Night Shifts

Winnie woke me up around 1 pm
She was bored and was kicking the cushions from the sofa in a fit of pique
I got out of bed and texted Trendy Carol she agreed that the girls could come around
So Dorothy and Mary went to play and Winnie went to sit in the garden with a pigs ear.
I ate beans on toast and watched the 1943 propaganda movie Above Suspicion with Fred Mac Murray and Joan Crawford 
Night shifts constrict your world
I have a month of night shifts to go


  1. God bless you and all the other people who do night shifts.

  2. Barbara Anne2:04 pm

    Dearie dear! I never worked anywhere where I had to work more than a week of nights at a stretch. I did work straight 3p-11p in the ER and that was wonderful.
    How marvelous that Trendy Carol is happily willing to keep Mary, Dorothy, and Winnie so you can sleep.
    Wishing you restful undisturbed sleep when it's bedtime.


  3. beans on toast - fart it out now before the next night shift, john. and bless trendy carol for being a good friend/dog sitter.

  4. I am a firm believer that night shifts are much harder on the body that anyone realizes.

    Beans on toast? Never heard of it. What kind of beans? I do avocado on toast for dinner real regular. One of my favs.

  5. I'm sure it's a challenge to have your schedule turned upside down. Joan Crawford is always a good coping mechanism!

  6. Nights can be wearing.... but best to get done in a stretch than rotate. Then you really do not have a life! Are you just filling in for shortages? Thought you changed to day shifts. Happy to be recently retired after 42 years as RN.....the retirement gig is great. Hope your times goes quick so you can experience it also!

  7. Is a long time since I had the night shits but I can sympathise.

  8. You can't beat a pig's ear in the garden. Night shifts are pants.

  9. What a fun way to go with a Joan Crawford movie. "Above Suspicion" was made when Joan's career was in the decline at MGM. This movie is so bad that it is good.

    Hope that Joan continues to entertain you.

  10. Blowing you a kiss 💋

  11. Oh, how I love the classic old black and white movies! I'm sorry you have so many night shifts. I hope you will be able to adjust your days and nights for the duration. Love those furry babies and enjoy the love they give you.

  12. I did rotating days and nights for a decade. Gained 60 pounds and destroyed my sleep patterns.

    Longest I ever did was seven straight. I was a zombie.

  13. Try a noon-to-8:30pm shift. It may be less constricting than a night shift, but not by much.

  14. I loved the weeks of nights but don't know how you are managing with a month's worth?? Bless you, lovely man. xx

  15. I did night shifts for years.... absolutely hated it. I love my bed so it was soul destroying for me. So now thank god I have the choice and I work 4 days and 2 hours a week and have every night off. I hope it all goes to plan for you; a whole month would fill me with dread.

    Jo in Auckland

  16. All this reminds me that during the war my father was foreman in a factory making munitions and he worked what was called 'weeks about' which I always thought must have been awful.

  17. Stay strong, rest when you can, try to get the kids to understand.

  18. I don't envy you these working nights at all. Respect!

  19. I've been working the night shift for almost fifteen years... it does something to you.

    By nature, I think I'd be a morning person, now I'm a four-in-the-morning person.

  20. That must be very hard to do. I can only imagine.

  21. You have my sympathy, John.
    I loathed working nights early in my over-30-year nursing career, then wound up doing permanent nights, by choice.
    But! I only worked part time: 2 nights one week and 4 the next. And... we routinely work 8 hour shifts here, not 10 or 12. *shudder* So I can but imagine how ratshit you must feel at times. Again, my sympathy.

  22. Having worked permanent night shifts for nearly ten years including when my girl was a baby. It nearly sent me completely over the edge, that was achieved by the ex-husband!!
    I was in such a dark place and was off sick for nearly six months before going back on days part time. I think anything more than a few night here and there leaves your circadian rhythm shot to pieces for ever more.
    Never mind as they say, don't let the buggers beat you down.
    Hope you survive your nights OK


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