Cleaning The Kitchen late

It’s been a funny old day all told.
I got up early walked the dogs , had eggs on panini toast then realised I hadn’t planned much for the day.
I went back to bed and watched internet movies and tiktok crap then day dreamed about meeting a floppy haired bear dad with no baggage and holes in his jumper at the village hall.
Of course this only happens in specialist indie movies based in Yorkshire  , and so , I walked the dogs again, and returned to bed fully clothed where Albert gleefully took advantage of a group siesta and slipped in between Mary & Dorothy before the latter made herself comfortable by resting her chin protectively over mine. 
We all slept until four .

I woke slightly disgusted in myself for wasting the day, so in a fit of energetic pique, I cleaning the kitchen within an inch of its life and made soup for my lunch at work tomorrow.

Hey ho


  1. You must have needed that long sleep, so don't feel disgusted with yourself. You're on the go all the time at work, and especially with those long shifts. Cut yourself some slack! I hope your daydreams come true soon and you'll have that special someone to share your soup and life. xx

    1. Thank you for your gift it came yesterday xx

    2. You're very welcome, John. It took it's time, but hope they help relieve the pressure on your ears, at least for a while. Got to look after the hamster ears.xx

  2. Erma Bombeck had a saying "time enjoyed being wasted wasn't wasted"

  3. Leave the bear dads to me and stick with the Phil S types x

  4. Lazy Sundays are never wasted x

  5. Resting and recharging is not wasting time! x

  6. You needed to recharge your batteries I'm sure after being so busy.I do stuff in the house but drain out of energy and never seem to get things as clean and tidy as you do John-I don't know why but everything looks in disarray here x

    1. I once admonished a friend for making a mess at my dining table. Her reply was "look at the mess you've made of your life".

    2. My house is affected by problems I experience- things then get very haphazard x

  7. you DID NOT waste the day! your body was begging for the rest. and the cottage is organized and cleaned. and the furkids enjoyed napping with you.

  8. Sometimes we just need some extra downtime for a good refresh. Nothing wrong with that. Nice job on the kitchen. It is always nice to come home to a clean house. Have you considered online dating? A neighbor met his new wife using Okay Cupid. Phil S., as Mave suggests?

  9. I took a long nap today

  10. Good on you John a nap does a body good and look what you have accomplished a spic and clean kitchen, I only got as far as getting a duster but stopped to have a coffee will start when I shut of the computer or maybe not.

  11. You look like you have really good counter space! You have a wonderful kitchen area compared to what I have in my small apartment ... we really have to be creative! LOL
    You sleep because you just require it... both physically and mentally!

  12. You work hard. I'm sure you needed the rest. It wasn't a waste.


  13. Don't disparage a well earned day in bed. You work harder all week than most of us. Certainly harder than I work, and I seem to be slipping in a couple hours napping per day.

  14. You will see him at seaside.
    On a hot day.

  15. Having just made my first coffee of the day, I realised that my kitchen is a dreadful mess, so I may do the same later; although I'm not sure.

  16. Barbara Anne5:06 am

    When I was very little, on Sunday afternoons, my Dad would turn his head as if listening, then say, "Yes, I'm coming.: Then to me, "I'm off for an afternoon nap because my bed is calling me." I remember being amazed that I'd heard nothing.
    After the brutal schedule you had for most of the last two weeks, it's no wonder you needed a good nap today. Even Albert agreed.
    Your kitchen looks wonderful!


  17. Nothing wrong in listening to your body and resting up.

    That's a beautiful kitchen John. I love your picture wall and your ceramics - you have such good taste. I especially like your egg bowl and that little jug nearby.

    We still have things in stacks here and the old (boring!) neutral colour scheme, but it will change . . .

  18. You deserve the rest and your kitchen looks fab.

  19. Nothing wasted about that day. A bed filled with contented animals. The clean kitchen was a satisfying little bonus.

  20. A relaxing day was just what you needed - and you've motivated world-wide kitchen cleaning!!

  21. You did not waste the day, you needed that sleep. Even in my young, bags of energy days, I could not have coped with the shifts you work. I don't know how you do it.

  22. Everything everyone else has said. You needed a day like that. x

  23. What a lovely clean kitchen and not a dog in sight ... now let them out of that cupboard and let the mess recommence!!

    Time resting and sleeping when your body needs it is never time wasted ... and the animals would have loved having a snoozy Dad all to themselves for the day.

  24. After that long siesta I suspect that you may have had trouble getting to sleep last night. Mind you thoughts about cleaning kitchens would send most people to sleep - better than counting imaginary sheep.

  25. Some days are just made to be wasted. The rest of us would probably call it 'catching up on sleep' though.

  26. No need to feel guilty John - you often work far too hard

  27. how do you like that sink? is it nicer than a stainless steel one?

  28. I love your kitchen! It is so homey and sweet. We share many of the same domestic sensibilities, John. Your countertops may be the same ones my daughter and her husband have from Ikea. They are beautiful freshly oiled like that.

    1. I always wanted a warm welcoming kitchen

  29. Your kitchen is really nice!

    I tend to think that a lot of us find it hard to just relax in the modern day. We are so "encouraged" (read as goaded" to make the MOST of each day, whether it be in work or in adventure. I personally think it is wonderful and important to sometimes have a more languid, tranquil pace where perhaps nothing much is accomplished other than relaxation! But, damn it... it is hard to do sometimes... I can admit that. The pressures to "do something" can be intense.

    I many not be as fully aware of the usage of "bear dad" as I had thought... I would have suspected most "bear dad" types would be fellows who were more likely than not robustly bearded but yet also of receding hairline.... not floppy haired. But, I guess I misunderstand the term.

    Thank you again for visiting my blog! Even if you are not fond of jazz! :) But, seriously.... thank you.


    1. Anonymous6:12 pm

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    2. I prefer the floppy haired bearded ones ,, like vikings x

  30. Hi John I think you forgot to mention that your blog is for adults only, it seems some anonymous inmature child has landed here by mistake he/she needs to be reported to the school board kids are so hard on each other these day.

  31. You must have really needed some rest! Good for you (and the dogs) for taking it easy -- and then making up for it. :)


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