Tiny Terrors

 Dressing animals in human clothes is not really the done thing, and is nothing I don’t really advocate
But bulldogs seem to understand that there is some levity afoot when their owners mess around at Halloween and seem to take to dress ups with alacrity 
The French bulldog in this short video had me in stitches 
It’s brightened up my second of four night shifts 


  1. Barbara Anne12:26 am

    It looks to me like the dog is daring the person with the camera to laugh!! Ta for the laughs. :)

    Hope there is more to enjoy while on nights ... perhaps more from You Tube?


  2. Pugs love to dress up, they like to make people laugh.

    Dressing one's dog for Halloween seems like harmless fun unless the animal is frightened. btw have you seen the guinea pig and hamster costumes? https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwrex.com%2F2020%2F08%2F20%2Fpetsmart-releases-new-guinea-pig-halloween-costumes%2F&psig=AOvVaw3w-yyTlkQNhlY3ZRpDjZxY&ust=1602895029487000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCOC-uLPvt-wCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE

  3. You can find tons of fun stuff on YouTube and pugs are such sweet little clowns! I had one for almost 12 years ... smartest little dog ever!

  4. But... but... how did they get the dog to hold the knife????

    1. It's sewn onto the sleeve so it looks like an arm.

  5. Not scary but fun to watch: https://youtu.be/LQhJqoRbaII

  6. OMG
    What? That's hysterical.


  7. He DOES have that "Heeeeeere's Johnny!" psycho look in his eye!

  8. I agree with you that dressing dogs in clothes is not the right thing to do...but this one does seem to be having fun!

  9. It's the eyes that do it for me.

  10. Generally I would agree but bulldogs ARE an exception to a rule, they are terrible show offs and have a sense of humour
    I treat my dogs with upmost care x

  11. Do you remember the video of the bloke who dressed his black dog up as a giant spider and terrified the daylights out of people?

  12. One of our dogs "designed" his own halloween outfit. He found a filthy peaty bog on holiday in North Yorkshire and dived into it. He looked like the creature from the black lagoon! The smell was pretty unique too! x

  13. OMG -- so funny! Although I would never put a dog in a costume myself...

  14. Perhaps I'm mistaken but I thought the dog was a Pug not a Bulldog, a completely different breed.
    I wasn't criticising you John (although surprised and disappointed that you'd publicised the video) as I know that you do indeed treat your own dogs with utmost care. Otherwise I wouldn't have been visiting here for some years!
    My old boxer boy (sadly now gone) which I "inherited" (rescued) showed signs of fear when I first approached him with a dog coat on rainy days and was so fearful that he wet himself. I asked his previous family and was told oh yes he will do that he used to do it when the kids dressed him up. Needless to say he didn't wear a rainy day dog coat or anything else for the years I had him and never had reason to wet himself again.
    Peace and love for a good weekend.

  15. You Tube has a lot of diversions, we all need those from time to time.

  16. I don't think he wears it daily and he perhaps liked the attention-he would pull it off if he didn't like it I'm sure.My little teddy hates even wearing a coat or harness but the bigger tougher ones will wear a coat and harness when necessary.In fact my top dog who was all dog loved his parka with the furry hood up so much he had to have 2 for when one was being washed x

  17. Well I disappoint a lot of people

  18. That is the MOST hilarious dog costume I have ever seen!

  19. Awwwww! I felt I ought to laugh but couldn't. Well, there you are!

  20. I think dressing animals in human clothes is demeaning and ridiculous. For that matter, dressing humans in animal costumes is pretty demeaning as well!

  21. That's funny. Bulldogs being the exception. With the exception of a dog collar, my dog rips anything to shreds that is put on him.

  22. I wasn't ''promoting" dressing up guinea pigs.

  23. Some dogs love being dressed up and some don't like it or are scared by it. As responsible animal owners we should do what's best for our furry families it's as simple as that. Suky the Pug hates it, Mavis loves it briefly and will pose happily for a few minutes, and I know that and neverbpush them.

    We just have to remember that like with people there's no 'one rule' that suits or fits all.

  24. My Pug had a Joe Cool sweater he wore in the winter. Didn't seem to mind having it on when he went out to potty during the winter cold!

  25. ok, that is funny! My dog would occasionally tolerate the indignity of bunny ears at Easter and Bat ears at Halloween, but only long enough to snap a photo.

  26. Anonymous10:24 pm

    It was very cleverly done and the clip's length suited my attention span.

  27. Anonymous11:35 pm

    I'm not keen on dressed up animals but here is a bulldog for you...

  28. My good friends had a bulldog. Loved that pup.


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