Cheap Shoes


I don’t pretend to be nice all of the time.
Certain trolls will bust their pantyhose at the chance to remind you all of this fact.
I won’t disagree 
I can be a real bitch when I’m in the mood.

More about this later, firstly, I must big up Y Shed cafe again. I met my friend Ruth and after a nice walk with the dogs we chatted for hours over a very passable corned beef hash and coffee
Quite lovely in fact

That was this afternoon
Later on, I was indulging in a loud debate with a fellow customer at the checkout in Tesco 
I wasn’t happy.
I wasn’t happy at all. 
I noticed the woman and daughter were not wearing masks as they were yelling at each other about the cost of some luxury ice cream . The younger woman had a baby looped over her arm. 
I gave them a wide birth, out of range of any droplet splatter
Later on, of course, they came up behind me at the checkout .
Loud and brazen 
It’s called sod’s Law

I caught the older woman’s eye and asked her “why no face mask ?”
I had to repeat myself as she couldn’t hear me
“ what’s it to you ?” She snapped back 
“ I’m a nurse and I wear one to protect you as well as myself “ I told her
Oh Fuck off “ the younger woman raised her voice “ mind your business “
The cashier looked at me pleading for the argument not to go any further

So I shook my head in a patronising way and looked down 
Both women were wearing plastic sandals below Stretch leggings 
and I resorted to the old tried and tested

Cheap Shoes !” I said and the younger woman countered with a “ yer what? “ 
“C h e a p  s h o e s “ I said clearly and rather too loudly 

And I could see the cashier half smile as I walked away 

Ps..local lockdowns in Flintshire and Denbighshire start on Thursday
Pps thank fuck I was wearing my blue brogues rather than my Aldi crocs lol 


  1. The way you say cheap shoes makes me giggle. I could never utter those words to someone. For some reason I keep imagining the plastic jelly like sandals that some children wore in the 60s.

    1. Throw the line away
      It confuses the victim and provokes giggles from on lookers

    2. Anonymous7:39 pm

      Love that line, and may have to borrow it!

  2. I agree that many people are not wearing masks which I find disheartening

  3. Thanks for speaking up! One million dead (probably more) and more to die. Wearing a mask is such a tiny thing to ask of people.

    1. The older I get the more I open my gob

    2. Anonymous7:40 pm

      Me too, but working in health care one sees the business end.

    3. Anonymous7:51 pm

      are you in the UK, if so don't worry, the virus can tell the time. It will only try to spread after 10pm,

  4. Here in St. Louis county masks are mandated but still some refuse so like you I keep my distance. I try not to confront because of gun carriers.

  5. Your description is hilarious and your attempt at gentle mask reminding is commendably diplomatic! But in a way , it is a frightening scenario, that some people are too stupid or uncaring to wear masks.

    Last thought: "The woman stared for a moment, then pointed at John's feet, encased in his very best neon green plastic Crocs..."Pot! Kettle!" the woman shrieked and they both collapsed in laughter.''



    1. Lizzy today , and lucky for me I was in my blue brogues

    2. But we know your secret.

  6. Oh dear.
    I am a wearer of cheap shoes myself. Slinking away - and smiling at Lizzy D's comment. If only I could ever come up with a suitable reply at the time.
    And how I wish that wearing masks where they are required was a given.

  7. Cheap shoes, cheap ladies. As someone I once knew would say.
    I'm also fed up of the excuses that are given for not wearing a mask. As a retired nurse, I'm pretty sure that it's less than 1% of people with a genuine medical reason.
    Not believing and not being 'arsed' don't really count.

    1. As lockdowns increase what is the problem with people
      The excuse of being confused by government leadership and information doesn’t hold water

    2. Well said ShellyC - most people here are good - it's rarely an issue inside anywhere - we have problems (but again very few) on public transit. People are getting edgier as numbers tick up again so I'm waiting for someone to throw that first punch!

  8. Barbara Anne7:01 pm

    I always want to ask those who don't wear masks if they think they're so special they won't get sick. As I read somewhere, wearing a mask is evidence of care for your fellow human beings. We wear masks.
    As I think I posted here not long ago, DS1 says it could be natural selection at work. No mask, perhaps get sick, possibly die and leave the gene pool.
    Hope choir is on for tonight so you can sing that unpleasant encounter out of your thoughts.


    1. Choir meeting was cancelled tonight x

    2. Anonymous7:42 pm

      Oh I so hope that it is natural selection

    3. John I think Floss meant natural selection of the idiots not wearing masks ... not natural selection from the choir for those with bad voices!!

    4. Anonymous1:48 pm

      Sorry, yes, ASL is right - I didn't mean choir being cancelled was natural selection 😳

  9. i'm glad to see that america is not housing all of the idiots. misery loves company.

  10. The "cheap shoes" comment reminds me of the time I was in Paris buying a handbag from a luxury store. A rather shabby man came in and stole a bag right of the shelf and ran out into the crowd. The saleswoman mentioned that she didn't trust him because he wore "The flip flops!" We exchanged knowing glances.

    1. Irony here
      I’m always in crocs !!!!!!!!!!

    2. So am I, John. Navy blue actual Crocs ... not the cheap ones but I did get them on sale from

    3. I can't really say anything about other people's shoes myself. I am forced to wear Birkenstocks due to an ankle injury. I used to think they were the ugliest shoes ever made!

  11. Here I am typing away in my white crocs. I don't wear them outside. A few years back a blue pair I wore to the beach was stolen when I wasn't looking.

    1. Me and you both Ben
      The irony is not lost on me tee hee

  12. I hope you tossed your hair as you turned back around and flounced out of the store, sprinkling rainbow-colored behind you. (It's either that, or wishing Covid on those two, and I'm not *quite* to that point yet....yet.)

    1. *rainbow-colored confetti...damn, ruined the imagery with my impatient typing!

    2. I flounced in a masculine way

  13. This is where we get to find out who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. The former outnumber the latter, thank God. That leaves us to grit our teeth and put up with the bad ones. Sometimes it takes a little sass. You did good! I hope everyone stays well.

    1. I’m sad local lockdown starts here on Thursday evening

    2. We are extremely lucky not to be in this local lockdown, Gwynedd is one of the few exceptions. But not for long I guess as the borders so run close.

  14. My mum would have said about them "common".I've half closed my eyes when someone has irritated me badly and made a little inhale of a bad smell emanating from them x

    1. I told myself off for being judgemental at first
      But on our second meeting I let rip

  15. I wore crocs which were I think the original ugly wide ones as they were nearest when I went quickly to hospital with appendicitis.There was a lovely elegant lady patient in our bay who said with a look of great concern"please don't tell me you were those shoes all the time" x

  16. two ignorant whores, john. and when they get sick they will go crying to NHS "treat me". cunts.

    1. Well..... you say things with your usual jour de vive xxx
      I love ya

    2. That was wonderful anne marie xx

    3. I love you too, john. and thank you, flis.

  17. It’s a simple instruction

  18. I suppose this is just as effective as what I do which is to get into it with them about science and selfishness and surgeons who manage to wear masks daily for many, many hours at a time. THEY DO NOT CARE!
    They just don't.

    1. Some people live insular lives my friend

  19. It didn’t
    They were yelling a great deal as I skipped off like Carrie Bradshaw from sex and the city

  20. You made my day.
    I can't stop laughing
    Thank you so much.

  21. That has become one of my new favorite sayings ever since I first read it on here. Can’t comprehend the unmasked, but I can get them to back off with just a look now.

  22. Replies
    1. Ooooooo good

    2. Oooo! good in a "Wish I'd said that" way.

  23. I don't know what the cost is in the UK, but here in Canada, Croc's are bloody expensive plastic shoes! My newest pair regularly cost near $100, I think that might be near sixty pounds, though I do confess to getting them on sale for somewhat less.

    1. My ex husband hated them

    2. just goes to show ya your ex had no taste.

    3. Same as I was thinking anne marie!! Here here!

      Jo in Auckland

    4. I used to have 'proper' Crocs but they've vanished. I was sorely tempted to get the Aldi Winter fur-lined version last week.

    5. oh, don't take me wrong, our dollar stores sell the knock offs for less than five dollars, so about the same price. I find the genuine Crocs have better support, a little more heft to them, but I do have the dollar store versions for mucking about the garden

  24. Hahahaha
    Oh, I loved this much more than I should have.
    Good for you. And those slags deserved it.


  25. Must be related to the start who got too close to a friend in poundland. My friend has cardiac issues and politely asked her to move back. The woman had a real potty mouth. Friend retaliated by pushing her trolley into her. Well done. This bloody virus wouldn't be spreading if people behaved. Shits the lot of them .

  26. Good for you! But I understand the feelings of the shop assistant..they are in a difficult position.
    Most shops here have a No Mask No Entry sign here.

  27. Our local supermarket won't let people in if they're not wearing a mask. Whatever shoes they're wearing :)

  28. Wearing a mask is such a tiny thing to ask of people. I don't get it. Would they prefer to wear a ventilator?

    1. their "freedumbs", their "rights" are being restricted. they figure "I'm not gonna catch this fake virus". then they do, and they cry "SAVE ME" at the hospital. I would let them die and deny them a ventilator if I ruled the world.

  29. I do not have medical training but from what I have read the main advantage of the public wearing a mask is to protect others. By not wearing a mask, becuase you need to breathe (as I have heard people say) is, in effect, saying sod you sunshine!

  30. Love it. Ten out of ten.
    But as a matter of interest why wasn't the shop doing something about it - surely they shouldn't have been allowed in in the first place.

  31. You do know how to get to them!

    Our county has mask orders so no one can enter a store without wearing a mask. If you don't have one they will give you one and you have to wear it or leave. Unfortunately, it is not like that everywhere here though.

  32. Nuff said John. Well done.

  33. My local stores would have asked her to leave, bravo for speaking up.

  34. Here in the St Louis area, those cheap-shoed gals might have punched or shot you. Everyone seems to be on edge around here now days.

    My husband encountered a woman in the store who had her mask on, but pulled down under her nose and she was coughing. My husband told her she was supposed to have that mask up over her nose, too,especially since she was coughing. I'm in the St Louis area, like a previous commenter, I hope my husband won't say anything to anyone else. You never know who is carrying a gun around here these days. And for heaven's sake, don't think for a minute they won't use it.

    Ignorance runs rampant here about masks. Our Governor and his wife have tested positive for Covid. I have seen him at public gatherings with and without a mask.
    People refused to wear them in stores until the stores got strict on their no mask no service policy.

    I worry about my 10 year old grandson and all of the younger kids in his school, the virus is still spreading in our state. What a responsibility for teachers to make sure that children follow the safety rules for an entire day of school. And here we have a President who thinks it is fine to under report the number of children who get Covid Virus, so that they will go back to school, so their parents can return to work, and his employment numbers will look better.

    1. Anonymous1:00 am

      99 + percent who are under 69 recover from the virus ... CDC numbers

    2. Anonymous1:59 am

      Thank you Susie for the personal insight to this disease in your country. Take care.

    3. Those that don’t die or even become ill with the disease can transmit it to others that can very easily

    4. Its not only about transmitting it. There are people with real health problems following recovering from Covid. Long covid is real, the symptoms can be like scarring of the lungs, brain fog, breathing problems, extreme fatigue. The list is vast. Yes Anon, you may survive but what will you be left with following. Lets hope they find a vaccine, all the countries communicate and it is all for free. A global effort to show, everyone is worth it, everyone is kind enough to stay the distance from each other, wear a mask and be kind to one another. Life is hard enough. People need a dose of Jante, rather than thinking and being told they are special.

  35. No matter what your shoes, or even bare feet, John, they had the Cheap Shoes.

  36. Anonymous12:29 am

    baby boomers can't even go out in public without being afraid of being attacked now. So many BLM protesters have confronted and shouted at boomers and told them they will kick their ass, all of this has been captured on video. Maybe you baby boomers shouldn't have spent the past 40 years destroying the future of the millennials? White, black, mexican, asian, EVERYONE hates boomers. Good luck!

  37. Our retail and grocery stores post signs at the door stating: no mask, no entry. I've only seen one young man with his wife and two children enter a store without a mask and begin shopping. Everybody was distancing from him. Quickly, a store manager brought a mask to him and reminded him of the mask requirement. Seems he was testing the system and immediately put the mask on. I thanked the store manager as did others.

  38. I spent half an hour reading car magazines in an empty waiting room yesterday. My car was being tested, and even alone I was still asked to wear my mask; which I did.

  39. I just can't bring myself to call people out for not wearing masks. They, the non-mask wearers, are numerous & probably would respond like those cheap shoe-wearing bitches did.

    1. If it was just one of them, I probably would not have asked the mask question
      The fact it was the pair of them , proved to me they were just ignoring the rules

  40. In Melbourne we've had masks and lockdown since March and our Covid cases are nearly down to single figures. I won't stop wearing my mask until next year which is when I'll probably feel confident enough to go near people en masse.

  41. We, also have to wear masks in shopping centres, shops and in places where there are a lot of people. It's obligatory and we are constantly controlled. I love your remark, well done John. Ro xxx

  42. The young and foolish will ensure this virus travels all around us and stays longer, sadly they are carriers whilst not believing, or I won't be ill, God don't you love people. I must remember your ' cheap shoes' comment and use it.

    1. Young and foolish ?
      Thick and selfish

  43. Didn't this event take place over a year ago?

    1. I also have a great sense of deja vu.... Cheap shoes have featured on this blog before. Still a lovely line though!

    2. I’ve used it at least three times one other at the supermarket, once at a petrol station, and once on a walk with the dogs
      Several times at work ( for a joke)
      A good line is always worth repeating to a new audience

    3. If you are really bothered check the upper left had box above the header
      Put in
      Cheap shoes

    4. Far be it for me to accuse others of repetition. I rely on the failing memories of older readers to allow me to repeat myself more times than even I can keep up with.

  44. Obviously Matt Hancocks comment 'Don't kill your Gran' was wasted on them, considering one of them was a Gran - love the cheap shoes comment - well said John xx

    1. We are in lock down here from tomorrow, if I had known that I would have given them hell

  45. I applaud you for having the guts to say something to those two ignorant women. I wish supermarkets would have employees on the door repeating this mantra: "No mask so no entry!"

    1. To be fair I would have not said anything if it was just the one woman , but two ? Fair game for an arguement

  46. In Edmonton it's law that you have to wear a mask in a public place. Katie and I were at the mall one day and I saw a young man without a mask. I drove Katie's wheelchair right at him but didn't have the balls to say anything to him.

    Good on you.

  47. I love the image of you skipping off like Carrie Bradshaw! I too wish more stores would impose the no mask, no shopping rule. And why can't people get it into their heads that is is no good wearing a mask if it doesn't cover your mouth AND nose!

  48. The stores put up signs but people do not obey. I will have to remember the 'cheap shoes' remark.

  49. My great Granny was known to loudly comment on the bus if somebody had dirty nails that you'd be able to grow peas under them! Arilx

  50. I have seen a Tshirt I really want that say "six feet mother F%ckers" I would like it on a hoodie and on the back, "no mask? Whose granny are you trying to kill today?". I am sick of it. I went to the supermarket the other day and there were 2 groups of 5 people, who were obviously together. They looked like they could have auditioned for Transpotter. Not one of them had a mask on and the lady offered them the disposable ones. This shop is right opposite the police station. Ignorant, selfish shits. I really dont like people right now. I really dont.


  51. Ha! Yeah, thank goodness no Aldi Crocs! I've had plenty of exchanges like this -- in my mind, anyway.

  52. "Cheap shoes" is an even worse thing to say than "So last year." And, yes, I too am glad you weren't wearing your Crocs!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes