
I came home tonight and went straight to bed after walking and feeding the dogs
And giving Albert some kitikat 
I couldn’t be bothered lighting the fire and the cottage was freezing
So I shared a large bag of cheese and onion crisps 
And watched this 
under the duvet 
The crumbs got everywhere 
And I can’t be bothered removing them 
I’m so degraded 
Nite xxxx



  1. Yorkshire Liz10:11 pm

    Crisp crumbs not only get everywhere, they are really sharp! Good luck sorting them out, but bet they tasted worth it at the time. Have you tried roast lamb and mint? Hmm! Great video. Try the addictive alternative one of movie stars dancing to irresistible Uptown Funk!

  2. Glad you got home safely, that is a lot of snoow! Was the lane plowed while you were at work?
    I thought you had central heating installed a few years ago?

    lizzy x

  3. Sometimes I like to just let go and give in to my emotions-in fact for me it's quite beneficial.Enjoyed the video too-I've been dancing today to Valentine's Day-had a lovely time whilst preparing my furry ones food x

  4. We all have those crumby days. Hope tomorrow is brighter. And warmer. And less crumby.

  5. Grubby self love for a valentine's night. All that's missing is a "ham shank".

    You made my stump tap x

  6. Safely home and very snug under the duvet. Let loose enjoying great dance music and moves, with a few crisps. Why not? Might you consider central heating or an automatic feed wood pellet stove or a few heat pumps that provide heating and cooling? (In the US heat pumps are reasonably priced and energy efficient.)

  7. Love those videos ... the editing alone is fantastic and the dancing -- phenomenal!
    At 5:30 p.m. in S. Colorado, it is -2° F. ... icy cold, snow on the ground and not going to warm up for a few days!
    It has been a very chilly Valentine's Day.

  8. dance monkeys dance! my fave crisps are sour cream & onion flavour.

  9. I liked that!! Thanks!

  10. Degraded? I'm so sorry. Stay warm and rest.


  11. We never seem to heat our bedroom, but my wife always makes sure that the electric blanket is on. I always go to bed first, so turn my side off and leave hers on. It's total luxury getting into a warm bed.

  12. Barbara Anne5:18 am

    Loved the video but it was so wonderfully jazzy, it might be difficult to fall asleep. It's just after midnight here and all is frozen again outdoors.
    Sweet dreams!


  13. Hope the crumbs didn't get to places they shouldn't and that you had sweet dreams. xx

  14. Dorothy would have hoovered up any crisp crumbs, wouldn’t she? Those dancers are so fit, I’ve never had anything like that level of fitness, or coordination! Wonderful to watch, but hand me a crisp, please, I’ll watch and feel like a slob.

  15. Bet you soon warmed up with a dog or two, on or in the bed.

  16. Yuk...cheese and onion!

  17. Yeah, but you're "hotter than your morning coffee."

  18. Oh John, take care of yourself.

  19. I wondered why you were feeding Albert chocolate!

  20. With me it would have been into bed with a hot water bottle and the crisps between two slices of buttered bread. I hope you feel a bit more like the you we know and love this morning.

    1. ..with a little bit of HP sauce spread on the bread too!

      Christine K.

  21. Eating crisps in bed? Cheese and onion flavour? How bloomin' decadent. (I wondered why you were feeding Albert chocolate too!)

  22. Winter is finally arriving here also.

  23. Gad, I love these (mostly) old dance montages. Does put a smile on your face. Hoping you have more reasons to smile--and soon.

  24. It has come into my mind that it wasn't chocolate at all but Kit ikat pussy cat food and it was just a blip Traveller and Sue(there are other cat food brands of course)x

  25. Hope you're feeling better this morning. I loved the video, reminded me of how much I enjoyed dancing when I was younger. I miss that, dancing, and being younger, that time before when everything didn't hurt when I woke up in the morning.

  26. That video is great - so much talent and the costumes! Your dogs could lick up the crumbs while you slept!
    Hope you had a good sleep and wake up ready for a new day!

  27. Anonymous4:22 pm

    I couldn't wipe the smile off my face watching the dancing and my feet just automatically started tapping. I needed some motivation this morning and that did the job. Loved it. Loved all the older actors/actresses. Like having my family visit. Thanks John. You'll stay strong and steady as an oak. It's the bumpy road we're all traveling of late politically and with Covid to top it off. Hugs from Across The Pond.

  28. SpikesBestMate5:51 pm

    Brilliant montage - really lifted my mood. Thanks, John.

  29. No worries -- the dogs will eat them!

  30. You'll get bedsores if you sleep on a crumb. I read that you'd given Albert kitkat. Oh dear eye I think. Take care and light the fire keep warm.

    1. Kitikat’s a tin of cat food

  31. Aww! Thanks John. That was awesome! Hope you have a better night soonđź’śđź’ś

  32. I’m so excited — love this video! Thanks!


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