Winnie Remembered

Winifred Sâlote Tupou lV was a diva of rare proportions.

She was a blog writer’s dream as her adventures over her seven years at Bwthyn Y Llan never ever needed embellishing. 
She was truly larger than life
Larger than I ever expected from our first, rather lacklustre meeting. 
The meeting was September 1st 2013.

I was in the middle of organising my last open Allotment Day when she arrived with her previous owner for an introduction, so our meeting was brief and , for me somewhat disappointing.
All I remember thinking was that she was overly large, had no neck to speak of and looked frightened of everything but I agreed she could come a few days later for a trial run.

And after that, stay she did.

I think Winnie was a fully cooked five year old bulldog when she arrived and it wasn’t long before I worked out that she had her own quirky set of obsessions which proved to be somewhat of a challenge when she finally got her confidence.

  • She masturbated incessantly, goaded on by the Professor who thought this behaviour hilarious rather than embarrassing and the object of her desires centred upon his tastefully buffed brogues and the infamous “ Slippers of sex” which were strange hand knitted slippers designed and made by Kit, an old lady who still lives in Bron Haul......Her habit of self pollution continued until her late onset emergency  hysterectomy a couple of years ago, but even then , very occasionally she would back her toilet parts seductively onto her trusty fanny flannel when having a periodic summer bath.
The slippers of sex

  • She adored visiting Workmen of any description , though it was fairly obvious that a generic friendly masculine type with overalls was her man of choice, and I must say that she would sulk for hours if she was not allowed to watch what household job needed to be completed. I also remember, her going missing when the British Telicom men were here putting in the broadband extra line. .........I eventually found her sitting in the telicom van’s passenger seat sharing a packet of cheese and onion crisps....
  • Winifred was also totally obsessed with food. All food. Any food.....and I once famously brought her round after a particularly robust attack of heatstroke after dipping her nipples into a cold bath and dropping a Tesco cocktail sausage on her gums.
  • Her food obsession lead to a life of stealing if left unchecked and I remember the toe curling embarrassment when she raided an elderly woman’s handbag for her polo mints and the time she helped herself to a baby’s Farley’s Rusk , which she found wrapped on the lower shelf of a baby buggy parked in the Church Yard.
  • She adored very small children too, and given her great size remained totally in control and gentle when around them. I remember one very emotional moment, observed a couple of times on Going Gently when she suddenly found herself surrounded by a large gaggle of pre school children out for a crocodile linked walk on the Dyserth walkway one summer. I warned the supervisor that she was indeed safe and as I walked up I saw a plethora of stubby little hands rub every inch of her in wonder.....her gentleness and obvious pure pleasure of the toddlers’ attention moved me to tears as I glimpsed just for a moment her natural ability of being a mother
Of all of her fellow animals in and out of the cottage, only one became a true friend, and that friend was Albert. I have often blogged that only she, out of all of my dogs had the capacity for thought and the understanding of simple concepts. 
She understood Albert, and was never fazed by cat behaviour, (idiosyncrasies that were always lost by the other dogs 
)and last night,  as she lay silent and still on the kitchen floor, only Albert came to her, carefully and wide eyed, to sit between her paws , his black head rubbing hers.

In full sulk

Albert and Winnie

George and Winnie on their last walk up the Gop

Winnie was so pissed off with me in the photo taken Christmas Day 2018
I had taken her down the beach and she was cold and wanted to go home

Now Winnie, was also a serial sulker. I often referred to her as being a gay man in a bulldog suit as when thwarted or god forbid told off in any way she would stare carefully into the middle distance for the longest of times before flinging herself with gay abandon onto a rug or an unoccupied sofa.
The longest sulk I ever timed, lasted almost six hours....a lifetime in the dog world.

Her last half hour on earth was typically Winnie. She ate a full bowl of dog food ( garnished with several Aldi cocktail sausages) then was allowed a ten minute hysterical rubber chicken gum before settling down on the mat by the door ( instead of her usual place in the reading armchair next to the radiator ) 
And that was where I found her only an hour later. 
Quiet and peaceful 
And all on her own terms 

I’m sad but not heartbroken was her time to go 
And like the ideal cocktail party guest 
She didn’t outstay her visit

But I shall miss my old girl 


  1. Simply wonderful. You've done her justice.xx

    1. It wasn’t hard...she was a character I was lucky to have looked after x

  2. I loved her like my own.
    She will be forever remembered fondly.

    1. So many readers identified with her , more than any other dog...I think she made people laugh

  3. Winnie stole our hearts too and will be so missed here on Going Gently x

  4. Beautifully written John and the perfect tribute. We will all miss her and her adventures. Sending a virtual hug to you. XXXX

    1. She fed me the lines to write and to share x

  5. I laughed and cried reading this, and Albert's reaction was so touching. I'll miss reading about the dear old girl's adventures. Incidentally she had a marked resemblance to my own auntie Winnie

    1. Auntie winnies all look like the queen of Tonga

  6. She will be missed by us all as well as you and yours, especially Albert. Lovely tribute to the great girl. xx

  7. This . . . " as she lay silent and still on the kitchen floor, only Albert came to her, carefully and wide eyed, to sit between her paws , his black head rubbing hers." . . . brought me to tears, :(
    RIP Winnie, you will be sadly missed.

    1. That was the only time I cried yesterday

  8. Nice tribute John. How is Albert doing?

  9. A fitting tribute, John. As others have said, the vision of Albert sitting between her paws brought me to tears. xo

  10. Beautiful and touching, we can all hope that we are that well taken care of, and when our times comes to go that gently.

  11. That photo of her and Albert is pure love. What a grand dame. We shall miss her.

    1. She will have her own joyous chapter in the book

  12. A beautiful tribute, sweetie (((hugs)))

  13. A big character truely missed. Hugs x

  14. I enjoyed reading that John. Thank you. x

  15. how are mary and dorothy reacting? you gave winnie a great forever home, john. these past 7 years flew by so quickly. we shall miss the old girl.

    1. Both are fine, typical of higher ranking dogs , they no idea she is gone

  16. A friend indeed.

  17. That was beautiful. Thank you xx.

  18. The Love you and Winnie shared will remain in your heart John safe forever xx

  19. So many of us out here admire and adore your Winnie. She was a character and a love. I think it's beautiful that she got to chose her own time and place to go on. The image of Albert rubbing her head with his is heartbreaking and also quite beautiful.

    1. She was warm and quiet just how he liked her

  20. Shed a tear for Winnie and you today.

  21. Oh John, how sad that Winnie has gone. But full of life right to the end and a gentle comfortable passing. Dear Albert sitting with her, such a strong friendship between them. I will miss her antics.

    1. No doubt another animal character will eventually take her place

  22. My sincere condolences, John. We have had livestock and many pets over the years. I know your loss.

  23. So beautifully written, as only you can do. Thank you so much for sharing her with us all. I remember when you first took her in and I fell in love with her over the years thanks to your stories and photos.

  24. Beautiful tribute John x

  25. I'm crying. I know, she had happy and content life with her pack in the cottage. Even when she was sulking. She felt safe to sulk. But loss of a pet is such a sad thing, you lose someone true and pure. In your blog Winnie was so much greater than life. Thank you.

  26. A wonderful eulogy, of a life well lived; and a quick, peaceful, death.

  27. We will all miss her. I feel for you and for Albert and am very glad she could go out on her own terms. It sounds little an excellent exit to me.

  28. Well, now this made me cry. It occurred to me as I was putting together our supper and puttering around, that Winnie was allowed the great good fortune of 'Going Gently' and for that I am sure we are all grateful.

    1. I want to go like her too
      After a big meal and a bit of a tussle with a rubber chicken x

  29. You are quite the man. This was quite beautiful. When I got to "only Albert came to her, carefully and wide eyed, to sit between her paws, his black head rubbing hers." I lost it. At least it's a bit comforting knowing it was coming, and so nice she passed... Winnie style.

    Love and hugs dear friend.

  30. Beautifully written John. I remember so many of the things you mention including stealing a Farley's rusk! RIP Winnie. x

  31. you gave her a wonderful life and she loved you for it. we all shall miss winnie, especially albert. i'm glad this is the way she left us.

  32. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful friend.
    She was certainly loved.
    And she certainly loved.

  33. Ah, "only Albert came to her..." and not outstaying her visit... made me cry. Hugs.

  34. A lovely tribute to a special dog. I remember when she first joined your family. It was so fortunate that you found each other. RIP Winnie.

  35. A lovely tribute to a special dog. I remember when she first joined your family. It was so fortunate that you found each other. RIP Winnie.

  36. John,
    My heart aches for you and Albert, loosing someone you love, whether a human or beloved animal is so hard. She loved you so much and didn't want you to have to make the decision. Rest in Peace you beautiful girl, know you were loved by many.

  37. I will miss her too! I wrote a note on your FB page.

  38. Anonymous7:13 pm

    Just lovely John.
    Winnie touched all our hearts, as can be seen by the amount of messages sent to you yesterday.
    I remember a couple of years ago, Winnie was not very well one day , and at the time l had a Teenage Estate Agent (who was wearing a suit two sizes too tight) conducting a site visit and valuation of my house and l wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.
    'What's the matter with you?' hissed my husband, 'Winnie is not well and l am worried' l mumbled in reply.'Get a grip, you don't even know them' he said.
    Well, l did know her, through your words and pictures and l loved her dearly and am sad and will miss her greatly.
    RIP darling girl xx
    P.S. Can you give Albert a stroke from me please, l doubt he likes to be kissed much.

    1. I've had the same reaction. It feels a little silly to be so upset about a dog across the world from me, but I'm invested in John and his pack! I agree, please give Albert lots of love from all of us, he will be hurting without her.

    2. If you are upset that makes me proud not only of Winnie but of my writing that conveys her personality better than I ever hoped for

  39. Wonderful, wonderful Winnie, we will miss you so. X

  40. It hardly seems like 7 years since you got her. I guess I've been reading Going Gently for a decade or so.
    Winne was one of my favourite characters. It made me smile to see the slippers of sex once more.

    1. Yes I haven’t seen a photo of them in a long time .I hope my ex husband could smile at them too

  41. How you understood her is incredible. What a tribute, she will of course be missed. 😪

  42. It's obvious just how important she was to you. A good friend ... and if it was me, I'd choose to die in my sleep, too, at home rather than anywhere else. A life well lived, by the sound of it. xoxo to you. -Kate

  43. A beautiful write up. Thank you. xxx

  44. Anonymous7:36 pm

    She will always be with you. My deepest sympathy and heart-felt best wishes.

  45. Beautiful old girl, she will be sadly missed.

  46. She was a grand old girl, and you gave her a fittingly great life. RIP Winnie. x

  47. I’m laughing and crying reading this, Winnie was a real character I remember the stories her obsession with workmen, slippers, food & flounces a dignified ending for a dignified lady... god bless Winnie
    Tweetart xx

  48. Winnie was indeed a Personality with a capital P. Albert's final farewell to his friend brought tears to my eyes. Again, condolences to you and all who loved her.

    1. Same here. ::sniffles quietly::

  49. What a character. Even I miss her now from this great distance.

  50. Bless dear Winnie. I didn't forget Albert yesterday, my heart was breaking enough for you, Winnie and the other pups. I knew Albert & Winnie were two peas in a pod. But I just couldn't think about how heartbroken Albert would be. Please give him extra hugs and kisses from across the pond. And hug him tight tonight.

  51. My heart goes out to you .
    Winnie to me was the "Ethel Merman" of dogs - such personality!!
    I could just see her belting out a song like Ethel even as a old girl !

    1. I always said she reminded me of Buster Keaton x

  52. Barbara Anne7:56 pm

    What a lovely tribute to sweet Winnie, a star to the end. Albert's farewell to his good friend brought tears to my eyes. My deep sympathy to you, to Albert, and to all who loved her.


  53. What a touching tribute John and how fitting that Winnie "went gently into that dark night" on her own terms in her happy place with a full tummy followed by a burst of childlike playfulness; if only all of us, both two and four legged, could be so lucky.

    1. I was grateful I was off duty and not on night shift

  54. I think there are many humans no one takes the time to understand so well. And many who do not have such a perfect send off with such good friends.

    1. I want to go just like her
      Including the squeezing of the rubber chicken

  55. Fitting tribute, thank you for sharing the memories.

  56. Winnie was quite the character! What a Queen! It's hard to believe it's been 7 years since she came to live with you. And poor Albert.

    Hugs to you all.

    1. I only expected her to last at most three years , I had her over seven

  57. Lovely remembrance of Winnie.
    I considered Winnie a friend and I adored her. Because of you we have all enjoyed Winifred.
    xx gayle

    1. Perhaps the next Winnie will be a Scottie ?

  58. Anonymous8:28 pm

    what a beautiful tribute to a much loved friend and companion, John. I know she will be greatly missed, I am so sorry for your loss. She had the last *say*...... how fitting. Susan M

    1. She did indeed , thank you all for your comments ,,,today is a nice one as we remember a daft...or not so daft bulldog x

    2. She wasn't daft...she had you on her string!

  59. This brought smiles and tears in equal measure ,she is well remembered and well loved...

  60. Well done John. A wonderful tribute and lovely memories of Winnie. RIP dear girl. We shall all miss her so very much. X

  61. Aahh God bless Winnie!

  62. I'd like that tribute for myself... plus a "God Bless"!!

  63. I've shed a few years for your beautiful old girl since last night, some dogs just make an impression on you immediately and the times I met her she sure did that.

    What a gorgeous character she was, you were so lucky to have had all those years with her ... and she was so lucky to have you as her Dad. RIP Winnie 💖

    1. I am glad you met her ...and I am glad people know I’m not exaggerating

    2. There's no way you could even begin to exaggerate such a larger than life dog as Winnie, she was beautiful Bulldog perfection. She will be missed by so many. xx

  64. Your pets are so loved and cared for by you. What a lucky life they have in your home.

  65. Damn, this sent me over the edge ! Rest peacefully, Winnie, may your spirit guide and guard your loved ones.

  66. I wonder if heaven is ready for Winnie? She'll cause havoc and happiness! Hugs xxx

  67. I remember the blog you wrote about adopting Winnie. You had lost another Bulldog prior and you had an opportunity for another. What a wonderful decision you made in accepting that wonderful dog that gave you so much love and stories. We were grateful for her also.

    1. Yes before Winnie was Mabel and before her the knackered Constance

  68. Ditto all the above. XXXXX

  69. This is beautifully written, a wonderful tribute to a wonderful friend. You have my deepest sympathies, and remember how lucky you were to have her, and how lucky she was to have you. Hugs to you.

  70. Anonymous9:19 pm

    So sorry to learn of Winnie's passing...


  71. What a beautiful and absolutely perfect tribute to Winnie. She was indeed a grand lady and as fortunate to have you as you were to have her. I'm glad Albert had a chance to sit with her a bit. It helps other animals to know and accept the loss when they can do that. You have my condolences and gentle hugs. xx

    1. I hope the memories of her made everyone smile

    2. I smiled , so , thank you for sharing her quirks and love with us.

    3. Oh yes John, your memories did make me smile and I will remember her and her antics in the future and smile again. Thank you.

  72. What a wonderful tribute to Winnie. Rest easy old girl x

  73. I would like to think that somehow Dorothy will become the replacement clown of a bulldog ... wouldn't that be something? Maybe even Dotty and Albert will develop a bond to each other!
    A wonderful tribute to the beautiful Winnie ... I only knew her a very short time!

    1. Dorothy isn’t confident to be a Winnie......but another dog will join the clan, I am sure

  74. What a beautiful tribute. X

  75. Winnie was a force in life and we all greatly enjoyed hearing about her escapades on the blog. She will be missed but always remembered. Godspeed Winnie.

  76. I managed to make it fairly well through your lovely tribute until I got to the part where Albert was sitting between Winnie's paws and rubbing his head on hers. That's when the tears really started to fall.

  77. What a lovely tribute to the grand lady. It will be lonely work in future, when tradesmen come to your home, without her devotion to them. And I'd never seen the slippers before, only heard of their notoriety, but they really aren't what I imagined. Much more appropriate, in fact.

  78. What a wonderful eulogy to such a character. I am glad she died at home, where she had such a wonderful life. We will all miss her . . .

  79. Crying buckets right now. You did the old girl proud.

  80. A superb eulogy John for a lovely original and much loved pet. She mothered you too. They say animals do not grieve but they do and at least Albert said his own goodbye. Hugs x

    1. She did mother me
      That’s why I loved her so got it x

  81. We shall all miss Winnie. Hugs to you, John.

  82. Anonymous12:03 am

    Just being able to write such a beautiful eulogy should make you grateful to have a gift with words. Yes,you have and will have other dogs,yet none like Winnie- a one of kind nurturing creature.- Mary

  83. Another good dog gone. A wonderful remembrance.

  84. Wonderful words of love for Winnie. We’re all going to miss her.

  85. Wonderful tribute John and thank you darling Winnie for all the memories♥ xx

  86. We only have them a short time.

  87. Wonderful tribute to her. She shared herself with you and that is all we can ask of them. Lucky you.

  88. You wrote a perfect tribute. I will sincerely miss reading about Winnie's antics and I absolutely love that she and Albert had a special relationship. -Jenn

  89. 'Real queens never die, they just spread their wings and fly'. Fly free Queen Winnie, your memory lives forever!

  90. I can’t help feeling sad . . .
    Winnie kept me in smiles.
    She sure knew how to “pass on!”
    Beautiful piece you wrote John.

  91. My heart to you. That photo of Winnie and Albert is amazingly beautiful. And such a touching tale - Albert's mourning. Hugs.

  92. It’s always so hard when beloved pets die, and it makes me angry that their lifespans are so much shorter than our own. But what a wonderful life she had with you, John!

  93. Anonymous4:15 am

    I am so sorry.

    Lovely remembrance, for as you said, she deserved no less.

    Will Jay

  94. I'm pleased to hear that Albert was with her, I will picture him holding her paw as she drifted away. RIP old gal.

  95. Oh, damn, I missed a day and did not know about this. You've posted so much about Winnie. I'm just so sorry.

  96. Rest in peace, you sweet, sweet old girl. Thank you for for sharing her loving and eccentric presence in your life.

  97. Somewhat longtime reader, first time sorry to hear that she's gone, but it sounds like she went the same way one of my great-grandmothers did (I hope to achieve this) of having an excellent day and going to sleep and...well. Sad but not really unexpected, but a blow just the same. Virtual hugs to you.

    Goodbye, sweet Winnie.

  98. Winnie was like no other, giving us so much joy in watching and hearing about her living out her short life in your reports, pictures, and videos. We are eternally grateful go you, JayGee, for allowing her final few years to be such happy ones, perhaps the most joyous of her entire little life. I remember well the first time you showed her to us in a photo where she looked so apprehensive about what would happen to her, and we were hoping so much your decision would be to take her in. Then when she did settle in with you so easily she must have thought it an absolute Paradise, which for her it was.
    One consolation we take with us is that when her time came she'd just been on a 'high' - and we'd like to think that she went in the way we'd all like to go, in her sleep. I only hope dearly that your other 'kids', most especially Albert, won't fret unduly. Maybe he'll understand.

    Sleep well, dearest little girl - and thank you ever so much for presenting her to us, JayGee.

  99. Some dogs have such big characters and hearts. Winnie was one of them. x

  100. Such a wonderful tribute to a wonderful friend. Bless you.

  101. RiP little dog. Passed over the rainbow to sit at Jesus feet. Lovely tribute. Hugs John. Xxx

  102. So many reasons to miss the girl. I've felt on the verge of crying for hours--don't know why. I think I shall indulge the desire now.


  103. Lovely words and a beautiful eulogy. Ro xx

  104. What a wonderful tribute to dear Winnie. You write beautifully and so descriptively - and the love for her shines through.

    She was a truly legendary character and she will be missed by everyone who knew her. And as befits such a royal personage, she left when she was ready and in her own regal way. R.I.P Winifred. xx

  105. A wonderful tale of a wonderful dog who will be much missed by all your readers ❤ thank you for this beautiful eulogy x

  106. Winnie enjoyed a life well lived she did not have to compete for attention she had a unique personality and kept us entertained through your story telling, I will remember her sweet girl glad she did not die in pain.
    I cried yesterday and told my husband about her strange I never had before. Your eulogy did her justice.

  107. Oh, John.
    So beautiful. Winnie would be proud.


  108. Anonymous9:57 am

    Beautiful. Hils xx

  109. If only it were always so 'easy', both for our animals for whom we take on the decisions and people for whom we can't.
    Condolences, John. Though you knew Winnie's clock was ticking still a shock. My condolences to you and the animals - the equilibrium changes for everyone.

  110. Wonderfully written. Your eulogy describes the flouncy sulking madam to a T. and the slippers of sex will forever define the wonderful Bulldog Diva of the internet. Sleep peacefully Winnie..your stories will tell of your life with John and the other fur kids.. Goodnight sweetheart...much love and slobbery kisses. May there be many a workman
    in overalls to continue to blow kissy kisses to wherever you are.

    Jo in Auckland

  111. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  112. I shall miss hearing about her but she went in her own time.xx

  113. A beautiful remembrance. She was such a memorable character, for all of us.

  114. What a character. I'll miss the stories about her, too...

  115. Thank you for sharing her with us again.

  116. This is beautiful. Tears.

  117. Winnie was truly loved in blog land. A fitting tribute to Queen Winnie.

    1. Wasn’t she.? This makes me very proud

  118. A lovely tribute for the old girl. Thank you for sharing her with all of us.

  119. I'm so sorry John. Huge hugs. Poor Albert will be lost without his bestie.

  120. What a lovely tribute. She was a character.

  121. Oh Albert, I can just picture you rubbing heads... that brought a tear. Thank you for a wonderful eulogy for a gal that brought such smiles to my face.

  122. SO very sorry you have lost this wonderful personality of Winnie. The description of Albert saying goodbye made me cry. Hugs .

  123. So sorry to hear about Winnie, she was a unique character, a furry force of nature, she will be missed.

  124. I too am so sorry to hear about Winnie's passing. She was the perfect edition to your life...and ours through your blog.

  125. I think we shall all miss her John - you brought her alive for us all on your blog.

    1. Yes I did, and she will have a whole chapter to herself in the novel x

  126. Crying too. I will miss that face.

  127. Winnie she died as she lived, on her own terms.
    She waited for you to leave for a short while, so she could follow in peace. I'm glad she wasn't alone for long.

  128. I just found out about Winnie. I am so sorry. May she rest in peace.

    1. Thank you Ben, and thank you EVERYONE for your kind words
      If Winnie could read, she would have LOVED the attention xx

  129. A lovely eulogy John and most deserved. She deserved and enjoyed every day of love you gave her and you have the memories to show for it just like all of us humans that have been privileged to have been allow to share our furry friends lives. Sally from Ramsgate

  130. That was beautiful John...just beautiful...worthy of a Diva. Goodbye sweet Winnie, you were loved by many!

  131. Wonderful Winnie, she left in her own time and on her own terms. She'll be missed, and not only by you, John.

  132. Mourning with you from Kansas. I loved reading of the old girl.My sincere condolences.

  133. I had to scroll a long way down to let you know I feel very sorry for you and your remaining housefriends. That says something.....don't ye think?

  134. Beautiful eulogy for a friend with such a distinctive character.

  135. This beautiful eulogy brought tears to my eyes.

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  137. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. She will never be forgotten. Sleep well little one.


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