enjoy your work, books, tv, dogs, sisters, friends, plans, sleeps, food, baths and relaxation. xxx

    1. Anonymous4:35 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Why are you Anonymous when you have a strong opinion ?

  5. Sarah6:53 am

    Take care of yourself and enjoy the break xx

  6. Thanks for the beautiful photo. Enjoy your break.

  7. Have a nice time-(miss you already)xx

  8. Yorkshire Liz7:24 am

    Think we all feel much the same, a sense of trepidation as to what the new normal will be, how we shall cope, and a strange discomfort about picking up again on old social skills we used to take for granted.

    Come back soon. We understand the need for a break but we will all miss you between times.

    Take care, recharge the batteries and come back out swinging!

  9. Take the time you need, John. We will miss your unique take on life, and your work and village life. XX

  10. 'Little to say but plenty to moan about' - that's often how I feel! Will miss you....I don't often comment but yours is always one of the first blogs I read. Regain your spunk and come back when you're ready ;-) xx

  11. Have a good break. Hope you come back to us refreshed. xx

  12. Take your time John and enjoy.

  13. You need sleep. We are all here.

  14. Blog addicts get withdrawal symptoms.

  15. That is a beautiful sky..yes, Turner would have loved that.
    You will often have the best of the day early.
    Enjoy your walks, tell us about them when you get back to us xx

  16. Have a nice break. Looking forward to your next blogpost - probably on Wednesday!

  17. Take care, see you soon, we will miss you!

  18. Not commented for a while. Life exhausts me sometimes having to be on the ball and curate everything I write and say. You're not alone in saying that lockdown has chipped away at your reserve. x

  19. Rest but you'll be missed.

  20. I'll miss you but understand, I have days when I don't want to see anyone or even talk to them. Feel better and come back to us soon.
    Cheers Peter

  21. This year has really taken the stuffing out of us. Come back soon, please! xxx

  22. Will miss you. I read your blog every day..first one on my list. I was born in a little town called Boxford. A war baby. Dad went to Sandhurst. He was a Canadian and met my Mum over there. Came to Canada at 9 months old.
    So I have an affinity for blogs written by people in the United Kingdom. I smiled when I read Happyhooker's words. "needs must" I have heard that term before. Thank you for the pleasure of reading about all of yours and other bloggers posts. Love the comments too.Cheers

  23. Recharge sweet one! We will be here when you feel better!

    1. Anonymous6:10 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. You are so wrong. I am on an amazing journey.

  24. Will miss your daily chat but rest up, enjoy your break, take care and be safe. Hugs Ro xx

  25. Enjoy your break. Treat yourself and have some fun.

  26. We'll all be waiting........and we know it will be worth it!
    Rest up, recharge, enjoy your break dear John.
    Hugs - Mary

  27. We all need blog breaks from time to time to recharge our batteries. Enjoy yours! See ya when we see ya!

  28. me too; plenty to moan about, and nothing positive to say. I've taken a break myself. rest and come back stronger!

  29. Feel better, get some rest, take care, John. See you in a bit...

  30. I'll miss your blog, I'll be happy when you return. Even when you don't seem to have much to say I enjoy hearing from you. Howard Hansen, Detroit, USA Comment will appear under another name though.

  31. Barbara Anne2:02 pm

    Have a lovely break to recharge your batteries and let more wonderful stories come to mind as you sip your buckets of coffee. We'll be here to welcome you back when the time comes.
    Selfishly, I hope it's not long from now because I'll miss you and your cast of delightful characters. :)


  32. Oh no! How will I make it through the day without your blog. I'll miss you! Enjoy your break but do come back.

  33. Big hugs John
    Deb x

  34. Do what you have to do ... as you say: Chin up! Tits Out!! Hey Ho!!!

  35. hugs, kisses and love from across the pond. Be good to yourself John and take care.

  36. Anonymous3:40 pm

    John, between the laburnum tree's demise and your bad finger cut....combined w/ Covid daily reports....life is really a bit surrealistic, isn't it? Selfishly, I'll miss reading you each morning here in Maine because you always make me feel chipper. I appreciate your need to take some time now. Will be thinking of you. Hugs

  37. Enjoy your break. We will all catch you on the flip side.

  38. Come back soon darling man. Hugs x

    1. Mavis ,have you let your hair grow for a wisp and your beard and all grow to equal a bear yet. Maybe some work with weights to muscle the arms. A John fantasy come true?
      Take time to heal all of you Gentleman John.

    2. I'll only ever be his quiz partner and lifelong supporter when needed. Our destiny is to go on pointless, which describes perfectly any of your romantic fantasies x

    3. Anonymous4:34 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Just take caree of yourself. We care.

  40. Northriding4:54 pm

    Coddle yourself, let your finger heal and have some more arctic roll

  41. Anonymous4:59 pm

    I love to read your blog. Take some time off and recharge. Listening to the news, a story was telling about a lot of folks having hard times dipping their toes back in the pond after the crazy times. You can only give and give until you deplete then you have to re-plenish. We will be here when you come back!

  42. It's good to have a break sometimes. I've had a hard time blogging recently for some reason. Sometimes we need a change and a rest, then we can come back fresh. Enjoy your time. You know we'll be here when you return.

  43. Take care! We will be here when you are ready to return to the blogworld. :)

  44. That IS a very Turner-esque sky. I totally get needing a break. Enjoy it and we'll be here when you get back!

  45. Fully understand... You need to look after yourself. Take care, enjoy the break and we will see you soon.

  46. Take good care of yourself John. May the good times return very soon

  47. SpikesBestMate7:11 pm

    You well deserve some time out. Take care of yourself, and enjoy your break.

  48. You deserve a break John at some point we all reach our limit, your cheerful posts have helped keep me sane as you told us stories about daily life in your idyllic village and surroundings. I hope that you enjoy some peace of mind and carefree times to just be with friends over a drink or two, cheers Margo

  49. Take care of yourself John and haste ye back. Hugs,

  50. Replies
    1. However... "Do not go gentle into that good night,
      Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
      Rage, rage against the dying of the light..."

  51. Hug the pups, snuggle the cat, rest up, restore and we'll be waiting here for you.

  52. Take care John. Do just what you want to do and nothing else. When demands become burdens, it is time to push them aside. Your personal priorities must take first place. Enjoy.

  53. I think you are tired. I will miss your blogs. Take care, ome back soon.

  54. Missing you already! Take care, rest up and look forward to hearing from you again soon X

  55. Will be sending good thoughts.......but do come back, love your blog ! Will miss You.!

  56. Big hug to you dearheart - we'll be here when you return xx

  57. Big hug for you dearheart and we'll be here when you return xx

  58. Even better in duplicate!!!!

  59. Enjoy a rest from blogland and I do hope you feel more chipper soon. Bev x

  60. I feel a bit like Mrs. Trellis, I don't want you to leave! But, we all need a break now and then. Take care and rest up.

  61. Rest and enjoy your time away from blogging. Missing you already... take care.

    Jo in Auckland

  62. You are missed already but I understand. And hey, you can always visit our little blog, it's never political, just food and plants and hopes for being at the farm in the future.

    Rest up and know we're already missing you. We'll be here when you get back.

  63. Anonymous4:33 pm

    finally, what we all have been suspecting for some time has happened. John has realised he is not the great writer you are all telling him he is.
    he is in fact a sad middle aged man with no partner, little money , some imagination but a limited life of mediocre everyday experiences.
    not a catch in anyone's eyes

    1. And you are a nasty, bitter twonk. Go away.

    2. Anonymous6:06 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. and you dear Anonymous are such a pathetic coward that you don't even have the courage to leave your name. Why don't you go away and lead your own life, which is obviously so full, exciting, rich and rewarding that you feel the need to read this blog.
      with no regards

    4. Anonymous,

      Have big balls to make statements like that when you won't even list your name... Who could believe someone like that. Take your hate speech elsewhere or show us who you truly are.

    5. I replied earlier and now wish I hadn't as Anonymous is not worth a comment because they like our comments, so ignore them and swat away like a wasp or mosquito.

    6. Ursula9:41 pm


    7. Has Ursula just outed herself as anonymous, by accidentally replying to this discussion as herself?

    8. Sorry Ursula , I shouldn’t have said that.

    9. Ed, cricket or moth?

    10. I’ve probably just vindicated John’s decision to have a break from us nutters,

    11. Tommy the Troll?6:02 pm

      People can be rather naive. Anyone can deposit a post under the name Ursula, and any other name for that matter. There is more than one Ursula in the world. Much of what you find on the internet is some way distanced from what is real.

  64. Breaks are good - enjoy it.

  65. I thought you'd be back by now---really miss your posts.

    lizzy x

  66. I think we are in the same boat but don't worry,it's not sinking! I want to recommend a great (little) book of poetry called "The Poetry Pharmacy" by William Sieghart. You might find you have time to read it now. You will be much missed.

  67. Hi John,
    Read your post regarding Fat Rascals. Found this website with great recipes. Enjoy your time away.
    Barb in PA US


  68. You are expressing the way that many of us are feeling right now. Hope your break will refresh you. (A bit of warmth and sunshine would help!)

  69. Dear John,

    You are loved and missed. Ignore the troll(s)/Ursula. Wish it were easier to meet IRL but for now have a virtual hug. Jx

  70. She showed us who she really is, alright.

  71. Take care of yourself! Looking forward to your return...

  72. I always enjoy your writing and pictures, and reading about life in your village, and especially your dogs and the funny things they do. Hope you feel like blogging again in the near future, I read your blog every day.

  73. Love the sky, definitely Turner-esque.

    I feel your irritation at times, you make a simple post about something and it is dissected and trolled over, and the main gist of what you were saying in a light hearted and post filling way is completely lost.

    Take care. Xx

  74. Think of those of us who have been shielding and isolating for a whole year. You've been able to get out and about and go about your life relatively normally compared to us who haven't been able to leave the house. Also nobody entered my house for more than a year whereas you had friends staying overnight.
    Shielding/Isolating is a very lonely existence.

  75. It has been a hard and brutal year with losses on all levels and anxiety around what is the world going to look like - so I hope that your break allows you to find a bit more of you to hold onto x

  76. You are not alone John. I often take a break as I have nothing of interest to blog about. I think most people will understand and wait until you return be it a week or a month. I love you posts although I don't comment all of the time and you are so right that this covid thing has reduced us all to wrecks. I don't think it will be going away any time soon as the Government seem intent on keeping us all on a leash but I do hope you soon feel more positive and we see your witty and interesting posts back again when you feel like it.

  77. Calling Mavis-I wondered how The Big Gay Quiz was last night x

    1. Anonymous5:21 pm

      flis, another lame brain. hopefully Mr Gray will not be returning.His absence is more protected than I thought.

    2. John and I came in third place with our teammates but we remain at the top of the league with only one more quiz of this season.

    3. Mavis and John looking good xx

    4. Anonymous1:52 pm

      I think Anonymous is a tad jealous.

  78. Anonymous5:34 pm


    1. Anonymous1:45 pm

      Why do you persist? So tiresome.

    2. I love that Anonymous is now talking to her/his self :-)

  79. Hi John and Mavis well done love to you both. Thinking of you John a toast to better days ahead.

    1. Thank you Comic. We've formed a pretty formidable quiz partnership that's caused no shortage of envy in our competitors. Haters are always going to hate.

    2. Congratulations on your quiz wins and ongoing wonderful standing. All in good fun. A toast to John and Mavis: "Here's to those who wish us well and those who don't can go to xxxx."

  80. Goodness! You are well loved and have somewhere over a hundred comments and you're not even posting. Man, you're good. Even in your absence, you trigger many comments (most of which are positive). Wow! Ranee (MN) USA

  81. Good for you! Everyone needs to step back occasionally and your break is well deserved.

  82. Glad to have had you visit over at my place, and utterly delighted to see that you too are afflicted by an anonymous commenter who has fucked him/her/they/itself up the back door by hiding behind a blank account. What dash! Such courage!
    I think you're pretty cool. And I know what cool is all about. I live in a tiny little town where there are more cows than people, and if that doesn't make me a connoisseur of cool then dammit I give up. You come visit any time. Bring the turkey with you.

  83. Hi John, obviously I give you all the rest you need. But at the same time I miss your daily considerations. In that way, you've been a part of my life for a number of years. Hang in there!

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  85. Love the photo! Great shot. Beautifully written!

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